Man! I keep reading and hearing about Democrats for Neely! This committee was set up by local Democrats to undermine another Democrat. It was not set up to take out Republican Nancy Flemming, it was created to make sure the Marks for Supervisor Committee failed. It was also an answer for my having been endorsed by the Progressive Democrats of America. It worked and I was eliminated.
Why this Democrats for Neely subject still comes up is driving me nuts! Patrick Riggs had the audacity to challenge Mr. Greene to write a complaint to the State Democratic Central Committee over Mike Thompson chairing this committee. And I see that co-chair Greg Conner’s brought up this committee again on another blog like it was something to be proud of. Wow.
But here is something that the local progressive leaders did not count on. Their candidate was flawed. Bonnie Neely was not the poster child of liberalism. A great number of people did take into account her failed policies and were skeptic of her political alliances. And she had to resort to dirty political commercials at the end of her campaign to avoid a possible loss. (This may turn around as the absentee ballots are still not accounted for.)
If the HCDCC and Progressive leaders were so frightened that Nancy Flemming was going to win, why didn’t they help me defeat her in the primary? Maybe it was a miscalculation or just another case of county backdoor politics.
So where am I going with this? I guess I will have to rejoin the HCDCC and see what happens in the future or push-start the local Progressive Democrats of America chapter into active participation locally.
Santa Barbara judge CJP hearing set for alleged misconduct involving his
judicial secretary who he married
In January, I did this post on Santa Barbara Judge Michael Carrozzo.
2 hours ago
I am glad you have chimed in on this. For Greg Conners to act like this violation of the bylaws is no big deal is down right shameful. Thats why he and his wife Carol are have no credibility with me; they are absolutely INCONSISTENT. If this had been a far right republican the Riggs endorsed (lol), they would be the first ones filing the protest with the State Committee. To act as if it were no big deal shows their corrupt mindset. The ends justify the means, eh greg?
To put it into gregconnerSpeak, how "Rovian".
Thank you for taking my advice Richard, getting PDHumboldt under way is the best way you can help counteract the Loco Solutions cult running the Democrat Central Committee and promote alternative progressive candidates for state assembly and local offices. Although its an unintended side effect from your point of view, this move will also embolden more Greens in more places to stand up to the Cobb-controlled clique purging everyone from involvement in the county Green Party.
Richard you never would have run anyway. Get over it man.
Richard you never would have won anyway. Get over it man.
Ha! A Green invasion of the Democratic Committee. I guess that explains why I left both parties and went independent. They have sullied the progressive name.
Looks like Richard has another fan of his stand against the elitist Dem machine.
My guess is that Bonnie will win re-election, and I am sure Dems for Neely helped her. The individuals who supported Bonnie, no matter their party, had every right to support her. Richard, I hope you will get back into HCDCC work. We need more union people. The D4N campaign only came up because of people squawking about Patrick and Chris' personal endorsements of Dave Meserve in the Arcata council race. They are trying to make it look as if HCDCC is not representative, but taken over by the Green Conspiracy. My reply was to point out that by their logic, the D4N Committee would mean HCDCC is being run by some Republican Conspiracy. Some say it's a Progressive Conspiracy. Labels and name-calling, that's all.
To you anonymous posters with the lies and fingerpointing - thank God we live in a country where we have the legal right, in the real world, to face our accusers. People like you are a stain on the rug.
Read the bylaws these people are throwing around. The Democratic party's rules are not there to keep one from exercising one's conscience in favor of some totalitarian vision of party purity. Unity, bro. Work toward unity. See you at the next meeting.
Greg, will you ever get a life? What is it with you?
Greg: I can see your argument in the sense of Republican vs Green conspiracy, but I still feel the HCDCC should encourge and promote prospective Democratic Candidates instead of kicking them to the curb, regardless of any rhetoric. It used to be the function of the HCDCC to promote Democrats. It obviously is not thay way currently.
I agree to a point Richard. I do think there should be exceptions. Sometimes there are remarkable candidates from other parties. I'd vote for Pete McCloskey over half the Democrats in office to tell you the truth.
However, there was no reason not to back you in the first election. Splitting the vote doesn't mean anything with a run-off, and you're also right that you had more of a chance of eliminating Fleming that Neely. I don't understand their thinking, not even in cynical terms.
Thanks Eric. And happy thanksgiving!
I agree with 1:20. Whiner, wiener, weiner. Waaaaaa! Boo hoo.
Face it Richard, you are just not electable.
849 said"I agree with 1:20. Whiner, wiener, weiner. Waaaaaa! Boo hoo.
Face it Richard, you are just not electable."
And Dave Meserve IS electable anywhere besides Arcata???
849, its about principles - thats why you have those in all parties fighting the good fight; running in election where they have abslolutely NO shot at winning i.e. a republican running against Patty Berg...the least they can expect is the backing of their party.
Partisan politics sucks; I don't vote for someone because they belong to a certain political party, I vote for a candidate because I think they are the best person for the job. Of course, in many elections, there are no good candidates.
8:49am-Hey you can't use the wiener thing on me! That's my tag! I never claimed to be the best candidate or even the most quailfied. I was the best Democrat running though. That has been my point.
Conners should get a life. What you did to Richard and other good dems just shows how despicable you are.
And now you try and justify it and tell Richard to come back into the fold....don't you mean under the rock that you and the other dems on the committee who have hijacked the local party.
Well....your attempts have undermined the local took a big loss in Eureka because of your arrogance. Other dems like me and my wife said no to your empty rhetoric. Go join the Green Party.
What big losses in Eureka?
So when does the PDA meet Richard?
8:37pm-Shane Brinton is the chair of the PDA. He has not set any meeting time that I know of.
Hey, lets try to stay positive here. Sour Grapes about the Democrats for Neely? You know it Shane! Bad politics.
Unfortunately Richard, you were hoodwinked into letting a kid help run your campaign, one who isnt afraid of burying a knife in your back when you dont kow tow to his communist leanings.
How can Shane be the Chair of the PDA if they never frikin meet? Their website still says there's a Meeting TBA in July. Time for Shane to give up the ghost and let somebody else do it.
Yep Richard, I have to agree with 3:39.
You brought the child to my house early on and he was singularly unimpressive (you however, were not and had substance)...remember, he didn't even give up his last name.
So he gets a little authority and becomes a "power player" A classical example of a little knowledge being a dangerous thing...the same principle applies to a little integrity.
I just question what qualifies this diminimus demigogue to have an opinion on anything.
Show me something Shane. You chumped a person who trusted you. Who's going to trust you now?
In all fairness and in defense of Shane: He volunteered to co-chair my campaign with no compensation. He not only created the first My Space campaign in Humboldt politics, he created my Web Page, my leaf, all radio and TV ads, and was the primary fund raiser for the Marks for Supervisor campaign. I am still indebted to his energy and suggestions. Hoodwinked? He reminded me daily I had no chance. Cheerleader he was not. Shane is a realist. I respect that in him. I still respect him and hope he will be a friend in the future, but by his posts, I don't know if that will happen again.
You still haven't answered the question Richard, and it's a fair one: Why the hell are you waiting for Shane to call a meeting for PDA when he has failed to do so for five going on six months? The boy's obviously too busy helping Dave Meserve in his little power play to purge the Greens to concern himself with PDA. Dems need an ALTERNATIVE to the Stalinoid CentCom and now that Shane is ON the CentCom he can't be trusted to help with that.
See what I mean about substance...
You have integrity Richard. Shane rode you like a carnival pony.
He gave up time....because since he has no real responsibilities, he has time.
Expertise, comes with experience and not rhetoric or mindless ideology.
A man (or a boy for that matter) gets many opportunities to demonstrate integrity....and one shot to squander it.
It is your style Richard to focus on the positive. Let this small expert make a contribution to you or the community, you know...make a difference in something other than some self serving political gesture.
You were hoodwinked Richard and that is to your credit.
I'll leave it here
"Shane rode you like a carnival pony'...
What a visual.
Anyway - Shane, don't take the insults too personally. Everyone else, please welcome the newest member of HCDCC, Shane Brinton. He's there to supply new energy, a (more) youthful perspective and to give this ol' Dean Democrat someone to growl at...and now and then growl WITH.
Greg - go away...Shane Brinton is gives a black eye to true dem values. Plenty of us are goddamn sick of this crap that has divided and destroyed our local dem values.
So Brinton changes from communist to dem to get the dem that sure is impressive.
So Comerade Brinton, are you proud of riding Dave Meserve straight into the ground and the Green Party along with him? Maybe that was your plan all along and taking that CentCom seat the day after was your reward.
Your pal Dave Meserve sure cared, right up until the defeat of his campaign under your management. If you can't tell your candidate when he's doing destructive things then what are you there for?
Sounds like 7:49 may be a little jealous that Shane actually got himself elected to a seat. Shane can't manage a campaign, but he can win one against one of the biggest moneyed developers in the area. I guess 7:49 is trying to tell Shane quit managing campaigns and just run yourself.
10:47pm-Or just the wrong candidates.
Shane, I heard that you are "straight edge." Is that true? How do you put up with being a leftist with all of those stoner hippies around?
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