Jurors provided incorrect verdict forms for three charges in the Widmark
brother attempted murder jury trial
Today is Day 24 of the Brandon and Jesse Widmark jury trial and the third
day of deliberations. Jurors were waiting to be let in at 9:38 a.m. and
were ca...
39 minutes ago
I'm with Rose! There's no racism! It's fake, just like global warming! A bunch of liberal propaganda!
How can you know until you have walked in their shoes?
Rose is BS. Also MR.
Rose: And your argument is....?
Richard, you can go much closer to home on this subject
HSU students "of color", almost all of whom come from outside Humboldt, report they have been made to feel uncomfortable or even afraid off campus. Some Native Americans from Hoopa say they experience discomfort when in Humboldt cities. There are quieter but similar feelings among the local Hispanic and Hmong communities.
Some of this might simply be cultural miscommunication or insensitivity. But its been too widely reported to not believe much of it is racism.
NAN, how comfortable is it for a non Native American to go up to the Hoopa area for some recreation? Best be careful which road you drive down or which hole in the river you decide to fish.
Rose, would you like to tell us exactly what you mean?
One of my best friends, Perry Price, is African American. He was a long time purchasing agent for the City of Eureka. We have played sports together and been social for many years. I have personally witnessed racism and racist remarks to my fellow black team mates for years. Same goes for my Latino and Native American friends and relatives. Humboldt County is not a racial friendly area. Talk to any minorities and you will hear this theme many times.
Don't just ask your white friends. Ask a person of color.
I agree with you about the racism, Richard, but Perry can be a real butthead.
Rose, we're waiting for your response. Could you please expand on your thoughtful comment?
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