My brother Roy Edwards Marks passed away today at 60 years of age. My sister called me to let me know his roommate had called and said the police were at Roy’s house. I went over and Officer William Dennison was guarding the area. Bill was my next door neighbor a few years ago and told me I shouldn't see my brother in this state. Roy had went to the bathroom in the middle of the night and died on the toilet and fell forward onto the floor. Roy had been doing Kidney Dialysis for awhile and had grown tired of the procedures and refused treatment in sound mind last week. The doctor said he would make it between 48 and 72 hours. Roy made it until today. (Roy was poisoned by Agent Orange in Viet Nam and on Army disability.)
Deputy Coroner Charles Van Buskirk was awesome and way beyond the call in dealing with a horrible uncomfortable situation.
My sister Mary was way agitated on Monday about Roy’s condition and told me she had more than normal concern. Roy had in the past been refusing treatment and so I didn’t see this as any more than past calls for need. (Cry wolf?) So I am suffering from much guilt. (Just being honest here.)
So let me tell you a little bit about my Sergeant brother “Big” who was short on stature and huge in heart. To say Roy was an anomaly does not do him justice.
Roy received his Holy Communion on May 5th of 1957 and was an Alter Boy at the Chapel of our Lady at the Presidio of San Francisco. (We were raised Catholic.)
Roy was in the Army and a 1st Air Calvary Division soldier. Roy survived 3 terms of service in Nam and received a Bronze Medal, Air Medal and Army Commendation Medal for 25 missions over hostile territory. He was a war hero.
Education and employment wise Roy had graduated Eureka High, CR and attended HSU. He was a Bank Executive for Crocker Bank in Eureka, Concord and also Arcata, where he approved many business loans for many Arcata merchants. He also worked for Power Systems Engineering in Houston Texas.
Roy raced motorcycles at Redwood Acres and was a back yard mechanic. He rebuilt cars and had custom made Harley's since the 70's.
Roy was preceded in death by his parents, Major James Marks, mother Mabel Marks and brother James. He is survived by his son Jamie, brothers Michael and Richard, sisters Juanita, Kathleen, Mary and Michelle.
I love you Roy.