I am starting to think Prop 1A through 1F are going to fail. I attended the Labor Caucus and there was a clear split on the props. Today there will be much talk and I am sure all Legislatures on the Assembly and Senate will be lobbying hard for the props to pass.
I was allowed a one on one talk with Senate Pro Temp Darrell Steinberg and we discussed at length the Evergreen worker situation and he has assigned staff to help out. He had some ideas on how to try to mitigate issues.
Anonymous posters please have mercy on me while I am out of town!
Santa Barbara judge CJP hearing set for alleged misconduct involving his
judicial secretary who he married
In January, I did this post on Santa Barbara Judge Michael Carrozzo.
2 hours ago
Any talk about what to do next if the ballot measures fail, or do we just let California go bankrupt?
Reduce public employees pension fund obligations to the same as the private sector employees.
I don't understand Props 1A-F. Have heard nothing pro or con.
Are you going to try for higher
wages and benefits so you can help
another company go broke and then
you will be able to sue them?
I think its time to get rid of all
unions and union reps. Make everyone work.
You are such a chump and Yes by all means lets waist some more gov. time and money holding your hand. Won't your baykeeper pals help you out?
The way I see it, is the 2/3 needed to pass the budget each year has to go. How about majority vote?
Nobody is going to vote anyway. Watch how low the voter tunrout is going to be on this election. Any guesses as to how low Richard?
Hey Greg, how about we tax banks and corporations at the rates we did before DEMOCRAT Grey Davis cut their rates?
Anon 10:01 - Have you ever considered proof reading your statements? waist = the part around a persons middle, like their waist or pant size. I do think you may have meant waste, but once again you were to busy trying to be derogatory to care
asking the Anon posters to take it easy on you is like asking a Rep to give relief to the needy, ain't gonna happen
Or like asking a lib to spend his own money
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