That is a record number of Americans using food stamps. When will have bottomed out from the Bush administration? And GW sure shanghaied poor McCain into a no hope election. And Obama is just attacked daily by conservative radio that just sat back and watched George take a 200 Billion Dollar surplus and turn it into this: U.S. National Debt: 53-Yr High.
Now have a good day.
Convicted sex offender Jacob Roberts arrested two years later and once
again for possession of child pornography
Fortuna Police Department just issued this press release. I covered Jacob
Roberts before and he was arrested again by FPD for the same charge.
8 minutes ago
We thought we said goodbye to Bush last month. But in reality his administration will continue to haunt this nation for some time. Who knows how long really. We will ever fully understand the extent of damage his eight years in the White House caused this nation?
Look at what Prescot,and then his father did.Will we ever understand the damage that the family has done to this world?
Too bad more of you liberal
jerks weren't in the Twin
We have been protecting your
sorry butts for way to long..
Its remarks like that anon 8:56 that keeps our country apart. We have differing opinions so the ones you dont like you wish would have been killed in one of our nations worst casulties? You sicken me and make me know there is no hope for the US as long as there are persons with your narrow minded views. I aint no liberal at all, True conservitive all the way and I hope some one knocks the tar out of you for a remark like that. I friends that lost their lifes or lifes of their loved ones in the tower living in Humboldt County. I would advise you to NEVER make that reamrk verbally anywhere near them.
Richard, perhaps if you scaled back on chicken wings, ground chuck, Big Louie's Buffet, the China Buffet, Hometown Buffet, and pudding - perhaps there would be enough food for the rest of us.
Well, from the looks of the news in the paper today, there will be a few more on it when the Mill Worker unemployment runs out. I thought that they had to start back up right away or risk losing their valuable work force. They will most likely wait out the old employees and reopen with a bunch of 10 dollar an hour jobs and a new union contract.
Anon 11:42,
If you are seeing him at all those places, mybe it is time you scaled back too
Uh, yes I have been to those buffets, someone has to carry this economy! There are good conservatives also. I just blame this economy with the man at the helm for 8 stinking years.
That is true Rich. I will take some of the blame for vvoting for that dunderhead, but to be told I should have been in the Towers. That just plain pissed me off and made me want to slap the fuck out of the person. Sorry about the lang. but even now when I think of the statement it pisses me off. We lost some many good people that day and this person thinks it should have been more?
Like I said before the man at the
helm for 8 years kept your sorry
butts from being hit by terrorists
again. Now that Obama gets all the
info from the CIA and other
sources he is forced to send our
troops into other countries. He
cant just stand around and mouth off...and what about that promise
to remove ALL troops from Iraq in
16 months??More bull shit...LIKE
All the Dems voted for all the budgets the past few years and the last stimulas package. The President can only veto the entire budget. Bush sucked and was a spend and tax liberal. Since "O", the next coming of god, has been in office, he has spent well over 1 TRILLION and counting. Oh, and the market has dropped close to 3000 points.
I guess that means, if we are to go off Anon 8:56
, both the reps and the dems should have been in the attack on NYC. Oh wait, there was, just nt all off us like he suggests.
Does China Buffet take food stamps?
No fatbelly, but the meth heads down by freemeal will give you 50 cents on the dollar.
No fatbelly, but the meth heads down by freemeal will give you 50 cents on the dollar.
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