Thank God for Ray Hamill and his reporting Humboldt Sports. I do subscribe to the Time Standard and it amazes me that they are choosing to not update the Legion baseball action. The Eagles are having an wonderful season with lots of intrigue and personalities. And I am just talking about the parents! This is a special group that has been penalized by a virus they can't control. But why the limited press exposure from the TS? Who is making that decision? Just sad. But thank Ray for at least giving us normalcy in our life.
Frank Alves held to answer to forcible rape, lewd act by a caretaker on a
dependent adult and forcible sexual penetration with a foreign object
On March 8, I reported that 61 year old Frank Emanuel Alves was arrested
yesterday by HCSO on a Ramey warrant and booked for PC 289(b) forcible
26 minutes ago