Friday, June 07, 2024

Weaverville 4th of July tourney is alive and kicking! Memorial for Perry Price!

Robin and I hosted this tournament for many years. I encouraged the softballers in Weaverville to take it over and it has been in a yearly transition. This year they are going full blast and are honoring Perry Price who helped me host this tournament. We also played in it many times with James Hill Trucking. Hope this turns out to be a success and everyone has fun!


Thursday, April 04, 2024

Believe it or not, there were about 50 eating places that were union in Humboldt County in 1976!

 I was going through some of my old newspapers and ran across the Redwood Empire Labor Journal for November 11, 1976 and found this plead to Patronize these eating establishments. I was working at Bazar at the time and was a retail clerk and belonged to the union! I was part of the International Wood Workers in the late 70's and then Part of the Association of Western Pulp and Paper Workers Local 49 from 1980 until the Pulp Mill closed. Shocking there is now under 10% union participation even though over 71% of workers polled approve of unions!