Schwab to Obama Add 6 million jobs!
Investment genius Charles Schwab offered up his own idea for a "stimulus package" at a Willie Brown Institute forum at the Westfield Centre the other night.
Someone asked him what advice he would give to President Obama.
He talked a little bit about the big picture of the economy, and then he said, "I'm going to give Mayor Brown an idea, and I hope he will convey it to Mr. Obama.
"There are 6 million businesses in this country. If you really want to be effective in the stimulus package, why not simply make it a goal to provide every one of those businesses the ability to hire one more employee?
"That would mean 6 million people with jobs, instantly.
"It won't cure the recession, but it would be a start."
Mr. President, if you're listening, there it is. And I agree with Willie here!
Convicted sex offender Jacob Roberts arrested two years later and once
again for possession of child pornography
Fortuna Police Department just issued this press release. I covered Jacob
Roberts before and he was arrested again by FPD for the same charge.
19 minutes ago
Are you high, big boy?
NO,you agree with Charles. Just like a lib to give credit where not due.
Just like a con, to not write in complete sentences.
And just like a yellow bellied, hide behind their momma, got no balls to stand up and take it for a response the made Anon Poster
Calm down, 3:21. English lessons could benefit you. You might try Philosophy as well.
They probably could, but why take them. Others will still hide behind their anon tag and not have the balls to show who they are when they flame. And plus, Spanish is going to become the preferred lang. soon
I hate Anons is nothing but another Anon; therefore, he hates himself.
I hate Anons = Rambo. Least I got a set and will tell who i am. Will you do the same?
I remember you. You are the short guy that starred in the Rocky movies, right? Rambo means nothing to me. It's just another Anon tag.
Ahh but if you had been a reader of this blog for a bit and/or smart enough to look back in the blogs you will see that I have gave my real name. Plus the owner of the blog at least knows who I am. Can the same be said for you?
Stu. Richard knows me.
Have gave. That's smart!
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