Don't tell me you don't notice the pattern. Wendy's gone. Jack in the Box gone. Artic Circle gone. Not to mention Quizinos, Arby's, KFC, Little Caesar's, Hometown Buffet and Round Table! Hundreds of jobs gone! Just because of a bunch of Garlic Fries and people buying Local!
Ross Rowley
Yes, and they probably had something to do with the demise of King's Table, too!
All kidding aside, I find it scary as hell, all these places closing down. One thing that's always given me comfort is I figured if everything went to hell in a handbasket with my life, I could still get a job working at a fast food place. Not so, anymore.
Wouldn't it suck if a whole new strip of franchise retail/restaurantwere built all at once in downtown eureka? Ball's boy, Bohn, backs Big Box on the Bay!
recalibrating reality word by word
I do not write enough these days. I don’t know when I ever wrote “enough,”
but a time existed during which I wrote more. I start with this fact as a
way to...
SHORT RIBS and Random Thoughts, Wed Nov 21, 2021
BE GLAD you’re not enrolled in Kaiser! My friend got into a billing dispute
with them and they actually hung up on him, then they transferred him to
Yes, and they probably had something to do with the demise of King's Table, too!
Damn them!
All kidding aside, I find it scary as hell, all these places closing down. One thing that's always given me comfort is I figured if everything went to hell in a handbasket with my life, I could still get a job working at a fast food place. Not so, anymore.
The rumor is that Wendy's closed because of inability or unwillingness to adopt ADA accessibility standards. Anyone know what really happened?
You'd think if it was another Jason Singleton scam that would have made the news.
This subject created over 100 comments on my facebook!!/photo.php?fbid=3172761881563&set=a.1043998063798.7318.1341027981&type=1&theater¬if_t=photo_comment
some sort of measure, i suppose.
Wouldn't it suck if a whole new strip of franchise retail/restaurantwere built all at once in downtown eureka? Ball's boy, Bohn, backs Big Box on the Bay!
Rex is all about big box on the bay\. If Mike's went out of business he'd use it as an example of why we need his sponser's big boxes. Moron.
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