Here is a worthless little information tidbit that shouldn't shock everyone. The highest recorded May 31st Temperature for Eureka is 77 degrees.
Monthly Weather Forecast for Eureka, CA (95501) - For Nome Alaska the record is 78. Huh? Well let's move up to June 7th. The highest recorded Temp in Eureka was 81. For Nome 83. What? Maybe we should move our baseball season to Alaska? I always said we play ball in the worst of weather and it must be as cold as Alaska. But nearly compared to the North Pole? Anyone who watches baseball in the Spring in this area must be a hardy bunch!
Get over it big boy! Put on a sweater!
Had to be outside most of day and evening yesterday. I thought it was January again. Very cold last night with the wind chill.
Today at around 5pm the temp in Eureka was 52 degrees in was 52 degrees.
compare in January!
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