Local Solutions (LS) held an informal dinner/information gathering of community members of diverse political leanings to see where LS needs to focus their energies. I was surprised to see LS invite people who have had issues in the past (Me included. Why would I go to a party that would invite someone like me? Just joking!) with their processing. I was very encouraged to see them searching and analysing their disconnects to tighten up their Political Action Committee. I do see their organization as the most liberal/progressive movement happening locally. They have taken some lumps and criticism, but are reaching out for help in re-defining their objectives. They have had many huge victories in the local political front, and they are hoping to share their expertise in progressive causes. Candidates will have to be evaluated on an individual basis.
The day before, LS met with community members in Southern Humboldt and strategized the future 2nd District Supervisor race. No clear candidates yet.
Campbell? Rodoni (Must go!)? Flemming? Kirk? Huber? Riggs? Harris? Berti? Mrs. Rodoni? I will through out my dark horses. Larry Martin? How about Janet Harwood? I see Ed Barnhart is back. Jason Mullaney from Southfork area? Rob Wilkinson?
This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
What huge victories?
Check out the Local Solutions web-site.
Local Solutions has NOT had huge victories. By their own website, they state they did not form until a few years ago, well after most of the "campaign victories". Knowing the principals involved with LS, yes, they did work on many of these campaigns, but they were NOT in a leadership position but were worker bees. To the best of my knowledge, LS has NEVER had a huge victory. Hell, last summer they self destructed when no one took them up on their offer to help.
The Gallegos wins? Measure T?
Salzman was the key person behind the Gallegos recall victory and Kerrigan wins - if I'm not mistaken. Huber, Riggs, et al were just helpers - taking orders from Salzman. He is the one who has had "huge" victories.
Salzmans role has been inflated by the media. The man plays into it because he is narcissistic and has ego issues. Ask anybody deeply involved in these campaigns and they will tell you that for every one thing Salzman did right, he fucked up just as many others. This is not to mention the burnt bridges he leaves behind, making it difficult for people to work with him because there are other people who absolutely will not. I don't have anything against him personally, but I find it funny that people have been led to believe he is a local mastermind.
Well connected? yes. Knows people who do their homework? Yes. One time media whore for self promotion? Obviously.
The point is that the LS crew is trying to claim "huge victories" to which they aren't entitled.
LS is reaching out in all progressive directions to help the areas liberals. Or refocus and streamline the progressive agenda. Yes, they have been part of some big election wins. The Measure T win led by Katlain and Nicole should be proof enough.
Kirk is officially out. Too bad.
Measure T that will be thrown out the instant it hits the courts.
Measure T was crafted to withstand a court challenge (unless of course the venue gets moved to Texas)
Anon 12:58, 9:35 and 12:23 are Richard Salzman - known for writing under anonymous and false names only to prop up himself. How pathetic.
Local Solutions true assets are the people they get to do the work. And lets be honest, they have not been 100% successful. But they do know the local scene and they do know that campaigns are more than an excuse to write off lunch at the China Buffet as a campaign expense. But the whole label of 'Local Solutions' has been tainted by Salzman rightly or wrongly. Unfortunately for the people who don't like their name in the paper and make the organization what it is, LS is a sword they may have to fall on at some point.
Interesting, Richard. DId you get your invitation to the LS event via email or snail mail?
Richard if you lie down with dogs(how does the story end?). They will suck you dry and spit you out. In the end you just won't be quite as good a dEMOCRAT as Bonnie,again. The welfare growth industry will keep growing and growing.
Carol: Snail.
Richard. Just curious. How many people were there? Any names you want to mention?
Measure T was crafted to let big pot money,big casino money and Soros filtered millions run our county. Good news for radicals like local solutions and big governmemt entitlements. Bad news for every other facit of the community. God Bless the spin doctors.
So...did anyone look at Bonnie's contribution list to see if any of the donors violated Measure T? I know Nancy's did. And if so, where are the complaints? The DA? The investigations? The media coverage?
Maybe next time Richard. But the kids complain they don't see enough of me as it is.
Eric: Too bad. I agree with most of your views and see you as a true "progressive" Democrat.
There is more than a rumbling that union leader Steve Harris from Rio Dell is throwing in his name.
Roger is for sure in. He will be tough to beat. Wonder if Bonnie will endorse him. He stuck his neck out for her.
Patrick Riggs maybe......
If John Campbell runs, I may end up knocking on doors down there against him!
A true "progressive" dEMOCRAT. Give me a break. Welfare checks for everyone. There just won't be any banks to cash them. You've got a damn got sup in Rodoni ,you're to stupid to know it. Without a few like Rodoni your progs would sue Evergreen and your job right out-a-town.
6:16pm-Never heard a word from Rodoni on any Pulp Mill issues in the past. Water/Labor/ESOP/Air Quality. And we have had some public issues. Don't say because it is not his distrct. The residual chips we use come from Palco also. When they are not burning them for fuel in Scotia.
I'll burn your residual chips real good Richard.
Richard when you enable the progs into control nobody will be allowed to burn your chips,your high paying job will be gone but your taxes will increase. Your ears are to full of local solutions propoganda. Rodoni has always supported the pulp mill,don't be silly.
For some it's a matter of being for or against the pulp mill. But for some it really isn't. So don't go making it sound so simple.
If the pulp mill was worker owned, with a strong community advisory board, including environmental experts, there would be a lot of progressives that would be more comfortable with it.
And, as Richard has pointed out in the past: if it wasn't for environmentalists, the pulp mill would have been shut down a long time ago. He owes his job more to Ida Honorof than Roger Rodoni.
Amen Shane. Amen.
I agree with Shane on the Pulp Mill.
You are both full of shit. Shane you're still a communist I see. The new owners are the ones responsible for the good jobs and the good stewarship enviromentally. The radicals who sued didn't get the 1.5 million they were rally after so they'll spin the up grade schedual Evergreen planned into a phony "we made'em do it lie". Richard shame on you if you don't stand up for your good employer and yourself on this.The suit was about money to pay for offices,new toys and bank roll a suit on Arkley. They lost their real battle so they spin,spin,spin. If you think you'll beat Wes by going far left Richard you will be sadly disappointed.
10:31am-I would have prefered an Employee buy out, but I have more than stuck my neck out for Evergreen. I have witnessed many improvements and have pointed them out here many times. I agree with Shane we could have done even better.
A Local Pollutions endorsement would be the kiss of death for any 2nd District Supervisor candidate. Look at the past elections figures and see how the majority consistently votes in the 2nd District and who wins.
Richard ,you're sounding like a PR nightmare for "progressive"dEMOCRAT failures. What if these know it all progs came into your house with a list of everything you needed to do to be a better parent,husband,homeowner,voter,tax payer? How well would you do at living up to their unreasonable demands? Take into account that you're a pretty good fellow and are doing the best you can right now. Streching your current assets to the max. How much of this bull shit pressure could you take? Would you take? You're beginning to sound very unattractive as a candidate for working folks.
I'm surprised, Richard. Have you forgotten so soon?
Richard ,you won't get up with flees from these folks . It will be Aids to your political life. JUST SAY NO!
How completely pathetic of Shane Brinton, and not for the first time, he's been on a downhill slide ever since he was elected, first with the Measure T bullshit, then with failing to get Progressive Democrats going to oppose the evil of Loco Solutions, and then joining the dark side incarnate over at Dem CentCom.
Tell us Shane, since you totally flopped starting the Humboldt ProgDem faction, why should we believe you are at all capable of doing almost the same thing now?
With regards to Measure T violations directly from the "Yes On Measure T" website.
"Section 5. Prohibitions.
Non-local corporations shall be prohibited from paying or contributing, directly or indirectly, any money, property, compensated service of its officers or employees, independent expenditures, or any other thing of value for the purpose of:
a) Promoting or defeating the candidacy of any person for nomination, appointment or election to any political office within the jurisdiction of Humboldt County...
Section 12. Enforcement.
Any non-local corporation found to have contributed directly or indirectly any money, property, compensated service of its officers or employees, independent expenditures, or any other thing of value to political campaigns, initiatives, referendums shall pay to the County of Humboldt ten (10) times the amount the corporation inappropriately contributed."
Just a thought, but is the Times-Standard owned by Denver-based MediaNews Group?
Did the Times-Standard give an endorsement to Bonnie Neely in her 4th District Supervisor's race?
Did Bonnie Neely and Nancy Flemming raise over a combined $250,000 in contributions?
If so, then isn't D.A. Paul Gellgos going to fine MediaNews Group $2.5 million for their "indirect contribution" of an endorsement to the 4th District Supervisor's race?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Of course not. That Measure is only aimed at Palco or conservatives, not friends of Paul/LocoSolutions/Alliance for Ethical Business/anyOrg. You know that.
Very good point. Hey Cobb you sorry b#*#*#d get the lawyers hopping if you're not the phony f#*#*r we know you are.
9:10am-Funny. Is this Richard? Go get em Paul!
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