Very interesting on what the Times Standard, North Coast Journal, The Lost Coast Outpost and local television stations deem worthy of covering. (Not blaming the Mad River Union yet. I don't get that paper until next Wednesday.) Yesterday the California Cannabis Voice Humboldt team showed up in force and packed the afternoon session of the Humboldt County Board of Supervisors while presenting a power point presentation concerning the need to regulate cannabis.
Why very little press? Got me. The TS did a short clip on the morning session headlined "Groundwater, Cannabis" The written story had no reference of Cannabis in the article! Read for yourself. Our item has been on the agenda for an ample time. I spoke too soon! Will Houston of the Times Standard did a great story today!
When is the last time that chambers have been over-filled for an afternoon session? I can safely say, without the subject being a popular person retiring from the county, not very often.
Our presentation was a reality based synapse of the positive potential of having a written ordinance that protects small farms in Humboldt County and creates revenue for the General Fund shortfalls. . The presentation also outlines our concerns of trespass grows, water diversions and pesticides.
Seriously, if this were another meth, weapon, cash bust that included cannabis, all the media players would be there. Just kind of surprised that a agenda item of interest that generated a packed Board of Supervisors chambers would be ignored.
Santa Barbara judge CJP hearing set for alleged misconduct involving his
judicial secretary who he married
In January, I did this post on Santa Barbara Judge Michael Carrozzo.
3 hours ago
Shocked at that and the very little coverage of the very positive Spring Kickoffl at the Mateel as well...and they packed every restaurant and bar within at least a 20 mile radius. Hello county tax dollars! Positive cannabis stories don't sell papers? This is history in the making! Too bad these guys are too busy reporting the monotonous repeat of same story, different day.
Let's see if you publish this comment Richard Marks. Yesterday may have been an overflow crowd, usually your group has a couple loonies. Did your organization pay people to show up? Your big ego makes you think what you do is newsworthy. No one else cares.
No one was paid to show up. We are all volunteers. And Will Houston made me eat crow and did a great story.
Will Houston is a good reporter. So is Ryan Burns. Ryan Burns did an excellent investigative article on concerns about your organization. Luke Bruner has a vested interest. So do you.
This whole county has a vested interest. That is the point.
Here's a couple local guys talking about the subject
Are you seriously asking if the local press is biased AGAINST pot? Seriously? I mean, SERIOUSLY?
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