Jurors provided incorrect verdict forms for three charges in the Widmark
brother attempted murder jury trial
Today is Day 24 of the Brandon and Jesse Widmark jury trial and the third
day of deliberations. Jurors were waiting to be let in at 9:38 a.m. and
were ca...
1 hour ago
I have been driving through Manila at 45 mph for a few years now. I recall a sign hanging so that people traveling from Arcata would be encouraged to volunteer to drive 45 mph.
It just stuck with me.
Boy: You drive 45 through there and you get runned over! It is getting crazier by the month I tell ya!
(Hope you get over the crud soon so you can re-engage the NKOTB war!)
Never mind the traffic and speed limit in Manila what about our severance pay !!!!!!
I thought the speed limit in Manila was 1 gram.
Union Meeting tomorrow
Recall Larry Glass!!!
I like to ride my Harley about 90 through Manila.
No Anoon, they lowered it to a 20 bag
I thought Manila was where thay cooked it up in their bathtubs. I guess that would also explain why so few of them bathe in Manila.
Amen, Richard. I'm about ready to advocate making the Samoa bridge a toll bridge for non-peninsula residents.
That's a great idea Jennifer ... NOT.
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