I watched the CNN YouTube Republican debate last night. What a disorganized fiasco. There was no flow and questions were thrown around with no rhyme or reason. No questions on health care? But they talk about the Yankees and Red Sox? Give me a break. And Hillary obviously has already won the Democratic nomination, because her name was invoked constantly. Baptist minister Huckabee did decent job and may have won some support. Mitt was very polished. He believes in the Holy Bible he said. Didn't the Mormon leader Joseph Smith have a revelation to add the Book of Mormon to the incomplete scripture? (After he convinced his wife Emma that God said he could have multiple wives? I tried pulling this one on Robin and she didn't bite. Then she she retracted her opinion if I could find one that cooks and cleans! Joking!) Rudy is playing the moderate. Enough New York mayor rhetoric already. McCain is turning into a whinny old coot. Fred Thompson didn't have to go pee in the middle of this debate. Yeah. Who is Duncan Hunter? Tom Tancredo the same thing. Still don't know them after this Rudy and Mittathon.
If I was a Republican, I would definitely be voting for Ron Paul. The only person to not waffle and stay with his convictions. He said he would not entertain an independent run. Kucinich has already brought up the possibility. Kucinich/Ron Paul
I felt violated watching this crap and listening to Robin yell at the TV. (Her commentary was worth the listen. I should have recorded her. Mitt is the champion waffle man.) Anyone else waste their time and energy on this debate?
Instead of the lawsuit being dismissed, now Fortuna Elementary is working
on possible resolution with former employee
This is why I follow up to make sure the dismissal hearing is final. In
April 2023, I reported on a lawsuit filed by Vickie Victorine lawsuit
against ...
1 hour ago