Times-Standard Online - Governor's budget bodes well for county So what about California senior citizens. So what about student tuition. Let's cut mass transit and buy another SUV to further the fuel problems. Cuts in Social services? So what. They can take care of themselves! Record home foreclosures? Sweet! More opportunity for the Conservative Right Wing investors/entrepreneurs.
I see the local elections is over and Bonnie feels comfortable leaning to her right once more. Bitter? No, I seen it coming long ago. Bonnie is a neo-con. Supports Arnold and Bush. Period. Just ask her.
This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
In Eureka there are two political parties.
One is anti-development old guard lauded as visionary progressives.
The other is pro-development, embracing America's economic present.
These two factions cross political boundaries as you well know. Both are well funded. The anti-developers seem to have amassed a formidable network of well educated campaign staffers. The Pro-developers despite being right on many issues have assembled crap.
Let's just give all our tax dollars to SOCIAL Services. Right Shane?
Capitalism is the only thing that will save you. Right now we have a mix of socialism and mercantilism.
No Richard. bonnie is a moderate you work for neocons who support the war like Bass-Jackson.
"The Pro-developers despite being right on many issues have assembled crap."
Why are they right, capitialism needs checks and balances, otherwise you run out of natural resources, damage the envioronment exc.
Its funny you complain about the economy but it is the "anything goes lack of consistent planning" that has contributed to our economic problems. Cresent City took your approach and they have higher unemployment and a poorer overall economy.
And amazingly, the city that has the strongest economy in Humboldt is Arcata! Highest property values, and most living wage jobs. Damn Liberals!
The good old boys have had the majority of power historically in Humboldt County. They've created these economic problems, and now they want us to believe they know how to solve them.
Hey, anybody awake today. Listen to my words, Humboldt County is in dire trouble economically--plain and simple. And if you all can't see that then the old guard has you fooled like everybody else.
And if you need some eye opening just go buy some food, go buy some gasoline, go buy a home, go buy clothes for your children, pay your PGE, Pay your cable bill, pay your telephone bill, pay your cell phone (for the ones who have one), pay your mortgage, and pay your rent. I probably left some more out like maybe going on a vacation once in a while but I think you get the meaning.
Oh, and lets throw in the kicker of the long hard winters the last few years for all you weather depression folks.
So, how do you feel--I mean, living in Humboldt County on the medium per capita income of $21,000 per year....
Are you ready to tackle the world economically today......
"And amazingly, the city that has the strongest economy in Humboldt is Arcata! Highest property values, and most living wage jobs. Damn Liberals!"
C'mon now, 859, most, if not all of what you are talking about above is has a direct correlation to having the UNIVERSITY in town...
rmostranski, you forgot property taxes, income taxes, car insurance, homeowners/renters insurance, life insurance, and health insurance. Is there anything left over for and IRA or 401K? I doubt it. But it's not just in Humboldt County, it's everytown USA, and it's directly related to our Federal government having failed in many ways for many years.
Stu 11:20, lets keep this to Humboldt County and not everywhere in the U.S. So, If you all have something to say about the economic stability or non stability in Humboldt--say it.
I said it Richard. Let me repeat . . . it's not just in Humboldt County. It's everywhere. Get your head out of the sand.
"embracing America's economic present"
ha! what a joke!
Bonnie is no more a moderate that Bravo is a human. Bonnie would sleep with a lizard or Salzman or a lizard ,all the same , to stay in office. Bravo is a lizzard.
actually I think Bonnie is doing Rodoni and Berg! YUK
Mostranski, I shouldn't even respond to such childish dialouge as yours. If you don't have enough intelligence to discuss this topic in a dignified and civil manner then you are not worth my time.
He's a washout.
Well, this discussion took a turn for the low.
Come on guys. It's a nice day out!
8:51am- you anonymously post about Bonnie being a moderate. I am publically calling you a nameless weiny unless you out yourself. Bonnie has been consistent on her backing of Bush and Arnold. Twist that or stir it, same drink. I support the young men who have gone to Iraq, including Virginia's son. I just don't support GW's position to keep our illegal occupation there. I have been consistent there. I haven't seen Bonnie at the peace rallies.
I thought only Bravo had the skill to send a blog thread into the toilet, but mostranski you are no better. Someone tells you to get your head out of the sand and you react like a spoiled child.
God are you dumb. You're most likely a freeking dud in bed. Anyone who's getting good sex doesn't act like a shirveled prun. If Rodoni was riding that old nag on a regular basis,Neely would be starting a cow dog breeding program not sponsoring spaying and neutering. She ain't get-n-it from no- buddy and she is a bought and payed for political hac.
TO "God You Are Dumb"
May I correct your spelling?
Freeking should be "freaking"
Shirveled should be "shriveled"
Prun should be "prune"
No-buddy should be "nobody"
Hack should be "hack"
I haven't seen any evidence that Bonnie is a Neocon. I'm not defending all of her positions, but I think she's more of an opportunist that leans a little toward the right. Neocons have an ideology based on the idea of creating world peace through violent imperialist means. They're essentially Trotskyists on steroids.
What demographic study?
Shane, I agree with you 100 percent, "Bonnie is an opportunist that leans a little toward the right".
Do to that ideology, Bonnie takes advantage of all opportunities to achieve an end with little regard for consequences or moral principles...
Such a pitty, another bubbling talent wasted......
10:34 thanks for the spell check. Can you go to the BOS and correct their screwing of the public? That would be time better spent.
Been working too much and have not had time to clear the over PG responses.
All f-bombs are gone now.
Leave it to Shane Brinton to openly admit that he sold his support out to a shameless opportunist, just like he did when he abandoned the Progressive Democrats and joined the legion of mediocrity over at CentCom.
Yup, I endorsed Bonnie in a two-way race against a more conservative Republican.
I stuck by Richard until the end. After that I made the best decision possible in a race between two local elites.
I am confident that I made the right choice.
Shane you made a choice,oh yea,butif you think the best for the county is Neely your not nearly as smart as the folks in Rio Dell. They win,the rest of us will suffer 31/2 years of payola to pay back the 25,000 dollar donation and all the hidden ones. That should be all right with you though Shane as you will go to the well often. Slimmy politics. You're well on your way.
And Shane still can't answer why he started the Progressive Democrats of Humboldt, then abandoned them.
I already responded to you about Progressive Democrats of Humboldt on a different blog. It's something I'm still working on with Richard, but we are both very busy folks, so not a lot has happened.
yup hes way too busy with his new friends on the central committee to worry about you grassroots losers.
Shane if your with the "Pink-o's" at the DCC does that mean your are just a "closet commie" now?
Closet case for sure!
Isn't Shane Brinton sending you all a clear message? You progressives are to be used during elections and ignored the rest of the time because you're too stupid to sell out like he has.
I see the so-called "progressive" values of Shane Brinton are being represented in the NoHum District more and more these days. Just look at the Times Standard today. Who is next on the hit list for hate from Comerade Brinton? We all know how intolerant he is towards any leftist resistance to the rule of the Democrat Central Committee.
Shameful, just shameful. As if young gays don't have high suicide rates, lets just let the school board and administrators push some more of them over the cliff.
The school newspaper is a perfect place for students to learn about the importance of a free press. Homophobia needs to be challenged with reasonable arguments, not censorship. The editor and the school have the correct policy in this situation.
If Shane Brinton won't stop hate speech against a vulnerable minority at Arcata High, then Shane should be recalled from office. See how he likes getting hated.
Join the Arcata High Journalism program, the home of future FOX News anchors and Christian Broadcasting Network correspondents.
What a proud legacy for Shane Brinton to have produced, a paper in favor of hate and bigotry.
Not a communist. I wonder how many stupid or idealistic ideas you had when you were in high school. The only difference is, yours aren't public. But, I'm not that ashamed of it. At least I was trying to be involved, rather than getting drunk and smoking dope, like a lot of the kids I knew in high school.
Anyway, the press censorship you are advocating is the same thing they do in places like Cuba where there isn't a free press. For you to compare the defense of free press with the actions of a third world strongman is irresponsible.
I would welcome you to start a recall campaign with the argument that I'm a bad school board member because I didn't try to crush free speech and free press in the district. I'd like to see how far you would get with that.
Homophobia isn't the editorial view of the paper. This was a letter to the editor. Other students can write their own letters in response. Not a big deal. Not Fox News and not a Communist conspiracy.
So, that means Shane Brinton did support murdering gay people before he stopped being a Communist?
Shane Brinton is not a communist, and never was. Shane Brinton is an opportunistic young man who will kiss whoever's ass is necessary to further his own political ambitions, and will claim to possess whatever political ideology is appropriate at that time & place. Did you miss all those little games the HCDCC was playing come election time last year (some involving Brinton)?
Welcome to the Shane Brinton blog. OUT.
Out, as in the companion mag of the Advocate, America's leading gay publication?
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