Child abduction suspect Peter Thompson resolves his case before jury trial
with a plea and conviction for violating a court order
(I will replace it with a better photo from HCSO which I have requested)
Yesterday, child abduction suspect Peter Thompson's jury trial was supposed
4 hours ago
so what is more important...getting your signs union made or locally made?
maybe you should have asked larry why he called maria hershey to pressure her into dropping out of the race along with salzman.
sounds like an endorsement Mark...
If you are endorsed by unions, the union bug is important. Having them made locally is a plus also. Maria was pressured to drop out by Larry and Salzman? Has she said that? Bad rumor here?
good rumor about bad people
Persistent rumor by sour pusses.
Bad rumor.
Maria may not say it now out of fear, but she said it then. She was in no uncertain terms to drop out of the race or else.
Allison: Yes the sign does not make the candidate but it does identify them. Got to have them to get the word out.
4:07,too bad you don't know Maria, or maybe you do.You'd find out that she is just as strong willed of a person as Tish Wilburn.I hope you don't know her.It's sexist to think that she has no willpower.I know her and she is one of the most strong willed people I've ever met.Too bad you have to demean her in that way.Please explain further why Tish Wilburn is still in the race.
Tish is in the race because local solutions thinks that she will take votes from Wolford
9:34, not quite right. Local Solutions tried to get Tish to drop out, but she refused.
How is a Liberterian going to take votes from a conservative candidate like Wolford? If it were only Wolford and Glass running I think those that are Wilburn supporters would be more likely to vote for Glass. Maybe I'm wrong but that's how I see it.
4:07,too bad you don't know Maria, or maybe you do.You'd find out that she is just as strong willed of a person as Tish Wilburn.I hope you don't know her.It's sexist to think that she has no willpower.I know her and she is one of the most strong willed people I've ever met.Too bad you have to demean her in that way.Please explain further why Tish Wilburn is still in the race.
As usual Mark Konkler pimps for the Loco Solutions thugs without a second thought. Maria is a good person, which is why the pressure on her to drop out was all the more disgusting. It is the way your friends Larry Glass and Richard Salzman treated Hershey that is demeaning, and your lame excuses for their bad behavior is more demeaning still.
Maria got the calls, Maria dropped out. Thems the facts and no amount of genuflecting deflection from Mark Hank Mike B Richard or anybody else will change that.
But she made up her own mind what to do. Nobody made her do anything. If you knew Maria you would know her reaction to any pressure would have been the contrary.
Your just a Salzman basher. Thats fine by me since it keeps you occupied. But just twist the facts about innocent people to make your point.
But just don't twist the facts about innocent people to make your point.
You people are all nuts and are getting way too worked up about all this.
You're right, who cares who our rulers are...oh wait, you do!
I do not know Maria. but Tish told me she was called and asked not to run. I don't know who she would be taking votes from though. You would have thought Richard Salzman or someone from Local Solutions or HCDCC or DUHC would have asked me to drop out instead of splitting the vote in the primary if all of this is happening. I had no calls. Some were disappointed and were of no/little help but they didn't ask me to re-consider running. I won't paint them with that brush. David Cobb was the only one that confided that I was making things very uncomfortable to the liberal organizations.
Yup, David Cobb loves to strut around like he's king shit. It's just apalling.
No: It was not a setting for David to strut. He took me aside and talked to me with concern. I don't always agree with David, but he has earned my respect. We are on totally different sides on some local political issues this election and I hope to sit with him after Nov 7th and discuss local issues. He may not want to though.
It's like talking with Joeseph Goebells man. He's so in love with his own propaganda is he can't stand to hear the truth anymore, his brain won't compute it. All he understands is his own thirst for power in order to impose his peculiar brand of socialism and "crisis of jursidiction" to destroy our legal system. Some lawyer, or should I say disbarred ex-lawyer.
So you think its only the progressives that discuss the consequences of two candidates with similar leanings running for the same seat? Or did Richard Salzman invent this?
10:22 Richard did not invent it, but he controls it sometimes locally.
What is Richard Salzman's connection to the community?
What is Salzman's connection? You would have to ask him. Most people think he is just here to cause political havoc. You have to admit that he has had a pretty good record for his causes, stopping the recall of Paul, the re-election of Paul, Jill Geist's successful election, Bonnie Neely....he is a good political strategist. I just don't like the way he does business locally as far as politics.
its just too bad hes propping up that creep meserve in the face of sure defeat, and better alternatives.
"Richard did not invent it, but he controls it sometimes locally."
You mean the right doesn't talk about who is running and perhaps who shouldn't?
Oh, I can tell you the right (Republicans) worry’s about who should and who shouldn't run for office, but on a different level. The right encourages to a fault any member of their ranks who is willing to stick out their necks and run for public office. That is a positive in their favor. The left, or Democrats (Locally the HCDCC), are agenda driven. They will only back their own kind that fits their or can be molded into their immediate needs. They will stomp/harrass/minimize/lobby/chastize and be disrespectful of their own to get their agenda in place. Patrick Riggs has proven this locally with the help of Richard Salzman to show utter disregard of local Democrats running for or even exploring running for office. We need a new moderate Democratic lobbying group to counter their exploitation of us working Democrats. Please identify your arguments. I have been open and honest.
Stomp and harass? Examples please.
Calling people and trying to convince them to not run for office is not edifying or supportive in my book.
I noticed you did not even question my other observations of:
Those are just a given that the HCDCC through Patrick and Richard will do those to prospective democratic candidates they have not ordained.
Okay. Stomp, harass, minimize, lobby, chastize.
Just looking for examples.
Board of Supervisors primary-supporting a Republican instead of a working class Democrat, duh.
What is YOUR Point?
Is the ball in my court now? OK, what I was saying earlier is that the Republicans will support any of their own kind that will stick their neck out and run for political office, even if they are fringe types. The Democrats or locally the HCDCC will only back people that fill the agenda of the moment.
Hate to tell you this but,the local republicans screwed Neely over years ago after the Walmart debacle.And this year the republican women ditched their own bylaws to endorse Flemming.I'm not defending the dems here,but both sides have done it.
Stomp, harass, minimize, lobby, chastize.
Still looking for examples.
1:50pm Covered two earlier. These are what you are looking for?
Minimizing: Interconnecting other prominent democrats and alluding to them other possible Democratic candidates have no viability.
Lobby: Talking down potential democratic candidates behind closed doors to groups. Patrick Riggs is good at this one.
Chastize: Let me just say two words and leave it at that Leonard/Wolford.
There you have it. By the way, I answered "Transparently."
Okay. Leonard and Wolford "chastized."
Other than than you give no facts. And actually no real examples of any "stomp, harass, minimize, lobby or chastizing."
Innuendo doesn't count.
You are just spreading the same old unsubstantiated rumors.
6:27pm Replies the anonymous Weeny!
6:27 x2 You are challenging Richard's right to free speech on his on website-what gives? This is his personal page for his personal opinion and he actually can have his opinions out of thin air or do you go up to strangers in the CoOp and challenge their beliefs too?
What a dolt you can be 6:27-get some friends.
Sure Richard has right to his opnion. But when he makes claims at the expense of others he should back it up with facts.
All of the above happened to me when I tried to run for office. Others have had the same thing happen to them. Give me a call if you want particulars. I have covered this many times and am always attacked as a Whinner. So, all my claims have been substantiated and your call will validate them if you are wanted that.
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