Reflecting recently on the closure of OH’s Townhouse, I thought about the different local grubbing establishments that closed that affected my trough feeding. Here are my top closures in the Eureka and how they played a roll in my life:
10. Lila’s Taco shop- Their garbage burrito was a great sloppy mess!
9. Shakey’s/Andy’s Prosperous Pizza- Many good times spent there with the kids. They had a great munch lunch.
8. L & M Burger- Robin and I went for their sub sandwiches.
7. Volpi’s- Classy place for a serious date. Miss the great view Robin and I seemed to hardly get.
6. A & W- Paul Maisenbach took us kids for Root Beer floats if his LP fast-pitch team won their games! I loved the fake pressed fries. No really!
5. King’s Table- Remember that Santa Claus look alike that used to hang out there around X-Mas? I used to save our LP meal tickets to take the kids there for a special treat.
4. OH’s- Last time my mom, dad and us kids and grandkids got together. No more, “union rings or green beans?”
3. Michael’s- Great memories of ditching the kids for a night. (Sorry Jake and Jordan) Used to leave them with my mom for the night and went out with “grown ups.”
2. Shang Hai Low-Miss the wontons and the little juke boxes for each table for the kids to mess with. But the Toms’ seemed ready to retire. (This was one of the last local union restaurants.)
1. Verla’s/Tom’s Sourdough- Verla’s had the greatest burgers years back. Tom’s Sourdough was a favorite after softball hangout. It was really something after Robin’s LP Treetopper women’s softball team played. The women on the team had over 30 kids! Then we husbands and families made the place crazy!
Here are others that almost made the cut: Lazio’s, Captain’s Galley, Eureka Inn, OH’s Hamburger King, Stanton’s Red Barn, Dennis and Geri’s, Betty Mae's and Enrico’s Deli.
Whatever happened to the ozone layer?
Literally over ten people have told me that the fact that we don’t hear so
much about the ozone layer these days proves it was all a hoax. And when I
try t...
5 hours ago
i miss "The Diner" down on broadway, where US cellular is now. they had the largest breakfast portions that ive ever seen. the theme was old cars....
Ron's Roadhouse.
The Sunshine Deli - Eureka Mall
The Kress lunch counter
The Bazaar lunch counter
Bettye Mae's
Stanton's Little Red Barn
The 305 Cafe
Dennis & Geri's
Just off the top of my head.
L&M Drive-In was the KING!
Remember the twins?
eko-the 305 is still there. Don't remember the twins. My friends Denise Ottot and Gail Brown worked there. The Bazar cafe was my favorite for years while I worked there. (Vera from the Chalet and Kaye Kahoalli were past owner managers there.) Robin worked as a hairdresser a few doors down from Sunshine Deli on the Eureka Mall. Oh the memories.
Yes, I know the 305 is still there, but it's not the same. In fact, Chuck and Oz Heuer have closed. I guess someone new is coming in.
Remember when there was an Angelo's in every town. Baseball wouldn't have been the same without it. And Straw Hat in Arcata. Although, your right about Andy's pizza parlor on 4th. Great Place, Shakey's was.
Stop, your making me hungry, How about Jans Cake Box.I just love getting there, after they dipped the chocolate dounts yum. And did anybody ever have a pizza from Al Capones in Arcata.
Ron's Roadhouse was not in the same league as Sweaty Betty's.
A&W Drive In, Eureka. Agreed. Best tacos I've ever had.
Bev's and Heuers.
It wasn't in Eureka and it really wasn't much of a restaurant, but since you're talking about places that have closed, I want to remind everyone how awesome Tiffany's was. They had some food, but it was mostly ice cream and ancient video games. Since it closed there hasn't been anywhere to play Pac-Man, Millipede, or that cool Ninja Turtles game.
My boys spent time at Tiffany's! Arcata stuff. Sharkeys was the video place in Eureka.
Did they serve breakfast at Tiffany's?
Can you follow this up with good places to take a dump?
Your Mouth!
Whaler's Inn, the old Vista Del Mar (great burgers), Cutten Inn ( not the present one), Deb's, The Big 4 Inn.
Just the thought of King's Table brings back the most gluttonous memories of Sunday family outings. I can remember eating until it seriously hurt and then waddling out with my parents to drive home in the old two tone Ford Granada. Hometown "Buttfet" (as my hubby calls it) doesn't even compare to the type of goodness (and memories) served at King's Table.
Let's be honest. The food at OH's and these other defunct diners was lethal. That may one reason why OH's closed. We are better educated about food. Not that there aren't still plenty of local restaurants specializing in heart attack cuisine.
Richard, you're my age. You know the necessity of good diet after age 50.
andrew: Oh, spare me guilt. The theme of my eating habits is quantity over quality. "I don't care how bad it tastes as long as theres lots of it!"
C'mon. Smile. But I get your point. I have been hitting the Cheerios with low fat milk hard lately.
I'm not trying to make you feel guilty, Richard. We just want you around for a long time. You're an asset to the community.
Hey Mark,
As a softball player and a pizza fan how did you forgot The Red Baron Pizza, accross the street from the old eureka Theatre. Also I agree with the OLD Vista Del Mar. My ex father in law, Tom Dodson was one of the owners and lunch there was AWESOME.
Mychal "Rambo" Evenson
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