Santa Barbara judge CJP hearing set for alleged misconduct involving his
judicial secretary who he married
In January, I did this post on Santa Barbara Judge Michael Carrozzo.
3 hours ago
Here it is, the first 2008 state assembly preference poll. No kidding--
get a job Greg
I have a job - stuck behind a computer most of the time. Richard's doing well on the poll so far.
Poll? What have you wrought Greg?
Damn! I am losing in the polls! I have lots of ground to cover in 2 years! Congrats to Glass, Leonard, Jones for winning positions on the Eureka City Council. And Virginia, please move this group forward in a positive direction to help Eureka grow.
Bonnie, great move slamming Nancy late in the campaign with BS about her not knowing a working class if she ran over one with her Mercedes. How can you look in the mirror and do this with no guilt feelings. "Oh, that is just politics!" Sad you had to do that to sneak by her. You live in the $600,000 house and Nancy lives in a 900 sq ft house on the island. Wow. Maybe I was not dirty enough to wallow in the mud after all. Yee!
This election toast goes to Shane Brinton for batting blanks (0-2) in '06! Maybe you should have told Dave to stick to campaigning instead of getting sucked into David Cobb's little schemes to destroy the Green Party.
Shut up Charles.
Richard, you talk about moving forward and being positive, and then you slam Bonnie Neely on your blog. Sounds like sour grapes to me.
"Because of the number of outstanding absentee ballots, Humboldt County Recorder and Registrar of Voters Carolyn Crnich had reported that the 4th District race was too close to call and could be as late as Thanksgiving before the final results were counted. And with 17 percent of the approximately 12,000 absentee ballots counted as of midnight, Flemming had a more than 55.26 percent lead over Neely’s 44.69 percent."
Don't look back, Bonnie: If the absentee ballots continue to trend conservative by such a wide margin, you're toast!
*******TOAST I TELL YOU!!!*******
8:20am-I hate dirty politics! That is all. When people stoop to things that are not issue driven, I take offense and I do not think I am the only one. But some people do not see through the mud and vote their perception of a candidate. My take.
Bear in mind, the 12000 figure is countywide.
Still sounds like sour grapes to me.
Richard if you run as a democrat you have no chance. Yer better off running as an independent.
"Remember your soldiers overseas risking their lives for our rights of Freedom."
Richard, a nice sentiment. But with regards to Iraq, how is this true? It may seem petty but I will base wether I vote for you in the assembly race or not on your answer.
You didn't get the Democratic endorsement against Bonnie Neely and you won't against Wes Chesbro-for sure. He's a real Democrat.
I agree, either run for city council-or go Independant Richard!
Yeah Richard, you'll do way better in a city council race. Just get a new campaign manager.
Richard doesn't live in Eureka, but he certainly could find a place to rent if he wished to.Maybe Richard should do that and gun for Virginia's vacant seat.He worked on her campaign even though he's a dem,now she should appoint him to the position.
1:43pm: I would like to see the withdraw of our troops from Iraq. At what rate is a big question. I think this general election has shown most people feel the same way. I support all the men and women I have known who have and are doing service over there. My wife has participated with the women in black, and I prefer peace over force.
3:21pm I am a middle class, working class, union class, Blue Collar Democrat. No, Wes has been on the government dole for 30 years and has played politics very well. He will most likely garner the democratic endorsement. I will focus on soliciting real working class Democrats. 2 years to go. I will not run as an Independent.
mresquan: Don't think that scenario will play out. But who knows, maybe Robin will boot me out and I might end up on someones coach in the 2nd ward. Just joking ya know.
samoasoftball said...
3:21pm I am a middle class, working class, union class, Blue Collar Democrat. No, Wes has been on the government dole for 30 years and has played politics very well. He will most likely garner the democratic endorsement. I will focus on soliciting real working class Democrats. 2 years to go. I will not run as an Independent.
6:39 PM
If this is the best analysis you can offer as to why Wesley Chesbro has been sucessful in politics, you might as well shelve your plans right now to run against him.
His story is much more complex and his values much more in tune with the people he represents than your statement indicates.
7:11pm- I said at what rate was in question. Read what I said. Yee!
We need to protect the oil in the mid-east. Hey, I know! We could start drilling ANWAR and then refine the oil at refineries we built right here in Humboldt county!!!
I should talk to Arkley about this.
Richard, you'll never succeed if you use shane as your campaign manager. Pretty near everyone but you is aware of his "closet transexual" agenda". The kid needs help and all you are doing is enabling him the same way a bartender enables an alcoholic!
Richard, you PROMISED me that you would endorse Bonnie if you didn't get into a runoff. I supported you on that condition. You BROKE that promise.
If Bonnie loses, a lot of us are going to be really angry at you. I imagine god pays attention to who breaks promises as well.
You have a lot of thinking to do... about who you are and what you stand for. At the end of the day you're a nice guy, but you need to stay out of politics.
Oh... and 3:47am... take your meds. The reason Richard can't win a race is that he's simply not the sharpest tool, and he has no fundraising skills.
If it wasn't for me and my (you fill in the blank) agenda, Richard would have lost by even more. I'll admit that I'm not a great campaign manager, but you should have seen how pathetic the campaign was before I came on board.
Shut Up Charles!
Shut Up Shane!
Shane, Charles, Richard. You people are all a big joke.
You forgot about Dickie and Boobie.
Shane, Shane, Shane. I won't argue your points. But although I may not be the sharpest tool I am not the dullest either. (Wait did you just call me a tool?)
Unfortunately, Shane is not a joke. I'm worried that he could be the future face of the local Democratic Party. Have you ever talked to him? Smart and a little scary.
If shanes the face of the democratic party then we may as well let the Reagan Republicans take over.
Shane doesn't worry me a bit. I have faith that the local electorate, with the exception of Arcata) won't be stupid enough to be fooled by him again.
I'm not so sure about that. I was just talking to a parent of an MHS student. She's usually very conservative, but she was telling me what a great boardmember he is! I was shocked! If we aren't careful we'll end up with another Kerrigan on our hands.
Not if nicky bravo or charlie doogie reuns fer bord agan.
4:17 - Is that you Mike Harvey? Or is there another conservative out there who actually has a high opinion of me? In any case, thanks.
Shane, you really seem to be condescending. If you want to be the next Kerrigan, please watch how he interacts with people. He doesnt think he knows everything, and he doesnt think he's gods gift to the county. Youre young and need more life experiences.
You wont succeed in politics because youre so self-righteous and unfairly criticise people who you really should be thanking.
Anon 5:24 - He may be young, but I bet he's learned about apostrophes.
good one eric! golly!
I'd actually like to be the next Chris Daly... if I get to pick.
Unfortunately Pitino was taken for a ride by Meserve when he destroyed the local Green Party, and if he wants any chance for re-election in 2008 he'll break out of that losing strategy.
Pitino's too worried about looking stupid to take a strong position on any issue. He needs wheetly or machi to back him up on everything.
Let us stop the immature dialouge here OK.
Shane I hope to see you Saturday.Richard,I will see you Saturday.If you guys both make it I am going to make you both kiss and make up.Please,please quit the bickering amongst you damnit.Working together you both ran a great campaign considering your resources and what you were up against.Yeah,you have differences,so what.You both are far better off being on good terms and on the same page.
You mean you're all coming to the Green Party meeting now that David Cobb has been exposed on the radio as the perpetrator of its destruction? I wonder if Meserve will show up to perpetuate this self-destruction.
You mean you're all coming to the Green Party meeting now that David Cobb has been exposed on the radio as the perpetrator of its destruction? I wonder if Meserve will show up to perpetuate this self-destruction.
When I move back to Humboldt I'm going to have an online radio program...probably daily if it works out. Eventually one of the statuions will hire me to do a weekly radio program touching on important issues. Of course online we can say all the naughty words we choose to say in order to express our disgust with the current administration.
shane, david cobb, ammerputz, and other carreer politicians and bureacrats will be guests on my program. When I get there the fun will certainly begin.
Can't wait to taste some of Kaitlins "pancake batter".
Why don't you do it from Nebraska?
Because I don't like nebraska.
And why the hell should you care where I live?
No wonder Shane likes Chris Daly:
"District 6 Supervisor Chris Daly is an advocate for housing and the homeless and is the youngest member of the Board of Supervisors. He was born in the 1970s - when many of us were already wearing ugly clothes! Daly made headlines for allegedly shoving Mayor Willie Brown, announcing that he didn't "feel the love" at City Hall, getting arrested at a housing demonstration, using the power of acting mayor to appoint two key commisioners while Brown was out of town, and for holding up a Board meeting for 20 minutes by sulking and refusing to vote - all in separate incidents. Everyone seems to have an opinion about Daly. Whether he's an activist for the disenfranchised or just an infantile dilettant is your call."
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