Linda Willits had been feeling under the weather last week while working with her husband Wes. She was told to go to the doctor but refused because she lacked health insurance. When she could no longer take the pain, she went to Mad River Hospital and found out she had breast cancer. She went home and died that night.
You can't help but wonder how long Linda had been feeling bad and just held off seeking medical treatment. Linda was tough lady who loved animals and the people she worked with. It is just so sad.
IF YOU HAVE NO INSURANCE, and have a medical condition you would like to be checked on, Mad River Hospital will see you! There are many changes coming soon with the government stimulus money that may affect your status. Contact Theresa Gonzalez at 825-4932 to have her explain Medi-Cal, Medi Care, third party funding options and if needed, a very liberal payment service. This is a free information service provided by Mad River Hospital. So there are options. If you are sick, please seek attention!
Mad River Hospital is a locally owned facility.
Santa Barbara judge CJP hearing set for alleged misconduct involving his
judicial secretary who he married
In January, I did this post on Santa Barbara Judge Michael Carrozzo.
2 hours ago
This is a truly tragic story; St Joe's ER will also see walk-ins and it is illegal for a provider to ask about insurance before they provide treatment. (Which is why the hospitals are going broke, but that's another story.) I wish the Times would cover this.
I'm not sure you have the facts correct. I spoke with Wes, Linda's husband and he did not say it was breast cancer....
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