Whoever is the culprit knew alot about this subject. They had to break through 3 locks leading into the Redwood Dock Warehouse below the Cookhouse. They were cognisant of the camera positions and went through the back Warehouse gate. Most likely they used a truck and trailer. Help us find and receive a thousand buck! What is becoming of this county!
Reminder to regular readers, note for new readers
There have been a lot of continuances and rescheduling of dates in several
cases daily. Those minor updates are being added to the last post on the
recalibrating reality word by word
I do not write enough these days. I don’t know when I ever wrote “enough,”
but a time existed during which I wrote more. I start with this fact as a
way to...
SHORT RIBS and Random Thoughts, Wed Nov 21, 2021
BE GLAD you’re not enrolled in Kaiser! My friend got into a billing dispute
with them and they actually hung up on him, then they transferred him to
Damn thieives is right.
Any possibility, ANY, that the change in this county is fueled, partially by our local politician's embrace of an illegal trade?
Think about it, we are in effect rewarding those who got their beaks wet before things were legal. We are encouraging and rewarding illegal behavior.
What is becoming of this county, indeed.
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