I have been sitting on this for awhile. I was just wondering what you all think. Should I identify this anonymous hater, or let the prog machine just keep preaching to hugely minority fringe left?
Richard, you support Home Depot or another big box retailers at the Marina Center yet?
Yes, if any elected official is part of Heraldo or has been in the past, the community needs to know it because as we all know, Heraldo has a most decided political agenda.
I maintain that "heraldo" has nothing to fear by using his/her/its/their own name(s).
I revise that to say the ONLY thing they have to fear is that IF you know their names, you will not give them the credibility they get by being anonymous.
If you know who it is, that will become part of the prism through which you filter the information.
What else is there to fear? They'll lose friends? I don't think so. Lose their job? Please. That blog IS a job.
So what if it was Larry Glass? Would anyone care? No. Not really. It'd be a two day topic of conversation. Less than that for whoever else it might be? Can you think of ANYONE who would be such a scandal that it would matter? I can't.
I know something you don't know and I'm not going to tell you. Beg me pretty please, pretty please
Marks, you're a total ahole and in your own terms a weenie, caught up in delusions of gerandeur. Even Republicans don't respect a coward. Trying to suck up to your handlers with this stunt won't get you their respect. They'll laugh at you behind your back as just a stupid tool.
I know something you don't know and I'm not going to tell you. Beg me pretty please, pretty please
Marks, you're a total ahole and in your own terms a weenie. Even Republicans don't respect a coward. Trying to suck up to your handlers with this stunt won't get you their respect. They'll laugh at you behind your back as just a stupid tool.
In an e-mail discussion with Heraldo when I worked at the Eureka Reporter, Heraldo told me that he/she wasn't that worried about being outed. In fact, and to paraphrase, they told me that is was probably inevitable and they were prepared for the day.
It really does not matter who runs Hblog. The general content is well know. Also the cast of characters and who they represent. No way its Konkler, he is a short bus person.
Its time for the mask to come off. Please share Richard. The problem I have is that the hate blog Heraldo has numerous people who post under the name Heraldo. You can tell from the tone, the words and the grammar.
I feel better about myself when I own up to what I say and sign it. I don't give a rats ass who Heraldo is.
It's obvious that Heraldo’s agenda is to harm other people or other political agendas with no skin equity. So, ascribe the same amount of value to what Herado says to the skin that he/she/it puts in the game.
I give far more credence to what Richard Marks says because he stakes his credibility on it.
I couched my reply in my lack of respect for anonymous bloggers, who would use their position behind the curtain to harm other people, but it has long been a premise that you shouldn't pull a gun unless you intend to pull the trigger…. Well?
I really dont care if someone is anonymous - EXCEPT - when the commenters/bloggers anonymously attack people, viciously, in the manner that people like Heraldo, PlainJane and NAN have done. And from the right, we have the Mirror.
If you dont have the courage to say the heinous crap to someone's face, or attach your name to it.
It isn't a free speech issue, as some try to assert; it's taking responsibility for one's words and actions.
Well check out the MCK press blog. Jack has caught Salzman blogging under different names again going after his enemy and spewing lies and innuendo. Sleazebag. I don't have a problem with anonymous or psuedos until its used as a mask to deceive, lie and hurt. That's chicken shit.
I say go for it. It's purpose was to "provoke Humboldt county". I say it, so they can take responsibility for their words. It is not just one person, for the reasons pointed out previously. I don't think they are sweating it either.
Rose needs to use her full name. So does Richard and Lawrence. Glass houses and all. Just assuming people know who you are is no different than being anonymous.
It's funny that those who are so obsessed with keeping heraldo protected are so quick to out cap - who wasn't even hiding... such joy you take. The hypocrisy never ends. You know who heraldo is.
As an example of why nasty blog folks should be outed, old Mike Buettner changed blog names to suit the occasion. One of those names was Rob Pushed Me. As in Rob Arkley pushed me. The situation was the Larry Glass incident.
You use your name. Fred uses his name. Greg and Carol usually use their name. Tom uses his name. We all know ekovox, Konkler is mresquan, we all know tapperass, and none of us has suffered - you haven't.
What is it that is to fear? Except losing credibility. As in, oh, it's so and so, so what?
Now, Bitman/Buettner/Robpushedme wouldn't be in this kick if he wasn't accidentally outed by a url. I never heard of any bad thing happening to him, despite being really nasty to Rob Arkley himself. It proved the point, that nothing nasty or even bad will happen the Heraldos.
The small minded say I'm hiding despite an easy, and well known who I am. I've never tried to hide, just like the name.
Richard Salzman just posted at 10:16pm? Speaking of Richard Salzman, seems it is at it again per McKinnleyville Press, just nasty anonymous blog posting.
Salzman uses his own name when he has something positive to say. The dirty work is all done anonymously and under cover of darkness, and in plain brown wrappers. It bites him in the ass every time.
I wonder if his dad approves of his character assassinations.
My first and last post on this pathetic blog just to say that it's hilarious that only in a post about Heraldo can Marks get more than a couple of posts and apologize to Rose for being so vicious as to expose her attempts at selective cut / paste deceit and point out her failures in logic, including her crazy assumption today that she knows my initials, none of which is P, J, or T. :D
Ernie, there are some great things about nasty bloggers like Jane. We get to see what's in their head. You know they hide that side at meetings and events. At least most of them do. Jane is different though. She is nasty during those events and meetings. Must suck at the HCDCC these days Jane. Have you considered that your current situation is a symptom of your meanness? As I said Kharma.
See - one side effect of the anonymity is that some people may be wrongly accused or suspected of being "heraldo" - Larry Glass and Mark Lovelace may be recipients of that.
In effect, that is real damage done, caused by the not-knowing, and in effect "heraldo" hurts people "he" may care about much more than "he" would be hurt by just coming clean.
Honestly, if "his" opinion is worth anything at all, he has nothing to fear by standing by "his" own words, with "his" own name.
On the other hand - perhaps it is someone who, if you knew the name, the opinion would have no value whatseover.
Either way, "heraldo" doesn't care who gets the blame for this silly game.
Rose wrote," See - one side effect of the anonymity is that some people may be wrongly accused or suspected of being "heraldo" - Larry Glass and Mark Lovelace may be recipients of that.
In effect, that is real damage done, caused by the not-knowing, and in effect "heraldo" hurts people "he" may care about much more than "he" would be hurt by just coming clean."
I have always found it interesting that the local left have never cared to broach the subject of who runs the humboldt mirror,all the while,folks like Rose and Richard and such seem to obsess over the identity of heraldo.Why the double standard,and yes Rose,hipocracy?
I mean,maybe Matt Owen is behind the mirror,and he has every right to be,but maybe his name being brought into this is unfair,so taking Rose's logic,whoever runs the mirror needs to step out so that Matt doesn't have to deal with the assumption,is that right Rose?
Notice the lack of traffic on the Mirror? Should be a good indication that many on the "right" are disgusted, as I am, by hateful anonymous attacks from ALL sides of the spectrum...
Well I am on the left and love the Mirror. Its funnier than all hell. Nothing can ever touch the Penis Bonnie. Or the "midget" at the helm of the control room with the HH on one computer and Arkley on the other computer with the overhead screen showing the balloon tract.
re: The Mirror, mresquan, their time will come. It's kinda like Earth First! We'll log the other planets later. Or first come, first served. And don't think everyone isn't trying to figure it out simultaneously, like walking and chewing gum at the same time.
I didn't know Matt Owen had that kind of sense of humor. So, I had kinda ruled him out, but, ok... Mark, that's an interesting possibility.
Who has been considered to be "heraldo?" I honestly hadn't put you in that category, mresquan, though I am certain that you know who it is. Let's see... Larry Glass, Mark Lovelace, Neal Latt, Ken Miller, Michael Twombly, Cynthia Elkins (I don't think so), Richard Salzman (I don't think so, he seems to be kept at arms length) David Cobb and Kaitlin, Josh Drayton and crew... Buettner's name usually comes up as part of the inner circle, possible tech-y...who'm I missing?
And c'mon, before you get all techhhhy, Joel - you have to admit it is just a giant game of the ultimate Masquerade Ball, with virtual masks, and anonymity that cause the inner id to spill out.
And although "Jane" and her ilk on the herald are taking solace in claiming that being anonymous allows them to "speak the truth" the fact is they are cowards - “Give a man a mask if you want him to tell the truth” – is not exactly accurate. In fact the studies have shown that if you give a man a mask, he will deliver a fatal zap of electricity, if he thinks he is anonymous.
And the true measure of a man – or woman, Jane – is if they are willing to stand up and be a man, and tell the truth no matter the consequences. pure and simple, That’s what amounts to the nobility of man. Scurrying around in the dark, and feeding on your false fears is not.
I’m reminded of the line from movie The Social Network, "You write your snide bullshit from a dark room because that's what the angry do now days."
Welcome to Heraldoville.
“Heraldo” is Joshua Drayton, who owns World Cup Coffee, located at1626 F Street in Eureka. You’ll notice he keeps his laptop in the back of the coffee house.
Joshua Drayton is gay and married to his partner, Conrad Gregory. They live in Myrtletown
Joshua is a Board member of Dell’ Arte with Bonnie Neely, Patrick Cleary, Maria Matteoli (who made the Bonnie Neely’s three minute election commercials) and Dave Rosso (Times Standard City Editor and one of the three who did the Times Standard closed door endorsements in November).
Joshua was involved with Proposition 8, the gay marriage initiative, before taking over the second-half Campaign Manager duties for former Supervisor Bonnie Neely.
Heraldo is made up of a consortium of individuals who email their rumors, fantasies, lies, stories and propaganda to Joshua Drayton, such as:
Larry Glass Andrew Bird Elizabeth Conners Mark Lovelace Shane Brinton Cynthia Elkins Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap
Some of the regular commenters: “Not A Native” - Dr. Ken Miller “A-Nony-Mouse” - Tom Peters “Reinventing the Wheel” - George Clark
Maybe our main stream media will pick up on this and do some investigative journalism.
What you're saying is "heraldo" is really a "new hybrid" PR firm.
Assuming you're right - now comes what I have been talking about, the "So what?" the "Who cares" the "See, you really didn't have anything to worry about, just use your name and be done with all the angst and energy you've put forth keeping the thing in the closet."
Really - the water's fine.
And with that, if true, the Ultimate Parlor Game could be over. "It's Professor Drayton, in the World Cup, with the laptop"
I really wish Rose's blog was anonymous, cause I can't stand Gallegos, yet Welsch's Tea Party bullshit takes her credibility right out the door. Why can't the rest of us moderates rally against Gallegos? Why are we stuck with the filth that is Rose Welsh?
Yuck... Gives me douch chills just mentioning her name
FYI, Jackson & Dikeman would have faired much better in their respective races if Rose had not been involved. Credibility instantly lost. Hopefully, Gallegos won't run next time 'round, and her inevitable involvement will be a non-factor.
4:34 and 4:44. Whoa girl. You gotta pretty big thorn stuck sideways or something? You don't sound moderate. Pray tell what did you do last couple of elections? Sit on the sidelines? Don't play well with others? Now look in the mirror and repeat after me,"- will play nice with others,"I will play nice with others."
This is a small-minded effort to attract attention and try to wield power over a media competitor - all this man knows he learned in kindergarten it appears. Yet 80+ comments. Clearly we have no real problems in this county.
My father in law (who used to work with Richard for many years at the pulp mill) gave me a big chuckle when he told me that someone on the blogs was saying I was Heraldo.
As flattering as that might be, I still don't know how to make one of those colorful little "link thingys." Maybe if someone shows me how, I can learn how to be Heraldo. Anyone?
If you KNOW who it is, you need to have your ducks in a row, with absolute proof.
Also, consider that many of us think that it is more than one person writing as "Heraldo" and maintaining the blog - consider that perhaps the group might not mind exposing one of them - one - while the others remain nameless...
Hey Richard. Whatever you do, please remember to not stoop to the low level of these anonymous hyenas. Debating with anonymous would only be self degrading. You're a better man then they are.
The fact remains, despite apparent anonymity, people have a rhythm, a cadence to their speech issues surface - one reason why Salzman is so easily outed... "Jane" is a case in point - there are only a few, I'd guess less than 5, people in the county who have such vitriolic issues with Richard Marks. And they're ALL on the Democratic Central Committee.
And what has he done that is so egregious? Why, he dared run for office when they did not want him to. He dared voice an opinion that they did not sanction. He dared have friends who weren't approved. He dared question.
So, despite his lifelong history, he is not "pretty" enough, not "Dem" enough - not that "Dem" matters, as their willing embrace of lifelong Republican Bonnie Neely demonstrates. It is all show. All about who is useful.
And for all the years that Richard Marks served and ran as a Democrat, he was never treated with such vile contempt by ANYONE on the right. Ever.
Quite the contrary - the stark differences are clear, as the right continues to respect the man for his steadfast adherence to his convictions. We can have differences of opinion, and still have respect.
And he is not the only one who has come to see the truth of this.
And so it is that "Jane" outs herself. Like it or not as she howls about others wondering who she is - yet this is a game of her own making. She revels in it, uses her anonymity to attack him, and then recoils in mock horror when called on it. Oh, the delicious fun of it all. The wonderful sense of power it brings to strike from her anonymous perch. the kudos she receives from her cohorts who know and delight in the touche moment of it all.
You can't put the game in motion, playing coy, and then get upset because everyone wonders "Who is that?"
And now, having revealed her inner id, she really does have reason to hide who she is.
And so, the masquerade ball goes on, the calliope music sounds a bit strained, and the guests are getting cranky.
In real life - once she is known - will she apologize to you, Richard (Marks)? Be interesting to know the answer.
Defending? Hah. Just pointing out the obvious - in the entire county, it's a select group who are so pissed off at the man, and for what? 3-5 out of 129,623.
It's not the server at Burger King, it's not someone in planning, not the fisherman out on the bay or the bank teller - it's very clear.
If the above posting are even remotely correct the suggested nexus between the Neeley campaign, the Humboldt DNC (plain Jane) and the Herald (others) equals the federal crime of electioneering. Not to mention the personal coming lawsuits via damage to Arkley business. He will unleash the lawyers. This has the potential to be the biggest scandal this county has seen. Anyone who had anything to do with this better start looking into good criminal lawyers.
THIS is the point. Mielke uses his name. Rose uses hers, as do others...but not the Mirror and not Heraldo, nor many of their posters. They have both made a blood sport out of character assignations, slander and innuendo - and 'only the shadows know who they are'.
Electioneering is not a crime, it is what you do when you are active in a political campaign to get votes. You might mean to say "racketeering" which is a term used to describe mob crimes like extortion. If that is the case please look to the influence being extorted from lawmakers for good old campaign cash.
Joel; I have to explain all this to you? For real? Here is a word I want you to look up in your dictionary 'hypocrite'.....and who in the hell is "ose"?
I chose not to post anonymously. Unfortunately that means that sometimes I get angry calls at work and at home, and sometimes even visitors. My kids were treated to a particularly charming message left one day.
But you put yourself out there, you take that on unless you're completely milquetoast about it.
In the meantime, has anyone seen Heraldo and Humbug in the same place at once?
Namely, I think the flying Heraldos have basically closed their comments - to those who disagree with them - they DO allow a very minimal amount of disagreement
- HiFi and yourself come to mind, but it creates the ILLUSION that there is this vast majority of progressive's out there, as evidenced by the ten to one ratio of progressos to conservative/moderates...
As time has gone by, and you have hit upon this, the press (with few exceptions - Kevin Hoover & Jack Durham, namely, and Hank, to a point) have fallen for this, HOOK LINE AND SINKER....
This is evidenced by items like the NCJ's former writer John Osborne, who STILL cant figure out how moderates won in Eureka, that Eureka is NOT like Berkley - because he was so immersed in the blogosphere, he bought into the illusion, and I think many of the writers at the TS and have as well.
I believe that the flying Heraldos have carefully crafted this strategy, and as time went on, they censored out moderate and conservative posters to create this illusion. I will even go a step further
- last night it occurred to me that it is VERY likely that Jane is one of the Heraldos - that a year or so ago, the group writing as Heraldo decided to have one or two of them write as regular contributing posters -
and I do believe there were posts written by Heraldo the first couple of years where the posts were of the same hateful tone that Jane ALWAYS writes with....
This is not paranoid, this is exactly what has been happening since the beginning. Hblog was constructed as a propaganda tool for the prog's. It is a play that is designed to a purpose. It has players that are developed characters. Also some bit players who get on for the ride as they are used.
Hey as Jane was having her meltdown which was joined by Mitch (regarding this post by Richard) when I pointed out that Jane had been on that post from 6:40 am to 10:53 pm and when I pointes out how many times she commented, I got deleted. I didn't even get to her comments on the other HH posts nor those on SoHum etc. Man, she must be getting paid overtime for all that time. The old broad should give up her CTA retirement as she obviously is far from being retired.
So Richard, were you happy with the outcome of the GPU BOS meeting? Nobody's saying anything. No pressers. No comments attached to the TS article, or on any of the blogs.
In fact, nobody's saying whether they're happy with it. After the vote, I heard one person in the audience clapping, but that could have been an autistic person clapping randomly for all I know.
But nobody on any side is saying anything. Maybe their vocal chords are worn out from arguments in and outside of chambers yesterday.
Rose: Yes. I was outed. Pretty hypocritical of Heraldo and the minions that follow them.
Eric: I don't really have a strong opinion one way or another. I think both sides are wondering who won. I will make a post when I get some time. The topic is on our Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District Agenda so I wanted to be up to date.
Well then, how about a productive spin? Nobody won and everybody won, and now that there's going to be a CAC which is hopefully representative with players from all sides, that we're beyond a point where we should be declaring victories or whining about losses, and actually having to be in a room together to crank out some product which will be useful to the process?
No one won. Once again it was a whole lot of drama with no net change.
And once again we see the disdain for the people actually in the trenches - the CSDs for example, especially McKinleyville, who are charged with long-term-PLANNING (the real kind), who have to look into the future 10, 15, 20 and 30 years to ensure adequate and well-maintained infrastructure - being discounted and not heard - who are telling you that they are not only not being included and consulted in the process, but are the dumping ground for Girard's frantic grant driven efforts to fill quotas.
If anything should come out of yesterday's meeting, it should be that Girard is directed to treat them as the PARTNER they should be, not to be dissed.
And the other discussion that should follow is standing up against the stupid notion of "affordable housing" which no one can define and is anything but - it is nothing more than a confusing feel good mandate from the politicians who want to be seen as "doing something."
No real response from R.Marks as to what he's going to do with this supposed bit of information he's been sitting on.
Turns out this was all a pathetic cry for attention, and/or a weak attempt to make Heraldo nervous, which obviously did not work, as evidenced by her putting it on her blog.
Nicholas Bravo has exposed Charles Thompson a.k.a Mike Thompson for what he is. A shill for the corporate banksters who are hell bent on stealing the money of the working poor while they build bunkers underneath Denver International Airport. This supposed congressman believes your money is actually his money, and that you damn well better give it up to him. Nicholas Bravo says HELL NO Charlie Thompson! Hell no!
So, Joel, after doing all that research with all those "diverse" sources... can you explain the sudden rise in anti-semitism in the American left? Inquiring minds....
Rose. Its not the "left" that has embraced anti-semitism. Its the ultra left elitists that do that. Its embarrassing and what worse are the moderates who haven't loudly condemned it.
Joel, since you ignore that it exists you must accept it as ok. Well shame on you. Take the blinders off and quit admiring Al Jazeera. Before you come after me, I don't watch Fox. I don't watch Msnbc either. Both make me sick as do some of your comments.
Hey Mielke, why are you absorbed with al Jazeera. I went to your new blog site and was sickened. Are you a relative of rich Fritz Emil Mielke (December 28, 1907 – May 21, 2000) who was a German communist politician and Minister of State Security—and as such head of the Stasi—of the German Democratic Republic between 1957 and 1989. That Mielke spent more than a decade as an operative of the NKVD during the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin. He was one of the perpetrators of the Great Purge as well as the Stalinist decimation of the International Brigade during the Spanish Civil War.
Following the 1945 Battle of Berlin, Mielke returned to Germany and had a major role in organizing the Soviet Zone into a dictatorship under the Socialist Unity Party. For nearly fifty years, he held the military rank of Armeegeneral. After German reunification, he was tried and convicted of murdering police officers Paul Anlauf and Franz Lenck in 1931.
Maybe that explains the crap I just read that you posted. I don't know other than you are troubled brother. Very troubled.
Ps Mielke aka washington carrusco, if you aren't related you should be. I am ashamed to know you. And I do know you. I went to type "bro" but erased it you racist.
Or maybe you are related to Fred Mielke and it is a genetic hatred.    The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution
Henry Friedlander - 1997 - History - 448 pages
Mitscherlich and Mielke, Medizin ohne Menschlichkeit, remains the best documentation of these experiments.
The Nazi doctors: medical killing and the psychology of genocide
Robert Jay Lifton - 2000 - History - 561 pages
Alexander Mitscherlich and Fred Mielke, Doctors of Infamy: The Story of the Nazi Medical Crimes.
Formats and Editions of Doctors of infamy : the story of the Nazi ...
Doctors of infamy : the story of the Nazi medical crimes. by Alexander Mitscherlich; Fred Mielke. Book.
"Defenders of Mielke would later claim that confessions had been obtained under torture by the Nazi Gestapo. …
Doctors Of Infamy: The Story Of The Nazi Medical Crimes · Mielke and Mitscherlich. Hardback … The Nuremberg Medical Trial: the Holocaust and the origin of the ...
Horst H. Freyhofer - 2004 - History - 209 pages
Mitscherlich and Mielke, Medizin ohne Menschlichkeit, p. 13. 74. Hartmut M. Hanauske-Abel, "From Nazi Holocaust 
THE NAZI DOCTORS: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide
I don't hear you saying "heraldo" ought to stop it, do I?
As for defending... defend what? Say, "Oh, Joel hasn't been acting hateful"? Are you kidding?
That's the second time you have accused me of not "defending" you in a blog setting - when I have done nothing more than ignore something that was said. In case you haven't noticed, a lot of stuff gets said on blogs, some of it is so outrageous there is no responding to it, it is better to ignore it. I ignore most insults directed at me - and most insults directed at the big boys, of which you are one, as is Eric and some others, and stay on the points of discussion as much as possible. The back and forth insults aren't really worth responding to.
I don't know what your issues with anon.r.mous were - and a lot of 'insults' are in jest, like locker room talk in the spirit of the giant pillow fight that goes on , went on, on buhne and the super happy fun blog. Responding just gives them life, drags the agony out longer than anyone can stand.
What do you want me to say here? Joe's a nice guy? I gave up saying that a number of months ago when it became apparent that you enjoy your right to freedom of expression but you don't think it ought to be extended to me.
Now - here you are - on the one hand, heraldo is ok slinging mud, but no one else apparently can make any kind of comment anonymously.... do you not see how twisted this logic is?
Gee whiz Joel. You are so quick to lump those who disagree with you as right wing nutters and then you take offense when someone points out that you sound like an anti-semite? Boo hoo.
Call me a left-wing nut, or an asshole, I'll still buy a round. Call me an anti-Semite, and I'll ask you for some evidence.
I call Rose a right-winger and a teabagger, because I take her comments at face value, but if I were to call her a fascist or a Mormon or a racist, or an officer of the Illuminati, I'd be prepared to substantiate the claim.
Well joel maybe folks are taking your comments and your posts on your blog (ENS) at face value too. You may want to rethink their impact on the reader if that's the case. Just a suggestion and FYI "teabagger" is not a "nice" term.
Heraldo is really a great guy . Besides yours as being one of the best blogs in, Humboldt, Heraldo also has just as fine of a blog . I really mean that . Your guys are super & entertaining . Have a nice weekend !
The crazy thing about this thread is that anytime I post about something meaningful such as Domestic Violence, there is nothing but silence from commenters. So I guess Heraldo is more important to people in Humboldt County.
Nobody came up with the $5,000 needed for the legal costs to out Heraldo. So they are safe for now. And no, I was not going to profit on this. Heck I was willing to pay $500 of it, but the price is too steep for my blood.
Actually Richard, I hope H is not outed. The way it is now people have the ability to view how fucked up the progressive machine is in it beliefs. Also ID's some real shit heads. It it outs a lot of the interconnections between groups.
Other than the fact that lazy reporters use it, H is not very important. Mostly with PJ, Mitch, NAN, tra, etc. it has become a prog circle jerk with them stroking each others ego's.
Richard laments that "there is nothing but silence from commenters" when he posts "something meaningful such as Domestic Violence." He sanctimoniously damns us because "Heraldo is more important to people in Humboldt County."
He then chases his rebuke with the news that "nobody came up with the $5,000 needed for the legal costs to out Heraldo."
Don't know if this was your idea of some kind of joke or what, but this:
"I have been sitting on this for awhile. I was just wondering what you all think. Should I identify this anonymous hater, or let the prog machine just keep preaching to hugely minority fringe left? "
Which is the entirety of your origianal post mentions NOTHING about legal costs.
And "legal costs" for what, egggzactly??? For hiring an attorney to force google to reveal the flyingHeraldos ip addy?
"Legal costs" for defending yourself against...uhhhm what?
You've been "sitting on" what exactly?
Hate to say it, because you are a decent and nice guy, and I know the HCDCC crowd has done ya wrong, but this little stunt - well suffice it to say - it didnt work.
The fact is that you'll get lots of comments when people disagree with you - and less, maybe none, when they agree. Most people aren't motivated to say "Amen" - but they will voice their disagreements.
Or in this case, when you've stirred up the railbirds - it's interesting.
We do know where the bar is set now - we can all start posting anonymously. and the heraldo-ites will vigorously defend our right to do so. And they will never out you if they catch you. Sure.
And just to wrap things up... I'm sorry ya all missed the fantastic Baykeeper event tonight in Arcata. Packed house for some fantastic music. But then that couldn't replace the tedium of pathetic petty blogging could it?
Here is the source: http://www.rexxfield.com/ or call (408)916-5977. I already sent the background material and have been given bits and pieces of the identification. A full "legal" proof and outing that can be backed by lawyers costs $5,000.
So yes, I have been given some information about Heraldo. If any of you really care, it will cost you that $5,000 above.
Plain Jane, I called Rose and apoligized. I thought she made a great post. I took liberty when I should have called her first. But let me get this straight, it is all right for you to post anonymously on Heraldo, and not me?
Mark Sailors: Now you know the rest of the story. I wasn't going to make any money on this deal. Heck I would be willing to cough up $500 for the positive ID.
I posted this on Heraldo also, in case they delete.
Mresquan: Yes. But any press reading this can verify my contacts with Rexxfield at (408)916-5977. Who knows, maybe you can get a pro-bono thing going with them .
Heraldo quickly deleted the website address and phone number on their thread of Rexxfield. (More than one)
The really stupid thing is - they are bringing up the RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE as justification for anonymity.
Don't they get it? The Right to Assemble is so that you don't HAVE to hide in the shadows, and possibly be prosecuted for your actions. You are free to stand up and speak your peace.
And complaining that they cannot speak their mind or their friends neighbors and associates will shun them - well - I just don't know what to say. You either have the courage or you don't.
Joel and I frequently disagree, mresquan and I frequently disagree, Tom, and Richard (M) and I frequently disagree - but none of us should suddenly hide because of that. Honestly.
And Joel - I appreciated your comments over there just now. I'm not in the mood to dive into the sewer over there, where it might seem insincere. I mean it sincerely.
Arkley's stooges never cease to amaze me! Who give's a flying f#*k who Heraldo is,except maybe King Arkley. Just a suggestion, go after him and not bloggers with nothing better to do than bicker amongst themselves. Join forces and actually acomplish something outside personal opinions. Humboldt County is in danger from the likes of Arkley and if we don't unite against him then this beautiful place that you call home will look like Anywhere USA. Eureka was noted as a historical treasure and Rob wants to douche it for more money and his ugly vision of what ought to be in Eureka
I blew, Heraldo A.K.A. TRA - off the map in his support of all his former political candidates whom through his support thought they would all win . Well, i spelled out the facts and big surprise for, Heraldo ( tra ) because they all lost . Droz knows .
You may also say ; " endorsements " of politicians .Eeveryone he endorsed lost .He was obssessed on deleting whatever i said in his blog . Let the truth speak for itself .Remember that, Tra ?
Heraldo was exposed by,Droz as, Tra .You see, Droz knows that " Tra " is the same as, " Heraldo " being neither a male of female name and both have the same degree of intelligence and write identically the same .They are of one and yes, Droz knows, Heraldo and Tra are the same person . You can't fool, Droz .
Buttons can be found today, after that there is a drop down menu for different varieties of bags, and will have a cute jeans and cami ensemble. At the Akris spring 2013 runway show during Milan fashion Week. Britney Spears was escorted out of a dozen hotel doors wearing satin dresses resembling slips. The latest eco-coture collection is the Cowgirl Meets Thunderdome.
Bernie’s Groundswell
The centrists in the party really need to take a back seat for awhile. I
mean, I don’t agree with what Al Green did at the speech to Congress, but
at least...
Reminder to regular readers, note for new readers
There have been a lot of continuances and rescheduling of dates in several
cases daily. Those minor updates are being added to the last post on the
recalibrating reality word by word
I do not write enough these days. I don’t know when I ever wrote “enough,”
but a time existed during which I wrote more. I start with this fact as a
way to...
Richard, you support Home Depot or another big box retailers at the Marina Center yet?
Mark Konkler is Heraldo. He told me personally that he helped to start that blog.
Yes, if any elected official is part of Heraldo or has been in the past, the community needs to know it because as we all know, Heraldo has a most decided political agenda.
Definitely expose. They've spewed enough hate already.
I maintain that "heraldo" has nothing to fear by using his/her/its/their own name(s).
I revise that to say the ONLY thing they have to fear is that IF you know their names, you will not give them the credibility they get by being anonymous.
If you know who it is, that will become part of the prism through which you filter the information.
What else is there to fear? They'll lose friends? I don't think so. Lose their job? Please. That blog IS a job.
So what if it was Larry Glass? Would anyone care? No. Not really. It'd be a two day topic of conversation. Less than that for whoever else it might be? Can you think of ANYONE who would be such a scandal that it would matter? I can't.
Same goes for the Mirror and Security National
They clearly get materials straight from the source
And to think the Blogger's Picnic in 2008 at the Rio Dell Fireman's Park could have been the Camp David Accords to local blogging.
I know something you don't know and I'm not going to tell you. Beg me pretty please, pretty please
Marks, you're a total ahole and in your own terms a weenie, caught up in delusions of gerandeur. Even Republicans don't respect a coward. Trying to suck up to your handlers with this stunt won't get you their respect. They'll laugh at you behind your back as just a stupid tool.
I know something you don't know and I'm not going to tell you. Beg me pretty please, pretty please
Marks, you're a total ahole and in your own terms a weenie. Even Republicans don't respect a coward. Trying to suck up to your handlers with this stunt won't get you their respect. They'll laugh at you behind your back as just a stupid tool.
In an e-mail discussion with Heraldo when I worked at the Eureka Reporter, Heraldo told me that he/she wasn't that worried about being outed. In fact, and to paraphrase, they told me that is was probably inevitable and they were prepared for the day.
Oh, and most importantly, divulge!
It really does not matter who runs Hblog. The general content is well know. Also the cast of characters and who they represent. No way its Konkler, he is a short bus person.
Its time for the mask to come off. Please share Richard. The problem I have is that the hate blog Heraldo has numerous people who post under the name Heraldo. You can tell from the tone, the words and the grammar.
I feel better about myself when I own up to what I say and sign it. I don't give a rats ass who Heraldo is.
It's obvious that Heraldo’s agenda is to harm other people or other political agendas with no skin equity. So, ascribe the same amount of value to what Herado says to the skin that he/she/it puts in the game.
I give far more credence to what Richard Marks says because he stakes his credibility on it.
Come on Richard, what the hell is this?
If you are telling the truth, and you know who runs the Humboldt Herald, why go about this way?
I say you are bluffing.... I call your bluff.
Then what will we aspire to?
I couched my reply in my lack of respect for anonymous bloggers, who would use their position behind the curtain to harm other people, but it has long been a premise that you shouldn't pull a gun unless you intend to pull the trigger…. Well?
I really dont care if someone is anonymous - EXCEPT - when the commenters/bloggers anonymously attack people, viciously, in the manner that people like Heraldo, PlainJane and NAN have done. And from the right, we have the Mirror.
If you dont have the courage to say the heinous crap to someone's face, or attach your name to it.
It isn't a free speech issue, as some try to assert; it's taking responsibility for one's words and actions.
Well check out the MCK press blog. Jack has caught Salzman blogging under different names again going after his enemy and spewing lies and innuendo. Sleazebag. I don't have a problem with anonymous or psuedos until its used as a mask to deceive, lie and hurt. That's chicken shit.
Richard. Do you think HH is sweating?
I saw your neck on a milk carton this afternoon Richard
It's been missing for years
PT, I mean PJ is particularly vicious.
I say go for it. It's purpose was to "provoke Humboldt county". I say it, so they can take responsibility for their words. It is not just one person, for the reasons pointed out previously. I don't think they are sweating it either.
Who wins the vicious award?
Heraldo or the Humbug?
Yes you should......
Rose needs to use her full name. So does Richard and Lawrence. Glass houses and all. Just assuming people know who you are is no different than being anonymous.
Wrong, Buettner. The reporters know who we are.
What are you worried about? The blog readers shouldn't know?
Who's Lawerence?
Thank you Tom!
Quick draw Mcgraw, Buettner.
I don't believe I have ever met you Mike or knew that you went by Lawerence.
I have seen your postings though.
I don't know Mark Konkler either but I know of him.
I have a full time job and do news as more of a side gig.
It's funny that those who are so obsessed with keeping heraldo protected are so quick to out cap - who wasn't even hiding... such joy you take. The hypocrisy never ends. You know who heraldo is.
As an example of why nasty blog folks should be outed, old Mike Buettner changed blog names to suit the occasion. One of those names was Rob Pushed Me. As in Rob Arkley pushed me. The situation was the Larry Glass incident.
"The hypocrisy never ends."
Rose needs employment. Gotta pay the bills, ya know?
Can you guys help?
Oops! I have a hidden identity? OMG!
No, Buettner, you don't.
So tell us - what is it that heraldo has to fear?
You use your name. Fred uses his name. Greg and Carol usually use their name. Tom uses his name. We all know ekovox, Konkler is mresquan, we all know tapperass, and none of us has suffered - you haven't.
What is it that is to fear? Except losing credibility. As in, oh, it's so and so, so what?
Hey Tom.... there's Lawrence Labranche posting as Capdiamont.
Wonder what he is hiding?
I don't know Heraldo and don't care.
You are just petty.
Now, Bitman/Buettner/Robpushedme wouldn't be in this kick if he wasn't accidentally outed by a url. I never heard of any bad thing happening to him, despite being really nasty to Rob Arkley himself. It proved the point, that nothing nasty or even bad will happen the Heraldos.
The small minded say I'm hiding despite an easy, and well known who I am. I've never tried to hide, just like the name.
I liked the name RobPushedMe and still do.
You didn't answer the question - what is "heraldo" afraid of?
Like I should know if Heraldo is afraid?
What are you afraid of Rose?
Besides Richard Salzman, Paul Gallegos and the boogie man?
You must be really worried about this.
Predatory Litigious Orgs
Predatory Litigious Orgs
Predatory Litigious Orgs
Richard Salzman just posted at 10:16pm? Speaking of Richard Salzman, seems it is at it again per McKinnleyville Press, just nasty anonymous blog posting.
Salzman uses his own name when he has something positive to say. The dirty work is all done anonymously and under cover of darkness, and in plain brown wrappers. It bites him in the ass every time.
I wonder if his dad approves of his character assassinations.
Who is the troll 7:50?
Jane? Where are you? Heard a house landed on you. Kharma.
My guess is Larry Glass is HH. Who else could it be? I guess it could be a very good friend or close confidant of Glass.
But that is just my educated guess based on the content of the HH blog. And of course I could be wrong.
I would not share my opinion but for the fact Glass made himself a Public figure.
My first and last post on this pathetic blog just to say that it's hilarious that only in a post about Heraldo can Marks get more than a couple of posts and apologize to Rose for being so vicious as to expose her attempts at selective cut / paste deceit and point out her failures in logic, including her crazy assumption today that she knows my initials, none of which is P, J, or T. :D
You've left enough hints over the years for someone to figure out who you are, "Jane", if someone wanted to invest the time and effort.
"The hypocrisy never ends."
No Rose, it doesn't. You would know.
Ernie, there are some great things about nasty bloggers like Jane. We get to see what's in their head. You know they hide that side at meetings and events. At least most of them do. Jane is different though. She is nasty during those events and meetings. Must suck at the HCDCC these days Jane. Have you considered that your current situation is a symptom of your meanness? As I said Kharma.
Joel: what's with your obsession with Rose. Did someone piss in your Frosted Flakes this morning? I mean really now.
See - one side effect of the anonymity is that some people may be wrongly accused or suspected of being "heraldo" - Larry Glass and Mark Lovelace may be recipients of that.
In effect, that is real damage done, caused by the not-knowing, and in effect "heraldo" hurts people "he" may care about much more than "he" would be hurt by just coming clean.
Honestly, if "his" opinion is worth anything at all, he has nothing to fear by standing by "his" own words, with "his" own name.
On the other hand - perhaps it is someone who, if you knew the name, the opinion would have no value whatseover.
Either way, "heraldo" doesn't care who gets the blame for this silly game.
And if it is a TEAM blog - paid for with Prop 65/lawsuit money - how would you feel then? You who think "heraldo" represents "free speech."
Rose wrote,"
See - one side effect of the anonymity is that some people may be wrongly accused or suspected of being "heraldo" - Larry Glass and Mark Lovelace may be recipients of that.
In effect, that is real damage done, caused by the not-knowing, and in effect "heraldo" hurts people "he" may care about much more than "he" would be hurt by just coming clean."
I have always found it interesting that the local left have never cared to broach the subject of who runs the humboldt mirror,all the while,folks like Rose and Richard and such seem to obsess over the identity of heraldo.Why the double standard,and yes Rose,hipocracy?
I mean,maybe Matt Owen is behind the mirror,and he has every right to be,but maybe his name being brought into this is unfair,so taking Rose's logic,whoever runs the mirror needs to step out so that Matt doesn't have to deal with the assumption,is that right Rose?
You just assume hypocrisy, MarkyMark...
Notice the lack of traffic on the Mirror? Should be a good indication that many on the "right" are disgusted, as I am, by hateful anonymous attacks from ALL sides of the spectrum...
Well I am on the left and love the Mirror. Its funnier than all hell. Nothing can ever touch the Penis Bonnie. Or the "midget" at the helm of the control room with the HH on one computer and Arkley on the other computer with the overhead screen showing the balloon tract.
My bad.
"Heraldo has a most decided political agenda."
Stephen is a genius.
re: The Mirror, mresquan, their time will come. It's kinda like Earth First! We'll log the other planets later. Or first come, first served. And don't think everyone isn't trying to figure it out simultaneously, like walking and chewing gum at the same time.
I didn't know Matt Owen had that kind of sense of humor. So, I had kinda ruled him out, but, ok... Mark, that's an interesting possibility.
Who has been considered to be "heraldo?" I honestly hadn't put you in that category, mresquan, though I am certain that you know who it is. Let's see... Larry Glass, Mark Lovelace, Neal Latt, Ken Miller, Michael Twombly, Cynthia Elkins (I don't think so), Richard Salzman (I don't think so, he seems to be kept at arms length) David Cobb and Kaitlin, Josh Drayton and crew... Buettner's name usually comes up as part of the inner circle, possible tech-y...who'm I missing?
And c'mon, before you get all techhhhy, Joel - you have to admit it is just a giant game of the ultimate Masquerade Ball, with virtual masks, and anonymity that cause the inner id to spill out.
And although "Jane" and her ilk on the herald are taking solace in claiming that being anonymous allows them to "speak the truth" the fact is they are cowards - “Give a man a mask if you want him to tell the truth” – is not exactly accurate. In fact the studies have shown that if you give a man a mask, he will deliver a fatal zap of electricity, if he thinks he is anonymous.
And the true measure of a man – or woman, Jane – is if they are willing to stand up and be a man, and tell the truth no matter the consequences. pure and simple, That’s what amounts to the nobility of man. Scurrying around in the dark, and feeding on your false fears is not.
I’m reminded of the line from movie The Social Network, "You write your snide bullshit from a dark room because that's what the angry do now days."
Welcome to Heraldoville.
“Heraldo” is Joshua Drayton, who owns World Cup Coffee, located at1626 F Street in Eureka. You’ll notice he keeps his laptop in the back of the coffee house.
Joshua Drayton is gay and married to his partner, Conrad Gregory. They live in Myrtletown
Joshua is a Board member of Dell’ Arte with Bonnie Neely, Patrick Cleary, Maria Matteoli (who made the Bonnie Neely’s three minute election commercials) and Dave Rosso (Times Standard City Editor and one of the three who did the Times Standard closed door endorsements in November).
Joshua was involved with Proposition 8, the gay marriage initiative, before taking over the second-half Campaign Manager duties for former Supervisor Bonnie Neely.
Heraldo is made up of a consortium of individuals who email their rumors, fantasies, lies, stories and propaganda to Joshua Drayton, such as:
Larry Glass
Andrew Bird
Elizabeth Conners
Mark Lovelace
Shane Brinton
Cynthia Elkins
Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap
Some of the regular commenters:
“Not A Native” - Dr. Ken Miller
“A-Nony-Mouse” - Tom Peters
“Reinventing the Wheel” - George Clark
Maybe our main stream media will pick up on this and do some investigative journalism.
What you're saying is "heraldo" is really a "new hybrid" PR firm.
Assuming you're right - now comes what I have been talking about, the "So what?" the "Who cares" the "See, you really didn't have anything to worry about, just use your name and be done with all the angst and energy you've put forth keeping the thing in the closet."
Really - the water's fine.
And with that, if true, the Ultimate Parlor Game could be over. "It's Professor Drayton, in the World Cup, with the laptop"
I am Heraldo. I'm outing myself.
So what? LOL
I really wish Rose's blog was anonymous, cause I can't stand Gallegos, yet Welsch's Tea Party bullshit takes her credibility right out the door. Why can't the rest of us moderates rally against Gallegos? Why are we stuck with the filth that is Rose Welsh?
Yuck... Gives me douch chills just mentioning her name
Wait a minute!
Who says someone that can't even spell "Heraldo's Indentity" knows who he/she is?
No accountability there. I'm just saying...
FYI, Jackson & Dikeman would have faired much better in their respective races if Rose had not been involved. Credibility instantly lost. Hopefully, Gallegos won't run next time 'round, and her inevitable involvement will be a non-factor.
4:34 and 4:44. Whoa girl. You gotta pretty big thorn stuck sideways or something? You don't sound moderate. Pray tell what did you do last couple of elections? Sit on the sidelines? Don't play well with others? Now look in the mirror and repeat after me,"- will play nice with others,"I will play nice with others."
It's not Drayton. I interviewed him on the record about four months ago and he completely denied any affiliation with the HH.
--Ryan "Capt. Buhne" Hurley
Ummm- would he admit it? If it was him and they've kept a secret for all this time?
This is a small-minded effort to attract attention and try to wield power over a media competitor - all this man knows he learned in kindergarten it appears. Yet 80+ comments. Clearly we have no real problems in this county.
My father in law (who used to work with Richard for many years at the pulp mill) gave me a big chuckle when he told me that someone on the blogs was saying I was Heraldo.
As flattering as that might be, I still don't know how to make one of those colorful little "link thingys." Maybe if someone shows me how, I can learn how to be Heraldo. Anyone?
I will say this, Richard,
If you KNOW who it is, you need to have your ducks in a row, with absolute proof.
Also, consider that many of us think that it is more than one person writing as "Heraldo" and maintaining the blog - consider that perhaps the group might not mind exposing one of them - one - while the others remain nameless...
Hmmm maybe the Eureka Chief Of Police knows?
Maybe someone should ask him?
Nielson still Chief?
Hey Richard. Whatever you do, please remember to not stoop to the low level of these anonymous hyenas. Debating with anonymous would only be self degrading. You're a better man then they are.
Yes you should. Heraldo attacks people viciously is not heald to the truth.
What do you owe Heraldo?
A better question might be, what do you owe Bugs?
The fact remains, despite apparent anonymity, people have a rhythm, a cadence to their speech issues surface - one reason why Salzman is so easily outed... "Jane" is a case in point - there are only a few, I'd guess less than 5, people in the county who have such vitriolic issues with Richard Marks. And they're ALL on the Democratic Central Committee.
And what has he done that is so egregious? Why, he dared run for office when they did not want him to. He dared voice an opinion that they did not sanction. He dared have friends who weren't approved. He dared question.
So, despite his lifelong history, he is not "pretty" enough, not "Dem" enough - not that "Dem" matters, as their willing embrace of lifelong Republican Bonnie Neely demonstrates. It is all show. All about who is useful.
And for all the years that Richard Marks served and ran as a Democrat, he was never treated with such vile contempt by ANYONE on the right. Ever.
Quite the contrary - the stark differences are clear, as the right continues to respect the man for his steadfast adherence to his convictions. We can have differences of opinion, and still have respect.
And he is not the only one who has come to see the truth of this.
And so it is that "Jane" outs herself. Like it or not as she howls about others wondering who she is - yet this is a game of her own making. She revels in it, uses her anonymity to attack him, and then recoils in mock horror when called on it. Oh, the delicious fun of it all. The wonderful sense of power it brings to strike from her anonymous perch. the kudos she receives from her cohorts who know and delight in the touche moment of it all.
You can't put the game in motion, playing coy, and then get upset because everyone wonders "Who is that?"
And now, having revealed her inner id, she really does have reason to hide who she is.
And so, the masquerade ball goes on, the calliope music sounds a bit strained, and the guests are getting cranky.
In real life - once she is known - will she apologize to you, Richard (Marks)? Be interesting to know the answer.
Poor Richard. He's got Rose working on his defense.
Poor Plain Jane, she's got Joel Mielke working on her defense...
When have I ever defended Plain Jane?
Defending? Hah. Just pointing out the obvious - in the entire county, it's a select group who are so pissed off at the man, and for what? 3-5 out of 129,623.
It's not the server at Burger King, it's not someone in planning, not the fisherman out on the bay or the bank teller - it's very clear.
If the above posting are even remotely correct the suggested nexus between the Neeley campaign, the Humboldt DNC (plain Jane) and the Herald (others) equals the federal crime of electioneering. Not to mention the personal coming lawsuits via damage to Arkley business. He will unleash the lawyers. This has the potential to be the biggest scandal this county has seen. Anyone who had anything to do with this better start looking into good criminal lawyers.
"It's not the server at Burger King..."
WTF is she talking about? But before you ponder that one, Brian, why don't you answer my question?
Mielke - your obsession with slamming Rose every time she posts is really creepy.
At least I identify myself, Anonymous. It's more than we can say about you, isn't it?
Joel GETS it
THIS is the point.
Mielke uses his name. Rose uses hers, as do others...but not the Mirror and not Heraldo, nor many of their posters. They have both made a blood sport out of character assignations, slander and innuendo - and 'only the shadows know who they are'.
Thanks Joel for making the point.
Even better! He used BOTH his names! and the sky did not come crashing down.
Electioneering is not a crime, it is what you do when you are active in a political campaign to get votes. You might mean to say "racketeering" which is a term used to describe mob crimes like extortion. If that is the case please look to the influence being extorted from lawmakers for good old campaign cash.
Racketeering. RICO. That should concern some folks. Some ousted BOS persons, some current ones and even the DA ought to pay attention.
ose, I think you would be a happier person if you got some new hobbies
Why single me out? What about Joel? Or "Jane" - or for that matter "heraldo" - are they unhappy too?
So sad! Maybe that qualifies them for a 215 card!
Joel; I have to explain all this to you? For real? Here is a word I want you to look up in your dictionary 'hypocrite'.....and who
in the hell is "ose"?
"Joel; I have to explain all this to you?"
Uh yes, that's what I asked you to do.
I chose not to post anonymously. Unfortunately that means that sometimes I get angry calls at work and at home, and sometimes even visitors. My kids were treated to a particularly charming message left one day.
But you put yourself out there, you take that on unless you're completely milquetoast about it.
In the meantime, has anyone seen Heraldo and Humbug in the same place at once?
It would be nice if whoever re-posted my comment at the herald would at least 'fess up or attribute. Not doing so brings out the hyenas.
Sorry Rose. That was me. I liked the post.
I think Heraldos are circling the wagons...
Namely, I think the flying Heraldos have basically closed their comments - to
those who disagree with them - they DO allow a very minimal amount of
- HiFi and yourself come to mind, but it creates the ILLUSION that
there is this vast majority of progressive's out there, as evidenced by the ten
to one ratio of progressos to conservative/moderates...
As time has gone by, and you have hit upon this, the press (with few exceptions
- Kevin Hoover & Jack Durham, namely, and Hank, to a point) have fallen for
This is evidenced by items like the NCJ's former writer John Osborne, who STILL
cant figure out how moderates won in Eureka, that Eureka is NOT like Berkley -
because he was so immersed in the blogosphere, he bought into the illusion, and
I think many of the writers at the TS and have as well.
I believe that the flying Heraldos have carefully crafted this strategy, and as
time went on, they censored out moderate and conservative posters to create this
illusion. I will even go a step further
- last night it occurred to me that it
is VERY likely that Jane is one of the Heraldos - that a year or so ago, the
group writing as Heraldo decided to have one or two of them write as regular
contributing posters -
and I do believe there were posts written by Heraldo the
first couple of years where the posts were of the same hateful tone that Jane
ALWAYS writes with....
Paranoia strikes deep
Into your life it will creep
This is not paranoid, this is exactly what has been happening since the beginning. Hblog was constructed as a propaganda tool for the prog's. It is a play that is designed to a purpose. It has players that are developed characters. Also some bit players who get on for the ride as they are used.
Hey as Jane was having her meltdown which was joined by Mitch (regarding this post by Richard) when I pointed out that Jane had been on that post from 6:40 am to 10:53 pm and when I pointes out how many times she commented, I got deleted. I didn't even get to her comments on the other HH posts nor those on SoHum etc. Man, she must be getting paid overtime for all that time. The old broad should give up her CTA retirement as she obviously is far from being retired.
"Hblog was constructed as a propaganda tool..."
Wow. How did Anonymous figure that out?
It starts when you're always afraid.
It's also probably funded by Prop 65 money.
We also haven't covered the Bonnie Neely factor or the Baykeeper factor.
And Richard! Who knew? Like Buettner/Bitman and Joel/Carrasco you have a dual name/nic thing going - and HERALDO OUTED YOU!
Now - Joel, about that hypocracy!
"funded by Prop 65 money"?
And where do you, of all people, Rose, find "hypocracy" in my use of another name (with a link to my blog)? It's not like it's a secret identity.
Dense, Joel. Dense.
I said - "heraldo" OUTED Richard.
Isn't that just FUNNY? You all sitting here defending "heraldo's" right to anonymity, and he outs Richard.
So Richard, were you happy with the outcome of the GPU BOS meeting? Nobody's saying anything. No pressers. No comments attached to the TS article, or on any of the blogs.
In fact, nobody's saying whether they're happy with it. After the vote, I heard one person in the audience clapping, but that could have been an autistic person clapping randomly for all I know.
But nobody on any side is saying anything. Maybe their vocal chords are worn out from arguments in and outside of chambers yesterday.
hypocracy? Is that like a system of government by and for hyper people?
I kill myself.
"Isn't that just FUNNY?"
No, it's not. And only poor Rose could imagine that state funding pays for someone's free blog.
Joel, why are you so full of hate?
Rose: Yes. I was outed. Pretty hypocritical of Heraldo and the minions that follow them.
Eric: I don't really have a strong opinion one way or another. I think both sides are wondering who won. I will make a post when I get some time. The topic is on our Humboldt Bay Harbor, Recreation and Conservation District Agenda so I wanted to be up to date.
Well then, how about a productive spin? Nobody won and everybody won, and now that there's going to be a CAC which is hopefully representative with players from all sides, that we're beyond a point where we should be declaring victories or whining about losses, and actually having to be in a room together to crank out some product which will be useful to the process?
A guy can dream, can't he?
No one won. Once again it was a whole lot of drama with no net change.
And once again we see the disdain for the people actually in the trenches - the CSDs for example, especially McKinleyville, who are charged with long-term-PLANNING (the real kind), who have to look into the future 10, 15, 20 and 30 years to ensure adequate and well-maintained infrastructure - being discounted and not heard - who are telling you that they are not only not being included and consulted in the process, but are the dumping ground for Girard's frantic grant driven efforts to fill quotas.
If anything should come out of yesterday's meeting, it should be that Girard is directed to treat them as the PARTNER they should be, not to be dissed.
And the other discussion that should follow is standing up against the stupid notion of "affordable housing" which no one can define and is anything but - it is nothing more than a confusing feel good mandate from the politicians who want to be seen as "doing something."
No one won. imo
It's true confessions time:
Andrew Bird in reply to Thepoetbandit:
"Thepoetbandit is me. Word Press is hard to figure out."
"...I was outed. Pretty hypocritical of Heraldo."
This from Richard, who asks, "Should I expose or out Heraldo?"
C'mon, Joel, you are not that dense. Not like those filthy people at Winco, and Fortuna, and McKinleyville, and people with trucks.... and Al Jazeera.
Look, Andrew Bird uses his name and it hasn't cost him a nice job, in government, no less.
Like I said, this is a game of your own making. Stop blaming people for playing
No real response from R.Marks as to what he's going to do with this supposed bit of information he's been sitting on.
Turns out this was all a pathetic cry for attention, and/or a weak attempt to make Heraldo nervous, which obviously did not work, as evidenced by her putting it on her blog.
"...you are not that dense."
No, Rose, but apparently you are. And as for the rest of your comment, what are you talking about?
I hope all my fans will visit my new weblog.
What's with the Al Jazeera blog, Joel?
Yes Rose, I get my news from diverse sources.
How's your Fox News tea blog?
Some people have WAY too much time on their hands...
Nicholas Bravo has exposed Charles Thompson a.k.a Mike Thompson for what he is. A shill for the corporate banksters who are hell bent on stealing the money of the working poor while they build bunkers underneath Denver International Airport. This supposed congressman believes your money is actually his money, and that you damn well better give it up to him. Nicholas Bravo says HELL NO Charlie Thompson! Hell no!
So, Joel, after doing all that research with all those "diverse" sources... can you explain the sudden rise in anti-semitism in the American left? Inquiring minds....
I cannot explain what does not exist. Next Rose will ask me to explain the war on Christmas.
"I have been sitting on this for awhile. I was just wondering what you all think."
And we are all wondering what you are going to do...
If you are not going to dish it, then at least let us know.
Rose. Its not the "left" that has embraced anti-semitism. Its the ultra left elitists that do that. Its embarrassing and what worse are the moderates who haven't loudly condemned it.
Joel, since you ignore that it exists you must accept it as ok. Well shame on you. Take the blinders off and quit admiring Al Jazeera. Before you come after me, I don't watch Fox. I don't watch Msnbc either. Both make me sick as do some of your comments.
"...since you ignore that it exists you must accept it as ok."
That's some nutty logic, and Anonymous achieved it without watching Fox and MSNBC. Congratulations!
Hey Mielke, why are you absorbed with al Jazeera. I went to your new blog site and was sickened. Are you a relative of rich Fritz Emil Mielke (December 28, 1907 – May 21, 2000) who was a German communist politician and Minister of State Security—and as such head of the Stasi—of the German Democratic Republic between 1957 and 1989. That Mielke spent more than a decade as an operative of the NKVD during the dictatorship of Joseph Stalin. He was one of the perpetrators of the Great Purge as well as the Stalinist decimation of the International Brigade during the Spanish Civil War.
Following the 1945 Battle of Berlin, Mielke returned to Germany and had a major role in organizing the Soviet Zone into a dictatorship under the Socialist Unity Party. For nearly fifty years, he held the military rank of Armeegeneral. After German reunification, he was tried and convicted of murdering police officers Paul Anlauf and Franz Lenck in 1931.
Maybe that explains the crap I just read that you posted. I don't know other than you are troubled brother. Very troubled.
Ps Mielke aka washington carrusco, if you aren't related you should be. I am ashamed to know you. And I do know you. I went to type "bro" but erased it you racist.
Or maybe you are related to Fred Mielke and it is a genetic hatred. 
The Origins of Nazi Genocide: From Euthanasia to the Final Solution
Henry Friedlander - 1997 - History - 448 pages
Mitscherlich and Mielke, Medizin ohne Menschlichkeit, remains the best documentation of these experiments.
The Nazi doctors: medical killing and the psychology of genocide
Robert Jay Lifton - 2000 - History - 561 pages
Alexander Mitscherlich and Fred Mielke, Doctors of Infamy: The Story of the Nazi Medical Crimes.
Formats and Editions of Doctors of infamy : the story of the Nazi ...
Doctors of infamy : the story of the Nazi medical crimes. by Alexander Mitscherlich; Fred Mielke. Book.
"Defenders of Mielke would later claim that confessions had been obtained under torture by the Nazi Gestapo. …
Doctors Of Infamy: The Story Of The Nazi Medical Crimes · Mielke and Mitscherlich. Hardback …
The Nuremberg Medical Trial: the Holocaust and the origin of the ...
Horst H. Freyhofer - 2004 - History - 209 pages
Mitscherlich and Mielke, Medizin ohne Menschlichkeit, p. 13. 74. Hartmut M. Hanauske-Abel, "From Nazi Holocaust 
THE NAZI DOCTORS: Medical Killing and the Psychology of Genocide
That might make sense. I am sorry I know you.
Anonymous like Rose, makes Glenn Beck-like leaps in logic. He believes that hatred is inherited, and that criticism is synonymous with hatred.
Hatred's not inherited. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon to figure that one out :)
This is a bit of diversity for ya, Joel, ol'buddy, ol' pal: Solar power without silicon solar cells? New magnetic effect of light into insulators discovered.... it's interesting stuff. Worth your time.
"Hatred's not inherited."
Gee, thanks for the bold defense, Rose. But of course gutless anonymous attacks only bother you when a liberal smears a conservative.
I guess three things in life are now certain: Death, Taxes, and Joel trolling Rose.
I don't hear you saying "heraldo" ought to stop it, do I?
As for defending... defend what? Say, "Oh, Joel hasn't been acting hateful"? Are you kidding?
That's the second time you have accused me of not "defending" you in a blog setting - when I have done nothing more than ignore something that was said. In case you haven't noticed, a lot of stuff gets said on blogs, some of it is so outrageous there is no responding to it, it is better to ignore it. I ignore most insults directed at me - and most insults directed at the big boys, of which you are one, as is Eric and some others, and stay on the points of discussion as much as possible. The back and forth insults aren't really worth responding to.
I don't know what your issues with anon.r.mous were - and a lot of 'insults' are in jest, like locker room talk in the spirit of the giant pillow fight that goes on , went on, on buhne and the super happy fun blog. Responding just gives them life, drags the agony out longer than anyone can stand.
What do you want me to say here? Joe's a nice guy? I gave up saying that a number of months ago when it became apparent that you enjoy your right to freedom of expression but you don't think it ought to be extended to me.
Now - here you are - on the one hand, heraldo is ok slinging mud, but no one else apparently can make any kind of comment anonymously.... do you not see how twisted this logic is?
Sorry Rose, but you saying "Joel's a nice guy" would make my skin crawl.
I have criticized Heraldo and left-wing commenters on the Herald, but I guess that you were too busy pounding angrily on your keyboard to notice.
Yepperdoodles....Death,Taxes...and JOEL.
Thanks for the tribute, Anonymous. And if you're the dimwit who posted all of that Nazi nonsense, you'd better stay anonymous.
Oooh, threats from Rose's troll?
Talk about a strawman. I've only commented here about your predeliction for trolling Rose.
I thought you were a nice guy, Joel.
Gee whiz Joel. You are so quick to lump those who disagree with you as right wing nutters and then you take offense when someone points out that you sound like an anti-semite? Boo hoo.
Call me a left-wing nut, or an asshole, I'll still buy a round. Call me an anti-Semite, and I'll ask you for some evidence.
I call Rose a right-winger and a teabagger, because I take her comments at face value, but if I were to call her a fascist or a Mormon or a racist, or an officer of the Illuminati, I'd be prepared to substantiate the claim.
You got that?
Well joel maybe folks are taking your comments and your posts on your blog (ENS) at face value too. You may want to rethink their impact on the reader if that's the case. Just a suggestion and FYI "teabagger" is not a "nice" term.
Why bother to blog if I'm just going to pander to careless readers and the unintelligent?
And yes, teabagger is a term of derision.
"Just a suggestion and FYI "teabagger" is not a "nice" term."
It isn't a "nice" term,and ironically,was penned by Sean Hannity.
Get rid of, Heraldo . Block him . He's the BIGGEST hypocrite and joke to all of, Humboldt .
PS - who is he, anyways ?
That'll be enough out of you, Jerry Droz.
Heraldo is really a great guy . Besides yours as being one of the best blogs in, Humboldt, Heraldo also has just as fine of a blog . I really mean that . Your guys are super & entertaining .
Have a nice weekend !
Oh, i forgot . Joel, too is a great guy .
Wonderful personality .
Anyways, nice chatting with you & same to you, Joel........hope you have a nice weekend .
Okay , Jerry . I'll get right on on it .
The crazy thing about this thread is that anytime I post about something meaningful such as Domestic Violence, there is nothing but silence from commenters. So I guess Heraldo is more important to people in Humboldt County.
Nobody came up with the $5,000 needed for the legal costs to out Heraldo. So they are safe for now. And no, I was not going to profit on this. Heck I was willing to pay $500 of it, but the price is too steep for my blood.
Hey ! Speaking of, Droz.....
look what i found yesterday .
I found out, he's playing a " Radical Citizan " in, Clint Eastwood's new movie,J. Edgar.......... too .
I found out, he's playing a " Radical Citizan " in, Clint Eastwood's new movie,J. Edgar along with, Leonardo DeCaprio ........... too .
Opps, link did not work . I'll try this :http://www.imdb.com/name/nm2881477/
Actually Richard, I hope H is not outed. The way it is now people have the ability to view how fucked up the progressive machine is in it beliefs. Also ID's some real shit heads. It it outs a lot of the interconnections between groups.
Other than the fact that lazy reporters use it, H is not very important. Mostly with PJ, Mitch, NAN, tra, etc. it has become a prog circle jerk with them stroking each others ego's.
"or a MORMON" Joel?
Richard laments that "there is nothing but silence from commenters" when he posts "something meaningful such as Domestic Violence." He sanctimoniously damns us because "Heraldo is more important to people in Humboldt County."
He then chases his rebuke with the news that "nobody came up with the $5,000 needed for the legal costs to out Heraldo."
What are you saying Joel? Are you not able to converse in English?
Read it again, Richard. I'm sorry that you are having problems with English.
Gotta go with Joel on this one, Richard.
Don't know if this was your idea of some kind of joke or what, but this:
"I have been sitting on this for awhile. I was just wondering what you all think. Should I identify this anonymous hater, or let the prog machine just keep preaching to hugely minority fringe left? "
Which is the entirety of your origianal post mentions NOTHING about legal costs.
And "legal costs" for what, egggzactly??? For hiring an attorney to force google to reveal the flyingHeraldos ip addy?
"Legal costs" for defending yourself against...uhhhm what?
You've been "sitting on" what exactly?
Hate to say it, because you are a decent and nice guy, and I know the HCDCC crowd has done ya wrong, but this little stunt - well suffice it to say - it didnt work.
The fact is that you'll get lots of comments when people disagree with you - and less, maybe none, when they agree. Most people aren't motivated to say "Amen" - but they will voice their disagreements.
Or in this case, when you've stirred up the railbirds - it's interesting.
We do know where the bar is set now - we can all start posting anonymously. and the heraldo-ites will vigorously defend our right to do so. And they will never out you if they catch you. Sure.
And just to wrap things up... I'm sorry ya all missed the fantastic Baykeeper event tonight in Arcata. Packed house for some fantastic music. But then that couldn't replace the tedium of pathetic petty blogging could it?
I would not pay money to see even good groups if it had anything to do with Pete and the prog's.
Event was to convince the supporters that their donations fund his shit, not all the money they get form lawsuits.
Here is the source: http://www.rexxfield.com/ or call (408)916-5977. I already sent the background material and have been given bits and pieces of the identification. A full "legal" proof and outing that can be backed by lawyers costs $5,000.
So yes, I have been given some information about Heraldo. If any of you really care, it will cost you that $5,000 above.
Plain Jane, I called Rose and apoligized. I thought she made a great post. I took liberty when I should have called her first. But let me get this straight, it is all right for you to post anonymously on Heraldo, and not me?
Mark Sailors: Now you know the rest of the story. I wasn't going to make any money on this deal. Heck I would be willing to cough up $500 for the positive ID.
I posted this on Heraldo also, in case they delete.
"it is all right for you to post anonymously on Heraldo, and not me?"
As has been pointed out here a few times, you're not in much of a position to complain, Richard.
I have been blocked by Heraldo. I have been answering questions on his post.
With all due respect Richard, this whole exercise was lame.
You inferred you KNEW who Heraldo is; and all you offer up TWO weeks later is some lame teh interwebs investigator?
At least you have joined the legions of other banned posters. Too bad you did it a cost to your reputation that is greater than you think.
Hmmm,I have had that problem over there before,but my comment made today got through without a problem.Did you try to post a comment today Richard?
Mresquan: Yes. But any press reading this can verify my contacts with Rexxfield at (408)916-5977. Who knows, maybe you can get a pro-bono thing going with them .
Heraldo quickly deleted the website address and phone number on their thread of Rexxfield. (More than one)
The really stupid thing is - they are bringing up the RIGHT TO ASSEMBLE as justification for anonymity.
Don't they get it? The Right to Assemble is so that you don't HAVE to hide in the shadows, and possibly be prosecuted for your actions. You are free to stand up and speak your peace.
And complaining that they cannot speak their mind or their friends neighbors and associates will shun them - well - I just don't know what to say. You either have the courage or you don't.
Joel and I frequently disagree, mresquan and I frequently disagree, Tom, and Richard (M) and I frequently disagree - but none of us should suddenly hide because of that. Honestly.
And Joel - I appreciated your comments over there just now. I'm not in the mood to dive into the sewer over there, where it might seem insincere. I mean it sincerely.
But the sewer at the Mirror suits you just dandy.
Arkley's stooges never cease to amaze me! Who give's a flying f#*k who Heraldo is,except maybe King Arkley. Just a suggestion, go after him and not bloggers with nothing better to do than bicker amongst themselves. Join forces and actually acomplish something outside personal opinions. Humboldt County is in danger from the likes of Arkley and if we don't unite against him then this beautiful place that you call home will look like Anywhere USA. Eureka was noted as a historical treasure and Rob wants to douche it for more money and his ugly vision of what ought to be in Eureka
Wait, is Joel living in some bizzaro world in which his pants where not pulled down and his saggy cheeks spanked by yours truly?
Joel Mielke was completely outed by me. Sheesh.
Seems he closed up shop.
Oboy, Anon-R-Mouse is back, along with his little booger buddy Nick Bravo.
I blew, Heraldo A.K.A. TRA - off the map in his support of all his former political candidates whom through his support thought they would all win . Well, i spelled out the facts and big surprise for, Heraldo ( tra ) because they all lost . Droz knows .
You may also say ;
" endorsements " of politicians .Eeveryone he endorsed lost .He was obssessed on deleting whatever i said in his blog . Let the truth speak for itself .Remember that, Tra ?
Haraldo said,
Your right and i do remember .
Heraldo was exposed by,Droz
as, Tra .You see, Droz knows that " Tra " is the same as, " Heraldo " being neither a male of female name and both have the same degree of intelligence and write identically the same .They are of one and yes, Droz knows, Heraldo and Tra are the same person . You can't fool, Droz .
Hmmm maybe the Eureka Chief Of Police knows? Maybe someone should ask him?
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