I noticed today that only 19 teams are signed up for Eureka men's softball league. And those were the one's that showed up and signed up early! Last year in Arcata we had 33 teams. (All wood bat mind you.) Those numbers are surprising and I wonder if it has to do with sponsorship fees?
The Blue Lake Sunday Wood Bat League will start this Sunday May 3rd at 9am to about 6pm and continue each Sunday except for Memorial weekend thu June. I think our Tomaso team won the league 5 out of the last 6 years and placed 2nd in the other. Our team is disbanded and players dispersed around the league. The bragging rights title and shirts are up for grabs.
Two Tournaments of note:
The Weaverville Memorial Invitational will be held May 23rd and 24th at Lowden Park. $250 per team and three games guaranteed.
MRSA will be hosting a one day wood bat or metal invitational tournament on June 13th at the Arcata Sports Complex. If you have never played Arcata, these fields are the best in natural Northern California. $199 per team, three games for sure.
Santa Barbara judge CJP hearing set for alleged misconduct involving his
judicial secretary who he married
In January, I did this post on Santa Barbara Judge Michael Carrozzo.
2 hours ago
Maybe it also has something to do with Eureka's horrible fields.
Don't know much about this blog stuff, except to read it, but read your notes today on Eureka Softball down in teams. What do you think of privitizing the whole process? Do you think it would help reduce costs? Love to talk to you about this one.
Signed, the father of two of your players this weekend, CM M Jones
Stu: Can't argue that. The infields are dangerous and the pot holes in the outfields are legendary. Arcata's are really nice. Why such a big difference? I don't know.
Mr. Jones: I would love to do just that! Maybe next year Mad River Softball Association or Samoa Athletics could be considered. It would save the City of Eureka P&R department time to do other projects, and it would give the players a bigger voice. There would also be the chance to have blanket insurance policy covering league and tournament play so the City could gain revenue through out of town teams traveling to participate in weekend tournaments. Know anybody on the council I could approach with this? (C'mon, I am being funny here.)
I have complained in the past about the cumbersome process of using the Eureka Fields. The Insurance requirements goes up and beyond most municipalities. I am organizing a tournament for the HDVS on July 18 and 19th at Hartman and Kennedy fields.
If someone took over from the City of Eureka, perhaps the fields would get the proper maintenance they need and deserve, like properly maintained infields that aren't pitted and hard as concrete, and outfields that get aerated, rolled, fertilized and mowed properly.
Richard, what is HDVS?
1:40pm I am soory. And here I am one that hates acronyms. HDVS is the Humboldt Domestic Violence Services, of which I am a board member.
Timing is everything, so tell me when would be a good time ( as well as the time of year ) to sit down with Tyson ( former softballer as well ) and others involved so we can be ahead of next year and make this happen. See you round the courts, cal courts, that is.
Michael Jordan, here in Eureka?
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