Santa Barbara judge CJP hearing set for alleged misconduct involving his
judicial secretary who he married
In January, I did this post on Santa Barbara Judge Michael Carrozzo.
3 hours ago
It could'nt be clearer with what happened to you and Worth Dikeman, that the Eureka Democrat staff feel that they alone know what is best for the party and the city. It's become a club and one that's way liberal. A bunch of crony's. Its sad to see this, because it really puts a whole new spin on the term good old boys, y'know?
is exactly wrong. The voters are supporting candidates and not ideologies. and it's a nice split of opinion instead of campaign hype.
In itself, it is healthy and not divisive.
The crony's are Pierson, Salzman, Arkley and all those other mysterious moneyed souls. This election showed that no one owned the pony ride. A damn good thing.
8:10 is exactly right.
The "new" HCDCC took a man who was a lifelong Democrat, who was imminently qualified for the office he was seeking, and they not only turned their backs on him, but denigrated and vilified him - called him a "Republican stalking-horse."
They turned their backs on another who was not only a Democrat, but one who had been active in their committee.
They have chosen to run that committe as if it was an extension of their PAC.
They have fogotten the purpose of a Central committe - and that is to support ALL Democrats who choose to run for an office. Because you never know which one might win, and because they could be proud when "one of their own" made it into an office.
Now they are not letting the voters choose, they are attempting to make the choice for the voters.
Pierson and Arkley had nothing to do with this one.
Richard, do you like being lumped in with Worth Dikeman? Is this the direction you want to go?
The Central Committee is not too liberal. It is just getting it's act together... finally. 5 years ago a progressive slate wouldn't have been possible.
Look how close those races were. I'm not saying this is a victory for the Democrats, but it is certainly not a major defeat.
If anything they have gained ground. They have a real base of support and an organized way in which to exercise power.
I wouldn't read too much into these election results Richard. There were a number of particular circumstances in this election, including the dynamics around the balloon track issue, but also the fissions within the progressive coalition. They're going to have to sew those up if the want to return to their winning streak.
Then again, the counting isn't over yet. The assumption that the absentees are going to trend right may be faulty, as late submitted absentees actually trended left in 2004. And the provisional ballots will probably be roughly along the lines as election day votes since that's what they were in fact.
people are tired of the small socialist cabal in eureka. The people want jobs, growth, happiness. It's obvious that the "good ole boys" can't deliver it and that is why eurekans did the smart thing and voted republican.
The State Party supported Angelides against Westly in the primary. It may have been the wrong choice, but it was their choice to make. The same goes for HCDCC.
If the Dikemanites and Marksists want to win they need to mobilize their people and make something happen. Complaining isn't enough to make a change.
"All politics is local" Tip O'Neal
"...except when it isn't" Newt Gingrich
Eureka democrats did not fail, perhaps the HDCC did – certainly Salzman & Kerrigan did. Leonard and Wolford are democrats – HDCC/Salzman/Kerrigan/CREG decided to run more liberal, ant-Arkley, anti-Marina Center against relatively popular incumbent democrats.
It seems to me that the fracturing of the democratic power in Eureka is a result of the entrenchment of various factions in the local Democratic party – particularly the so-called blue-green alliance. The Green party is powerful here – unlike nationally. So here the Reps and the Greens split the Democrats down the middle – nationally the Dems wiped the floor with the Reps.
I am not an insider in these liberal groups – but it seems to me that until the Dems clean house of the Salzman, Cobb and maybe Kerrigan (not sure on this one) – the Reps are going to keep power in Eureka.
I have more than one local Dem tell me “Nationally I am a Democrat – but here (in Humboldt County) – I don’t know what I am”
Eureka Dem's have come under the control of socialist progressives.
"Wow! These elections were really close. No real referendum came out."
~Richard Marks
"Wow! These elections were really close. No real referendum came out. Hmmm. I will have to ponder the results and comment tommorow."
You forgot the rest of what I posted.
I guess my simple question is, where are all the moderate democrats?? look at the slate they backed this election, and in the prior election. I actually voted for Neely (sorry Richard) because she's very moderate, even though I think its completely wrong to hold that job for 20+ years. Flemming is not a moderate, so where are the mopderate republicans? What happened to compromising and making deals, y'know getting things done? Why are consultants getting paid $10,000+ per election, and nobody finds this troublesome?
It seems to me that the fracturing of the democratic power in Eureka is a result of the entrenchment of various factions in the local Democratic party – particularly the so-called blue-green alliance. The Green party is powerful here – unlike nationally. So here the Reps and the Greens split the Democrats down the middle – nationally the Dems wiped the floor with the Reps.
I am not an insider in these liberal groups – but it seems to me that until the Dems clean house of the Salzman, Cobb and maybe Kerrigan (not sure on this one) – the Reps are going to keep power in Eureka.
I have more than one local Dem tell me “Nationally I am a Democrat – but here (in Humboldt County) – I don’t know what I am”
Bless you for speaking up on this. Both Democrats and Greens must act to take back their own parties from the Cobb scourge.
Shane Brinton and Richard Marks were supposed to be building something called Progressive Democrats in Humboldt, but their little squabble over Virginia Bass and Nancy Flemming sunk that. Other good-hearted Dems like you should take up this effort and lay the groundwork for retaking your Central Committee in 2008, not to mention running your own candidates for local offices.
Greens have already taken action to separate themselves from the disfunction now mismanaging the county Green Party (people like Cobb's roommates and Arcata ninnys like Fhyre Phoenix are doing a great job of getting nothing done). The Green groups in old town and sohum are in active defiance of Cobb and this movement will only grow as his real agenda of money and control become clear.
Once progressive forces in the Dems and Greens take back their own organizations, they can then look at what can be done together (through a PAC or whatever) on common ground issues like a living wage ballot measure. Until they acheive their own independence then any kind of alliance is likely to be a mismatch. But we can certainly encourage each other along the way and share information to mutually expose Cobb's misdeeds.
Well, no offense to Shane personally, as i dont know him, but to put a 18-19 year old "in charge" without any sort of real world experience other than his school board victory wasnt the smartest move.
Cobb will be politically taken down by force
When you talk about Kerrigan you are talking about Salzman, and vice versa. Rex Bohn was a horrible candidate and should have cleaned Chris's clock. Chris is nothing but Shane 5 years on. No real professional experience, coddled by the liberal community and dividing this community as much as humanly possible.
What election are you talking about?
This election is already a big win for the progressives. When was the last time 3 progs ran for council in Eureka and got that kind of vote?
Shane, The late absentees were simply an indication of the trend the votes had already taken.
Generally speaking, tea leaves aside, the trend tells the tale not how the votes are cast.
BTW, how is that school board thing going for you? Have you attended all the meetings and been constructive at all?
"Jus wonderin'"
Where were the moderate Democrats? They were voting for a few Republicans this time because there weren't any great alternatives showing. When you get a powerful PAC behind a so-so candidate its scarey to 'moderate' voters.
You scared off the moderates when you threw Richard Marks out to pick a Republican that isn't very trustworthy. Ok she's trustworthy in the predictable dept but that's where it ends.
Does that mean that progressives represent just under half of Eureka? Wow. My estimates were nowhere near as optimistic.
"The Green party is powerful here"
Saw an Arcata Greens bumper sticker on a vehicle the Target parking lot! It's true. I guess they couldn't quite find that necessary item in a local store. Or, are just very hypocritical. Registered Independent here. So, that means, I can shop anywhere without guilt. And vote in any direction. And do.
You couldn't be more correct. Bohn was a terrible candidate who did not understand how to manage a political campaign. Bohn is a nice guy who has done a lot of good, but simply didn't have a clue or the ability to listen when it came to running for council.
Kerrigan's win (which ended up being 59% not 60+) was because Bohn really never got out and campaigned. Instead, he fell victim to worrying about what his opponent was doing and saying.
Campaigning is about ignoring your opponent and not getting sucked into a response. Every response Bohn made just gave Kerrigan another headline. The last minute hit piece from that "anonymous business group" put the final nail in Bohn's coffin.
Kerrigan is a legend in his own mind, however, he got spanked pretty good in '06 if the numbers hold up. His "great" ability for political consulting took Bonnie from a double digit lead to a dog fight.
What will Chris do now that he doesn't have LaValley setting up his agenda for him at every council meeting? It should be fascinating to watch.
Eureka Democrats? What Eureka Democrats? You speak of them as if they are a formal group. Is there such a thing?
The DCC is a county-wide organization, one with prominent members who supported a non-Democrat in the last election. A fair number of Democrats on the DCC are confused about which party they belong to. The DCC has been hijacked by closet Greens who fancy themselves as progressives. There's nothing progressive about causing division among your own supporters.
Rose said at 10:50 that Worth Dikeman
"who was imminently qualified for the office he was seeking, "
She's right. Although he isn't eminently qualified, he could get there. He is "imminently" qualified.
I wonder what closet democrat david cobb will do when nick bravo shows up to start tearing down his little house of cards?
My typo. I meant
em·i·nent (m-nnt)
1. Towering or standing out above others; prominent: an eminent peak.
2. Of high rank, station, or quality; noteworthy: eminent members of the community.
3. Outstanding, as in character or performance; distinguished: an eminent historian. See Synonyms at noted.
All of which apply to Worth Dikeman, ask the people who worked with him, the staff, the other lawyers, many others. They will tell you what a stupendous loss to the community it is that Worth Dikeman is no longer serving the people of Humboldt County.
Other counties are currently courting him, not believing thier good fortune to have the opportunity to bring someone like him on baord.
NO ONE says anything even remotely the same about Gallegos.
Someone out there give me some definitions:
What is a Moderate Democrat?
What is a Liberal Democrat?
Establish and qualify the guidelines or political parameters. I am sure we will have disagreements here.
Shane: Slick answer. Actually I agree with the visuals. But there has to be more defining principles that separate those differing factions. Please give me more examples then of a "Progressive Democrat".
Progressive means they want to tell everyone else what to do and they want everyone else to pay for it
Ah Yes,the progressive republicans.
"The DCC is a county-wide organization, one with prominent members who supported a non-Democrat in the last election.'
That can't be true. They went on record (TS) stating they did not invite Virinia and Mike to speak to them because they only endorse fellow democrats.
Can we all say "CROCK"!!
Nobody said anything positive about Gallegos. That was an election where we had to choose between two unattractive options.
Actually, that's often the case.
Liberals believe in an equality of outcome, redistribution of wealth and income, secularism, the perfectibility of man and the promotion of social change. Bonnie Neely, Larry Glass and Peter LaVallle are liberals.
Conservatives believe in equality of process or opportunity; the free market, morality, the flawed nature of man and the protection of traditional (often Christian) values. Mike Jones would be a conservative (I think).
Moderates have traditionally sat in the middle – taking neither ideology to the extreme. Today I see a lot more of the “radical center” – taking a mix of conservative and Liberal positions. Nancy Fleming is a radical center politician – liberal on social issues and conservative on fiscal issues. Jeff Leonard is a more traditional moderate – taking the middle ground on everything.
Ditto,3:44.I thought the recall was such a sham.He was knocked from the get go and a lot of time and energy was taken away from the office and I was sympathetic to him for that.I have since witnessed him dropping the ball on numerous issues which have been detremental to the community.The performance of CAST being one of them.I don't regret voting for him as I didn't see Dikeman making a much better D.A.And his comments about those dismissed Native American jurors always troubled me.My understanding is that he was a good attorney,my sister has nothing but good things to say about him,having taken classes with him at C.R.,and then working with him through a former employer.I don't think he had the personality necessary when dealing with the public at large. But none the less he was a loss for the county as was Paul Hagen.I hope this doesn't sound like I'm totally against Gallegos now,I'm not,but he needs to listen to the criticisms he's receiving,from all sides of the spectrum.
Anonymous said...
"The Green party is powerful here"
Saw an Arcata Greens bumper sticker on a vehicle the Target parking lot! It's true. I guess they couldn't quite find that necessary item in a local store. Or, are just very hypocritical...
Maybe the car had been recently sold by a Green Party person. Sometimes new owners forget to take the old bumper stickers off for a while.
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