UC Davis expert testifies for the People in convicted molestor Steve
Boudreaux's jury trial
On 2/5/25, the jury of 7 men and five women as well as the two men and one
woman who are alternate jurors listened to People's expert Dr. Anthony
4 hours ago
It seems simple to me Richard- you are socially liberal, but fisically conservative. Nothing wrong with that.
Obviously that is not the case. Seems some people think it is everything.
I will second that it is obviously the case. Maybe start to question your friends. Friends trump politics with you, right? Great. Stay out of politics then if it means you're going to support an obvious con.
Con? Rex Bohn is anything but. He wears it on his sleeve and is pushing for what he believes as well as what many believe. Why do you think he is running? To pad his pockets? Hah, he is involved because he cares about our community. You may not agree with him, but a con, wow.
What EXACTLY is Rex pushing for? All he tells people in his advertisements, literally all of them, is boatloads of nothing. He's "strong about community". ????? How can you not admit he's being intentionally vague to say the least! Once you scratch the surface, point per point he's definitely NOT democrat, that's for sure. He's BIG BOX. He has noteable business and personal acquaintances to whom HE is the puppet. And let's not bullshit about it either, ANYBODY would be eager to earn over $6,000 a month going about their business as usual.
Rickard Mark's sarcastic jab on this post says "I will not question my liberal puppetmasters". What he really means is "the voting majority". He knows what the rules are. He is free to question and vote as he pleases, but not to falsely represent the voting majority. He is free to join another party like anybody else. The rules exist for a reason and YOU DAMN WELL KNOW HE WOULD BE VERY VOCAL ABOUT IT IF THE SHOES WERE ON THE OTHER FEET.
People need to know not just who, but what they are voting for. These members are using the party's name to push an alternate agenda and shamelessly money from people who believe they are supporting the Democratic platform. They are lying, and the reasons are obvious.
Rex called me this morning to apologize for the umpteenth time for the harrasment on the blogs and in the media over his endorsments. And I know Rex, that is real. He has feelings. Cheryl is a wonderful lady with a great personality. The timimg just wasn't right.
Poor Rex, his feelings are hurt. What about the voters he's bullshitting? When it comes to business/politics, he's a shady con, as his campaing proves.
...and you, of all people "samoa softball" to whine about what people say on blogs. There are six years worth of posts BY YOU that are nothing but insults.
9:34-Ewwwww I gots me somes trolls. Better come public with your name before ...........YOU ARE THE ANONYMOUS WIENER OF THE DAY!
That's not the kind of attitude I want determining the quality of my drinking water, "samoa softball". Talk is free.
Wow Anonymous #2. Why do you troll Richard's blog if you can't stand him?? Have you no life or hobbies of your own (outide of being a member of the HCDCC which is so obvious)?? Why does Richard hold such power over your life that you will spend precious life minutes reading and commenting on here??
How can someone who supports a big box shopping mall on waterfront property call themselves a democrat?
Jobs at what expense Richard?
"Why does Richard hold such power over your life that you will spend precious life minutes reading and commenting on here??"
derrr...and who are you, one of his buddies? A good samaritan? I'm not putting myself out there like "Samoa Softball" (six years and counting, right?). Nor am I patting con men on the back while they screw up this county's future in painfully obvious ways. There is too much potential being lost with every completed slab of "development" they manage to dump on our neighborhoods (and are being dumped in my neighborhood right now, two story apartment buildings looming over the formerly private backyards of entire streets of homes). It's bad enough what some of these same people are doing to our surrounding forests.
Private enterprises involving so much permanent natural resource consumption as strip malls and apartment complexes should not have a Yay or Nay stamp of their own, for their own. (Caltrans is another too-big-for-its-britches company who like to believe they have their own stamp as well, and too often get away like they do.)
I have no sympathy for whoever Richard Marks is regarding the success of this "blog". I will never meet him in person. He's certainly shown political disdain toward people likemind of myself and my friends, with what he's loudly and proudly written on this blog.
Why does he have such a vendetta against us? He's never even met us!
He's cheerleading a bad politician, simple as that. Internet is information media, hello to you kind sir!
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