Santa Barbara judge CJP hearing set for alleged misconduct involving his
judicial secretary who he married
In January, I did this post on Santa Barbara Judge Michael Carrozzo.
2 hours ago
Is this real? Wow...
NO! he must be a mill rat without a job that has voted the HCDCC pink=o line. See what it got him.
He probably owns a Red Ranger
Maybe whoever was at the desk at the time over at the hcdcc should have told the nutter to put tinfoil on his head.
Just scary. What if the guy just gets to the point he wants to shoot anybody causing Obama to be elected. I hope they find him and lock him up!
Why is it you decry stereotyping, on the previous post, then put in your own stereotype in this one? "must be a Rush fan"
Time for security cameras at HCDCC?
I agree 4:50.
The "Rush" remark was a categorical cheap shot and Richard...I am no fan of Rush. Just a fan of rational debate. That's whay I used to check out your blog.
Don't think I care to do that any more. There is enough childish invective on the blogs. I have come to expect more from you than classic Heraldo.
Good luck
8:20pm "The "Rush" remark was a categorical cheap shot and Richard...I am no fan of Rush. Just a fan of rational debate. That's whay I used to check out your blog."
Obviously. I do listen to Rush and other conservatives. I need to listen to both to come to the middle. Rush is my favorite conservative spanking baby. Please, take me off your list of people checking on my blog. I will check my stat count to see if you make a difference. I really doubt it. So BITE ME!
Cap: Did Demos have people doing this at GOP offices? After 8 years of Bush? Here we have 100 days of Obama and there are death threats? Yes, I invoke the "Rush" hate speech. Tell me he has not done this each day. Rush is a hate monger. Now come to me with dialogue that refutes my claims!
How do you know he listened to Rush? Just because he came in there, with death threats, doesn't mean he listened to Rush. Period, end of story. Until you can prove otherwise, you are just as vile, as you imply Rush is.
To call Richard vile is not only an insult to him but all of us who know him.
Lawrence needs to get a grip.
His action is vile, Mike. Do you get a kick saying my name?
So all we have here is a one sided view of a person. We really don't know why they said that. If they are Democrat or Republican. We don't know what they listen to, or even view. Yet we have this stereotype, that this person listens to Rush.
Yet you want me to get a grip!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Further more, why contact the CIA, and not the Secret Service?
Most views are one sided. The person with another view ahave the other side.
Cap: I am vile? Ouch. Liberal peace lover more like it. Maybe I went over the line with the Rush comment.
Cap thinks that gay people are so vile that they don't deserve the right to be married.
Have a look at this.
We should have this type of action
I agree that Rush is a hate monger. As a sort of latter day Joseph Goebbels, he tends to appeal strongly to people of a more violent mind set. He used to be funny. Just an opinion.
Maybe Lawrence has a hangover from the Harbor District meeting last night.
Cap. this was a clear case of you opening your mouth wide, and inserting your foot up to the kneecap.
Of course Rush is a hatemonger. Good for Richard for his comment. It was to make a point, and the fact he stirred up the likes of you tells me he was very successful.
joseph smith is a hate monger
Well I'll tell you what, talking the the secret service, on this matter, they agreed with me there is no proof, that the person listens to, or is a fan of Rush. But go ahead simple minded people, and defend the stereotype.
Cap you really don't get it do you? This was about some nutcase coming into a meeting and threatening to kill the president, which is quite serious. The Rush crack by Richard was just that, a wisecrack I am sure. But someone like Limbaugh has clearly set himself up for such ridicule, and as a public figure it is just fine to poke fun at him. And the stereotype fits pretty well. But threatening to kill the president is on a whole different plane.
It would be a safe assumption that a guy who hates Obama that much would be a Rush Limbaugh Show listener, but why would they call the CIA?
That CIA part was an error. I talked to someone who was there and they called the Secret Service as you would expect.
Richard, when did you decide to become a left wing parrot. You use to think for yourself.
With as many people who have become disenchanted with Obama,to say it was a Rush listener, isn't a safe bet. Why would they come in to the democrat office, and not the republican, to be with his own kind, if he was a Rush listener?
Why is it people are so quick to blame Rush, yet those same people give movies, etc a pass?
When looking to understand this person, you have to keep the mind open. What is his story? Why the displeasure/hate of Obama going to Turkey of all places? But, most of you can't get past the Rush thing.
Vote what you like - live with what you got.
I listen to Rush occaisionally and find him to be well informed and spot on most of the time. If it wasn't for work I'd probably listen to him more often.
It does amaze me how persons to the left, and far left, demonize Rush! He's a very inteligent guy (that can speak without a telepromter) and actually makes sense, actual facts. Rush does not advocate any kind of violence and I'm pretty certain you are all aware of that.
The real issue is Rush is so spot on that many in the democratic party and other socialist types are scared spitless that more people are starting to listen.
Yes, Rush makes complete sense. Dodge the draft, then complain about draft dodgers.
Make a lot of money, then become a drug addict. If you do it backwards, you'll go to jail, but if you do it in the "right" way, everyone will listen to your hypocrisy.
And remember, according to Rush, the worst crime you can ever commit as a politician is not giving away a trillion dollars to the wealthiest, not starting a war against a civilian population that poses no threat to us, not ignoring memos warning of an imminent attack. No, it's having oral sex in the White House.
capdiamont says:
"With as many people who have become disenchanted with Obama ... "
That is complete and utter b.s.
Here is a recent quote from the April 6 New York Times concerning a poll detailing Obama's continued popularity:
"With the poll finding that an overwhelming number think the recession will last a year or more, Mr. Obama may find he has a deep well of patience to draw on. The poll found that he shoulders virtually none of the public blame for the economic crisis: 33 percent blame Mr. Bush, 21 percent blame financial institutions, and 11 percent blame Congress.
By more than three to one, voters said they trusted Mr. Obama more than they trusted Congressional Republicans to make the right decisions about the economy. And by more than two to one, they said they trusted Mr. Obama to keep the nation safe, typically a Republican strong suit. Nearly one-quarter of Republicans said they trusted Mr. Obama more than Congressional Republicans to make the right decisions about the economy. "
The only people freaking out about our president seem to get their seriously (and intentionally) flawed info from right wing talk radio, FOX News, the NRA, Christian fundamentalists and the remnants of the KKK. Did I leave anyone out?
So capdiamont, where did you get your information about Obama disenchantment?
" say it was a Rush listener, isn't a safe bet."
Okay, so it was a Fox News watcher.
"Why is it people are so quick to blame Rush, yet those same people give movies, etc a pass?"
"Movies, etc"? Have they been threatening the President?
"...most of you can't get past the Rush thing."
"get past the Rush thing"? As if that wind bag left any leeward space for "getting past."
You mean Rush and Fox news has been threatening the president?
other disenchantment, marijuana legalization people, or did you miss that? Oh, I know, they must listen to Rush, and Fox too.
"You mean Rush and Fox news has been threatening the president?"
They may as well.
"other disenchantment, marijuana legalization people, or did you miss that?"
Standard English, please.
In Warrantless Wiretapping Case, Obama DOJ’s New Arguments Are Worse Than Bush’s | Electronic Frontier Foundation. Link
Obama, "“I have to say that there was one question that was voted on that ranked fairly high, and that was whether legalizing marijuana would improve the economy and job creation... I don't know what that says about the online audience," he joked.
“We want to make sure that it was answered. The answer is, no, I don't think that is a good strategy to grow our economy.”
With a 66% approval rating, he still has a 24% disapproval, and 10% dk/na. Are you saying 24% isn't a lot of people?
"...Obama DOJ’s New Arguments Are Worse Than Bush’s..."
I know that it boggles the mind that Obama could do anything worse than Bush, but what's your point?
"Greenwald’s concluding comments: “So that Barack Obama — the one trying to convince Democrats to make him their nominee and then their President — said that abducting people and imprisoning them without charges was (a) un-American; (b) tyrannical; (c) unnecessary to fight Terrorism; (d) a potent means for stoking anti-Americanism and fueling Terrorism; (e) a means of endangering captured American troops, Americans traveling abroad and Americans generally; and (f) a violent betrayal of core, centuries-old Western principles of justice. But today’s Barack Obama, safely ensconced in the White House, fights tooth and nail to preserve his power to do exactly that.”" Link
My point is several, it isn't just Republicans, Rush, or Fox listeners that don't like his policies, there is a good amount who question the "change" was supposed to bring, and questioning why they voted for him. The stereotype that this maybe a Fox, Rush, or even a Republican is maybe false. We may never know.
Maybe Rich meant Rush, the band?
Hey Carson Park Rager
How is it that Fox News is the top rated News show? And has 10 out of 10 top rated news shows?
How can that be?
Cap: you know the Rep office is hardly ever opened!
9:36am-spot on. (Not on the blue dress though!)
Cap 3:51pm- Those numbers speak well for Obama. Huge as a matter of fact.
6:06pm-Rush the Band? A neighbor of mine played for a local band called the "Boggies" in the 70's that was signed by Dick Clark and toured with "Rush" and the party stories made me highly envious being a freelance drummer back then with Randy Kelly, Harvey White and others. (Haven't picked up the sticks for a few years. Tried to get my son Jordan into it and he did the HSU Howie African drum thing, but he was more into organ.)
"Richard, when did you decide to become a left wing parrot. You use to think for yourself."
Everyone who know me realize I speak my mind to a fault. Ask the people who disagree with me on the HCDCC. But my Democrat core values do usually surface. I am sorry you are offended.
I blame nick bravo!
Actually, I don't know about the hours the Rep office is open.
"Richard, when did you decide to become a left wing parrot. You use to think for yourself."
Everyone who know me realize I speak my mind to a fault. Ask the people who disagree with me on the HCDCC. But my Democrat core values do usually surface. I am sorry you are offended.
Offended, no, disappointed, yes.
Political views are one thing, but they should not trump your human values.
So Anon 7:32 is either not Americian or is also stupid and gullible.
"How is it that Fox News is the top rated News show?"
Why do most Americans like to eat garbage? How are we supposed to know?
Since I know you both are capable of much clearer thought presentation,I am saddened at this post and your terrible viewpoint. I assume nothing,your words are clear. Softball and CPR, you need to remember that the future is in our own vision. If you find stupid reasons to demonize your neighbors you will reap what you sow. HCDCC members calling Rush and his listeners names is like the pot calling the kettle black.
No Mike, SAD!
I'm not sure what "terrible viewpoint" Mr. Marks and I share, and I know nothing about the HCDCC.
Characterizing Rush Limbaugh, Fox News and their ilk as hateful does not somehow "demonize" my neighbors.
Oh c'mon now! Everytime I turn on 980 and listen to Rush, he is speaking hatefully about anything Obama. And Rush is a racist! I am shocked people have forgotten so easily his comments on Donovan Mcnabb that coast Rush a chance to do monday night football. Yes, sometimes he sounds coherent, but his overall theme is hate! The odds of the person threatening Obama being a fan of Rush over, oh, let's say Thom Hartman are what? Yes, 9-1.
Linking CPR and I at the hip as HCDCC operatives is probably funny to CPR.
And let me say this now, if anyone else comes into the HCDCC headquarters and makes threats against our current president, 911 will be called for local authorities to come and deal with these problems.
Let's move on now.
So in other words it is ok to make threats against Bush.
Cap: No. It is not alright to make death threats against anybody.
Oh,golly-gee lets just move along. Rush very well may be an ass hole and against most views you share but he is NO raciest. Period. CPR and Softball playing kissie-face don't make it so. You need to get a job ballboy,your ranting worse than heraldonut.
I don't think Rush is that either.
From my Oxford dictionary:
adjective ( raciest )
(of speech, writing, or behavior) lively, entertaining, and typically mildly titillating sexually : the novel was considered rather racy at the time.
"So in other words it is ok to make threats against Bush."
This is what most of us would call a non sequitur.
"Rush very well may be an ass hole..."
This is indubitable, but Mr. Limbaugh is probably a better speller than Anonymous.
speln's ovr ratud
Fur Shure
Rush is nothing but the Republician Party Rally Boy. Where was he when Bush was failing miserbly. 100 days and listening to him sounds like our present state is all his fault. Obama inherited a big mess.
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