Convicted sex offender Jacob Roberts arrested two years later and once
again for possession of child pornography
Fortuna Police Department just issued this press release. I covered Jacob
Roberts before and he was arrested again by FPD for the same charge.
14 minutes ago
Trust me, everybody will realize all those little things that Steve did for us at Mad River Softball. I know that he was the one the made that league work, and honestly I would not be surprised if it folds without him. He was always straight and fair with us. He will be missed. I didn't know him away from the field, but for what I do know, I truly respect him as a stand up man. It's a sad day.
I assume he is dead? What happened?
Great guy and always fair. Will be greatly missed.
Wow, I had heard last week from my son Kris that someone mentioned he was told he had 2 weeks to live. Yesterday I heard we lost Steve Friday. I have always said to those that complained about decisions Steve made, that "you don't realize how much he does and has done for softball in our town. and won't know until he is gone" It is a very sad day today for all of us that had the pleasure of knowing and working with Steve. I had a disagreement with Steve at the end of last softball season and hadn't talked with him for couple of months. Then in January of this year, he called me to get my son's phone number, I'm glad to say that we spoke on the phone for about a 1/2 hour and got our differences worked out. I will say that Steve and I didn't always agree on issues, but I did respect him for all the work he did for softball in Humboldt County and especially in Arcata, running the Mad River Softball association. Steve thanks for all your work and we now will see just how much work you did to make the league work!!
We will try to carry on, but I know it's going to take several of us to make up the work you did. We will be getting some of us together next week if anyone is interesed in helping out call me at 599-9494.
God Bless the Big Man of Softball!!
Richard, I would like to have you help out getting the league to continue in Steve's name and honor please call me,
Will do, and well said Carlo. I talked to Kris and Ryan and I have time to do whatever it takes to keep the Mad River Softball Association in this transitional period. Steve is irreplaceable with many of the nuts and bolts, so this year will take us all working together.
I will miss Kosak, even though I am not down there still playing I always feared when I pitched against him. The batters I always had issues with were Steve, harvy harris of the old Reco's team and about half the Kaholii brothers. Seemed like every time I pitched to themthey would take me deep. In Harvys case sometimes real deep. He pounded one off me at Cooper South that landed in the "Y" of the trail that went out of centerfield of both the Cooper fields up to 15th ST. Not sure how far that is but pretty sure that is farther than putting on in the resovior {sp} in left at Kennedy 2
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