Time to cut off the mop. It was getting unruly and a hassle. Locks of Love need the hair that 10 inches or longer, but they will a accept shorter to put up for sale. It takes me about a year and a half to get to 10 inches. It is something simple that I can do to help cancer patients. Too many of my friends have been dieing of Cancer as of late. I sure hope this trend is over.
"Just FYI the named arrest for the zoo vandalism is Christina Higgins son… "
After my post on the Sequoia Park Zoo arrest of 19 year old Andres Deon
Escareno-Higgins, I received a tip on March 7.
"Just FYI the named arrest for...
1 hour ago
Richard, good job. You're blessed with an ample head of hair to share.
You look good, nice "do". And for a noble cause too. Great job Rich.I always wanted to do this but my hair wont grow that way anymore, and who would want silver hair anyway?
BTW you can remove my "what the hell is this" post from the other thread.
You look lots less scary now.
Nice hair for a worthy cause, Richard!
Looking good. You made someone feel a lot better about themselves at the same time. Chemo is not a great thing and the more of it you have your hair just doesn't grow back.
Looking a little like Richard Gere with the new style, Richard.
On second thought, maybe not.
The before picture looks more like Sirius Black to me, just after he escaped from Azkaban.
Richard, ran across your blog on accident and have certainly enjoyed your post of great old names from my softball youth. Still like you in long hair. Nobody hit the gaps better.
Your old friend,
Paul Callens
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