That is how bad it is getting. Hundreds show up for jobs that pay less than eleven dollars and hour. Some way less. Not a living wage if you ask me. This place needs a union. Any of you workers who want better wages and benefits, give me a call and I can help you through the process of bettering your workplace through organizing.
Seems like in dire times people still have enough disposable income to keep feeding the slots.
Santa Barbara judge CJP hearing set for alleged misconduct involving his
judicial secretary who he married
In January, I did this post on Santa Barbara Judge Michael Carrozzo.
2 hours ago
Tribes don't do the Union thing. They're usually exempt I believe. They also don't have to comply with California Labor Laws.
11:51am You are correct. It has been challenges with So Cal tribes, and I would like to get a chance to fight it here.
What you could have done was work for labor not the radical/liberal/enviro HCDCC anti evey damn job democrat party. You helped kill our economy as much as anyone. Generalities,I know, but damn close to the mark. At least the poor smucks at the casino have a job.Your great labor skills and political bed fellows didn't seem to keep you employed.
To clear things up I posted the 11:51 comment not that 2:06 comment.
The question remains: Should tribes have to allow labor unions or should we respect that bit of soverigentry?
Hell no. Let the tribes have their cake and eat it too. How can I start my own soverign nation?
LOL, So they don't pay union wages, but they are still in business and have hundreds lining up for work. I say it's better to have a job at $11/hr than a job that used to pay $28/hr from a company that's out of business and living off unemployment. Union wages have just a much blame as greedy executives in killing what used to be solid businesses like GM, Evergreen and the Creamery.
2:06pm: Are you the guy who came to HCDCC and threatened Obama's life? Sounds like it.
I did work for labor and led the largest successful manufacturing organizing drive in the nation and helped thousands all over the west coast garner better working conditions and wages. You must not know me. I am a moderate on the HCDCC. I care about the enviroment in a sane balance. I do not live in a tree, I live in house made with trees.
The Chinese company I worked for came into Humboldt County and took our raw materials and did a financial cut and run! Bush was in office when this happened.
I have political bedfellows? I better look under the sheets before I crawl in.
Wasn't the Job Fair to hire workers for the hotel that will soon open? Most hotel jobs don't have high pay. I would have been surprised if there were any high pay jobs that have not been filled in management.
I can't believe the hateful and TOTALLY ignorant comments that show up here re:the HCDCC and you, Richard, and I'm starting to think they're all coming from the same person. Yes, the tribe has taken advantage of the local labor situation by underpaying the workers, as most employers, unfortunately, would do. The immunity from labor laws is only one problem with the whole native sovereignty thing,which is why you will never find me in one of their casinos or in any other way supporting "Indian Gaming".
Maybe ballboy can get a job making beds. The cooddies,bed bugs and his political bed fellows all deserve some clean lines. ROTFLMAO!
what is ROTFLAO?
rotflmao = rolling on the floor laughing my ass off
So Richard, what job were you applying for? Or were you there for the buffet. You are looking for work aren't you? You're supposed to be "actively looking" for work as long as you're collecting unemployment.
7:23pm- They don't do the buffet thing anymore! I am on workers comp. I tore a hole in some cartilage in my wrist and tore ligaments at work last August. Been told by Surgeon Dr. Lyell that I may not be able to twist my wrist or do quick hard motions after surgery and may have to consider an administration job. I have been approved for surgery and will be sewed up maybe in June. Then 4 months rehab. Will miss the whole softball season! I have applied for a few "choice" jobs. Not at Blue Lake Casino though.
A casino with out a buffet? It would never survive up here
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