Whatever happened to the ozone layer?
Literally over ten people have told me that the fact that we don’t hear so
much about the ozone layer these days proves it was all a hoax. And when I
try t...
5 hours ago
It's simple. We don't hear much about it because our government is run by huge corporations that want to get rich off high oil prices. These corporations also control the news media and thus tell us only what they want us to hear.
How would you like to hit one of these cars and when you did, it explodes sending shrapnel into your body and mutilating the head and permanently disfiguring your baby?
Yeah... these would be so much more dangerous... because normal cars don't ever explode! Gasoline is totally flame retardant, right?
Gasoline is absolutely flame-proof. Just so long as it stays in liquid form. It's those pesky gasoline gases (vapors) you have to watch out for.
We could save lots of gasoline if our cars were lighter. The simplest ways to lighten our cars? Attach huge helium balloons to the roofs of every car. Helium is completely fire-proof. With lighter cars, less gasoline would be required to move them place to place. Overnight, we can have saved ourselves from the perils of foreign oil! The only trouble is that the wealthy oil interests, beset by soul-crushing and artery-clogging greed, will not release the strategic helium reserves. As long as Bush is in office, there is no hope. None. Only if Obama is elected president is there any hope for Americans. I suggest an Obama/Gore ticket. Gore has proved that he can do the job of vice-president. And Obama has proven he can vote "Present." A winning ticket, without any doubt! Once they are sworn in, they can release the helium reserves from their storage tanks deep under the prairie sods when buffalo use to roam. And then America can go back to driving her Hum Vees at 90 miles per hour, the way God wants her to do.
The government doesn't want you to know that the stinky cheese man exists...
but I will broadcast the truth from my secret hideout in the land of cheesyness.
Consider this your final warning. Burn all your pajamas and run for the hills.
Air-powered cars run on compressed air. The problem is that air doesn't just compress itself. It takes a lot of energy to create compressed air, and the energy yield from that compressed air is much less than the input, so there is ultimately a loss of energy in the process. Just like electric cars, air cars are not 'zero-emissions,' but rather 'displaced emissions.' In other words, there are still emissions involved in creating the energy that powers the vehicle, but those emissions happen elswhere. Now if the compression is powered by solar, wind, or wave energy, rather than fossil fuels, then that is certainly a cleaner source.
I may not have 2.50 a gallon gas (3.79 on 7\7\08)
but my plug in prius gets about 80 a gallon in town where it is on batterys most the time. Taking my first long trip on it when i return to Eureka for my sons wedding on Sept 6th. Curious to see what it costs me total to make the trip versus the last time I made it a few months ago in my 2005 Grand Am.
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