Virginia Bass has been honored with the Operating Engineers local 3 endorsement tonight for her re-election cycle for Humboldt County 4 District Supervisor. They have pledged phonebankers and precinct walkers as well as a financial support! Virginia is continuing her history of being an outspoken friend of labor on the Board of Supervisors. Check out her website at Virginia Bass.
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53 minutes ago
I am a huge supporter of labor. I think (obviously) OL 3 is short sighted on this.
The labor/environment divide is nothing new in Humboldt. It's gotten a bunch more complex than it was in the '60's and 70's.
Unfortunately, on this one OL 3 is wrong. Wrong on the environment and wrong on ... ultimately ... jobs.
Isn't the OE3 Jon ? You obviously don't know labor as well as you claim. You are a legend in your own mind!
I think that's O.E. 3 . DUMBASS!!!
Yeah, OE 3. Yeah. Score anons 2 jon 1. Sorry, labor. Can we still be friends, cause you have a whole bunch of power.
For the record a) I did not claim to know labor, I just claimed to support them. But I don't support labor nor Democrats blindly - when they are wrong (like Supervisor Bass and O.E. 3 is in their support of Bass) I will say so.
Or - I could take Commissioner Marks' logic and say, shoot, I believe "a" is true, but since other people aren't making a stink about it, I'll just shut up and not advocate for what I believe.
Right Richard, or am I getting that wrong. What do you think about Supervisor Bass' votes on the GPU since 6/3/13?
Jon: The General Plan update 14 years ongoing that Virginia has been part of for the last 3? Incomplete so far, but she has voted with the majority of the board a bit and most recently was part of a 5-0 vote. Loved Virginia's help in getting In Home Health Service workers a raise and contract. Loved her supporting the headwaters monies to help fund aquaculture pre-permitting creating many jobs locally and her support of the pilot aquaponics project that will bring jobs in the immediate and up to 160 in the next 2 years. I also love the many volunteer causes she does for seniors such as Animeals and doing physical help such as folding clothes and sorting for Betty Chin and planting trees to beautify Eureka (Which I have been there to witness as a fellow volunteer) and the many other civic organizations that she belongs to that help charities in the community. Heck you have witnessed her break fundraising records raising money as ways and means chair for the Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee that she was voted to be on by registered "Democrats" in the 4th District. And the only thing you bag on her with is the GPU? Stop already Jon! (PS. I am on vacation with my wife so I might miss a post or two.)
This is probably devastating for Kerrigan. Correct me if I'm wrong, but these were the guys who were behind Kerrigan in 2004. They actually showed up and walked neighborhoods and made calls.
"Heck you have witnessed her break fundraising records raising money as ways and means chair for the Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee that she was voted to be on by registered "Democrats" in the 4th District"
This is not a good thing Richard. If we are going to equate money with success, we might find ourselves in a place where we support DTS candidates for Supervisor over liberal Democrats. Oh, wait, who do I not once but twice on Supervisor Sundberg's endorsement list. Oh yeah, Commissioner Richard Marks.
Since Supervisor Bass has become Chairman of the W&M we have had our signature event held at the Ingomar Club one year and the Elk's Club the next. You might understand the problem with this for the 99% if you read this article and/or check out the two top graphs in it if you don't have time for the entire article.*
I also just became cognizant (ie I wasn't putting one and one together) that our Chicken by The Sea event is two days away from the primary election. Great for fundraising and earning an extra $2K so the Dems can pay rent or buy a computer, but the exact opposite of what we should be spending our time doing on 6/1.
Good for Supervisor Bass on many of the issues you bring up. I don't disagree with her all the time and I also think she is an outstanding person and citizen. She is simply 180 degrees misdirected on the one thing she understands is the most significant aspect of her job right now. Any questions about what significance she or her supporters attribute to a developer/realtor friendly GPU? Watch her campaign kick-off again. I think "service department" was used to describe the Planning (and Building) Department.
Hope you and yours are enjoying the well deserved R&R!
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