Robin and I went to Ryan Sundberg's kick off at Mckinleyville's Azalea Hall on Saturday. When I heard he was holding this event at this time and venue I was curious on what turnout he would get. He had it family themed with bounce rooms, face painting and animal balloons for the kids and basic hot dog BBQ feed. It was brilliant. A few hundred people showed and many kids who had a blast. Ryan has two formidable opponents in Radio businessman Pat Cleary and 5th District Harbor Commissioner Pat Higgins.
I also went to Mike Downey's event at the Warfinger on Friday night. It was a good crowd and had many politico's from the area. Outgoing Sheriff Gary Philp is emphatically endorsing Mike. Many law enforcement officials were there supporting Mike also. District Attorney hopeful Paul Hagen was there and has support of many "progressives" in the 3rd District. That has to be an eye opener to Paul Gallego's campaign. A lefty-lefty split could open the way for Kathleen Bryson and maybe Allison Jackson?
Ok. Help me with this one. 4 people are running for Humboldt County Assessor. I don't ever recall this office being hotly contested. Has current Assessor Linda Hill been doing that bad of job? Here is a basic outline of the job description of assessor: "Appraises all unsecured property annually; appraises secured property at time of transfer, plus all new construction; prepares tax roll and delivers it to the County Auditor yearly; keeps records of taxable property." Why is there a crowded field? Will Assistant Assessor Mari Wilson be able to solve the issues in the department, or is she considered part of the problem? And what is the perceived problems? It all just leaves me wondering. Others who will most likely be in the race are Mari, Johanna Rodoni, (Johanna was at Mike Downey and Ryan Sundberg events and talking to many people.) John Brook and Keith Nord. Anyone else?
Frank Alves held to answer to forcible rape, lewd act by a caretaker on a
dependent adult and forcible sexual penetration with a foreign object
On March 8, I reported that 61 year old Frank Emanuel Alves was arrested
yesterday by HCSO on a Ramey warrant and booked for PC 289(b) forcible
49 minutes ago