Me and my buddy Obama at the Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee booth at the county fair. I was tabling today and registered a few voters and saw many people I knew. We had over $60 in donations and some good (and bad) conversations. People came by and took pictures. Had one guy with a Joe Bonino button go by and say "you make me sick!" Well, I've been dissed by better! Overall a good day to live in Humboldt County.
1 comment:
Julie Timmons
I had about eight people take their picture with the Prez and no negativity at all. Yes, definitely a feelgood time in Humboldt. Great pic.!
Reminder to regular readers, note for new readers
There have been a lot of continuances and rescheduling of dates in several
cases daily. Those minor updates are being added to the last post on the
recalibrating reality word by word
I do not write enough these days. I don’t know when I ever wrote “enough,”
but a time existed during which I wrote more. I start with this fact as a
way to...
SHORT RIBS and Random Thoughts, Wed Nov 21, 2021
BE GLAD you’re not enrolled in Kaiser! My friend got into a billing dispute
with them and they actually hung up on him, then they transferred him to
1 comment:
I had about eight people take their picture with the Prez and no negativity at all. Yes, definitely a feelgood time in Humboldt. Great pic.!
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