Let me say that I have been so fortunate to have been associated with someone who worked so hard in his 10 years as the 3rd Division Humboldt Bay Harbor Commissioner. Mike challenged me to think topics out at higher levels than just probing an issue face value. Mike led the Harbor District during some really stressful changeover of staff and was instrumental on keeping the Harbor District "afloat" (No pun intended) by his leadership.
I consider Mike the king of "policy wonks" and have admired his wanting technical details of a project before pushing forward. Mike was peerless as a negotiator to help the Harbor District garner funds for the future King Salmon dredging project and keeping the Commissioners informed of the process. Mike served consecutive terms as President of the Commission and was on the lead of bringing the EPA on to help clean-up the old Pulp Mill.
I can't say enough good things about Mike. Although his taste in foods might not align with mine. But he has opened my mind to strange cuisines and had me taste foods I normally wouldn't try. And he is great to have a beer with and shoot the crap bout all things life.
Godspeed Mike as Supervisor of the 3rd District of Humboldt County. They are lucky to have you.
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10 hours ago
Mike is awesome and will make a great Supervisor.
Let's see, when Mike became a Commissioner, the north and south spits that protect the bay from the Pacific were stabilizing and increasing in topography. Now after Mike (Friends of the Dunes)ignoring wetlands and wildlife-
and allowing vegetation to be carelessly removed -the South Spit has breached twice, three ponds on the North Spit are disappeared along with acres of Coastal Act marshes and wildlife.
But hey Softball we can pretend he did a good job and not left us bereft of protection from the Pacific- and focus on cuisine so close to Christmas
and all. Cheers (someone belongs in jail).
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