Surfperch Fishing Tournament and Pasta Feed Fundraiser on July 30th 2010 at Peninsula Elementary School Tournament Entry Fee - $20.00 per person.
All Tournament Participants must Register and Agree to the Waiver of Liability Terms prior to going fishing!
When: Fishing begins at sunrise, Check-in deadline is 3pm, Pasta Feed Begins at Noon, Awards and Raffle begins at 3:30pm, and Silent Auction closes at 4pm.
Where: Peninsula Elementary School, 909 Vance Ave. Samoa, CA. (Directly across the street from the Samoa Cookhouse).
Tournament Entry Registration: Pre-register at Mad River Tackle, Pacific Outfitters, Englund Marine or by contacting Ben Smith (707-601-0375) or Charlie Holthaus (707-499-7088). Tournament day registration will be available at the Peninsula Elementary School from 6 am to 10 am.
Tournament Registration Includes: One (1) Entry into Door Prize Raffle* and Admission to Pasta Feed Fundraiser ($5.00 value).
*Door Prize Raffle is Limited to Tournament Participants Only-Door Prize Raffle Tickets will be supplied at time of Check-in.
Tournament Cash Prizes: -Junior Category (Under 16 years old) -5% of entry proceeds awarded for largest single fish (10 Participants =$10 prize, 100 Participants = $100 prize).
-Senior Category (16 years old and older) -5% of entry proceeds awarded for largest single fish (10 Participants =$10 prize, 100 Participants = $100 prize).
Tournament Judging: Fish will be judged by Total Length.
Many quality Raffle Prizes and Silent Auction Items donated by local sponsors will be available*
Pasta Feed Fundraiser Admission: $5.00 Per Person (Free for Children under 6 and Fishing Tournament Participants).
Tournament Logo Tee Shirts: $15 (limited number available, get yours while supplies last)
Please Be Safe!
Do Not Take Unnecessary Risks!
Be Aware of Ocean Conditions and Plan Accordingly
Call 707-443-7062 for Current Weather Conditions
Tournament Rules:
1. All California Department of Fish and Game Ocean Sport Fishing Regulations shall apply. -As per DFG regulation, the minimum size for Redtail surfperch is 10.5 inches, any sub-legal fish will not be accepted.
-All adult anglers over the age of 16 must possess a current California Sport Fishing License.
2. You must fish on the day of the tournament, any fish caught before the day of the tournament will not be accepted. You must check in by 3pm, Late arrivals will not be accepted.
3. Only Surfperch in the family Embiotocidae are eligible, any other fish species will not be accepted. Any frozen, freezer burned, undersized or manipulated fish will not be accepted. All fish will be measured by tournament staff. All measurements by tournament staff are final. If there is a tie for largest fish, the prize money will be split evenly between all tied anglers.
4. You may fish anywhere you want within ocean waters (Humboldt Bay is considered ocean waters, river mouths and estuaries are not considered ocean waters), as per DFG regulation.
5. Samoa Peninsula Fire District volunteers and Board members are NOT eligible to participate in the Tournament.
6. All Participants shall read and agree to the Waiver of Liability Terms prior to participating in the Tournament. All Participants shall supply their Name, Phone Number, Signature and Date on the Tournament Entry Form at the time of Registration as acceptance of the Waiver of Liability Terms. Minors (under 18 years old) shall have a responsible parent or guardian sign on their behalf. Tournament Entries are non-refundable and non-transferable.