The time is right for the Marijuana growers in Humboldt County to "Grow Up" and come forward and legitimize. If my sources are correct there might be up to 4 Billion dollars a year of commerce produced by the "Emerald Triangle," that being Humboldt County. Branding? Happened organically through the years. What the county needs is the Tax generation that could produce up to 100 million dollars a year! We need to be on the forefront of creating a county ordinance that will give responsible growers the safety of "outing" themselves to allow the taxation and environmental compliance needed to have public by in.
Right now Humboldt County Marijuana laws are governed by "Hysteria" and not "Reality." There needs to be consistent rules that are not based on criminal or punitive behavior. There need to be a shift in judgement. Instead of looking at Marijuana farmers as comparable to Goat Farmers and placing them in the position as the "Goat" instead of the "Farmers" the MJ farmer has been demonized and ostracized as the lower tier participant in the economic scale.
The present process that allows the Humboldt Sheriffs Department to "take" money and land in the name of "noncompliance" without giving people the chance or opportunity for compliance is an unequal process that is not unlike Prohibition.
To have growers in a "volunteer compliance" status regulated by the Humboldt County Sheriffs and Humboldt County Supervisors has the potential to help off set many fiscal issues for the county. That alone should be motivation.
Here is a conundrum: If all of the Napa County Supervisors were asked if the NAPA valley wine were the best in their area, do you think they would all agree? Of course.
If all of the Humboldt County Supervisors were asked which marijuana was the best in the open market, what would they say? Humboldt Grass hopefully! The stigma needs to go away!
More information coming soon!
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