The Humboldt Progressive Democrats will be deciding whether to with hold endorsing current Assemblyman Jim Wood because of his position on SB562. Former assembly-persons Patty Berg and Wes Chesbro are going to speak on behalf of current Assemblyman Jim Wood as will other local democrats. Lots of e-mails going back and forth the last few days. Will be interesting. Meeting starts at 6pm at 129 5th St. Eureka.
San Francisco reaffirmed Sanctuary status
The story’s a week old, but it’s important for jurisdictions to do this in
response to Homan’s threats and rants. San Francisco was the first city to
1 hour ago
Uh, Bernie voter here - and long-time progressive.
Mr. Wood is fine, and he's ours, and let's keep him.
Why not just support Medicare for all?
Why not stick with a winner?
Or is this the famous circular firing squad?
Appreciate the recommendation. Let me try it out.
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