Whatever happened to the ozone layer?
Literally over ten people have told me that the fact that we don’t hear so
much about the ozone layer these days proves it was all a hoax. And when I
try t...
52 minutes ago
Seems like our only hope is Richard Marks for congress!
Why are you surprised? Thompson has been whoring himself out to the wine industry for many years now. He doesn't care how many farmworkers and their families get sick and die, so long as his friends at Gallo get their profit margins.
And as usual, that disgusting toady sell-out Shane Brinton will pop in later today with more lame excuses for Thompson. He should go get a whiff of methyl bromide himself, maybe it'd wake up his conscience.
Let's see:
Congressman Mike Thompson is a wine whore and local Dem activist Shane Brinton is a disgusting toady sell-out? I don't see either men in that light. To me, they are both good people who are doing their best for the common good.
On the other hand, Wine Whore and Toady Sell-Out aren't all that bad. Congratulations, Shane and Mike!
Concur. Well-put, Greg.
Actually, I have to agree and disagree with both anonymous and Greg here. I'm not a toady sellout, but Mike is kind of a wine whore. He's not terrible, and I'd certainly take him over any Republican, but there are a number of other Democratic members of congress who are doing a better job of standing up to the Bush Administration and big business. I give him a grade of C.
Let's applaud him for the things he does well (voting against the Iraq War, leading the fight for water rights, standing up on SCHIP, etc) and let's keep the pressure on about the issues where he falls short (pesticides, polar bear hunting, Palestine/Israel, impeachment, etc).
Hey, I have a bottle of Thompson wine here at our house where it is safe! I wouldn't want Thompson to accidently shoot Santa's Reindeer thinking they were the endangered Polar Bear!
What's a toady sellout?
I'm not sure, but I know that I'm not one, unless it's a good thing, and then I totally am.
ANY Republican. Here we go again, bashing everyone in a group without looking at people as individuals.
9:37, have you no sense of shame? The Republicans have pretty much destroyed the meaning of America, and you still hang on.
Sorry 9:37 - I actually agree with you, at least to some degree. I should have said "most any Republican." There are a few out there who are worth voting for. Very few.
Shane you something dumb then try to cover by saying something dummer. Very progressive of you.
11:04, this is 9:37. You miss my point. I am not a republican and never have been. I used to be a democrat, but the democratic party has become as screwed up as the republican party. I am not affiliated with any political party at the present time. The point is this, not every republican is a bad person; not every democrat is a bad person; not every mill worker is a bad person. Can you see where I am going with this. Every group or organization has both good and bad people; it's the way of life. To make a blanket statement that everyone that belongs to a certain group is not worthy of supporting in an election, or any other endeavor for that matter, is short-sighted and discriminatory. I know many good people that are republicans, and many good people that are democrats. I also know many good people that don't give a damn about politics. So, 11:04, what I am saying is get the blinders off and judge people individually for what they are, not what groups they belong to.
8:58am- That was a great statement and one without condensation. And true. But reality or anothers reality puts labels on us all. It is judgemental and sometimes not a clear reflection of us as people. But then others will argue, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck then.....
I think you meant condescension.
Shane, you're all right. Keep up the good work. I wish we had ten more of you.
9:09am I stand corrected. Read what I mean not what I write and we will all get along.
Who is Shane Brinton to give a grade to anyone's performance? Get an education first, kid.
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