New major fine levied against Evergreen Pulp. I touched on this in a earlier thread.
Where was this agency when Evergreen was running? From 2005 to 2007 they did nothing to collect fines for non compliance? And now that there is a potential buyer they come forward and puff up their chest. Hit em while their down. This sure does nothing to help create hope and jobs.
Jurors provided incorrect verdict forms for three charges in the Widmark
brother attempted murder jury trial
Today is Day 24 of the Brandon and Jesse Widmark jury trial and the third
day of deliberations. Jurors were waiting to be let in at 9:38 a.m. and
were ca...
50 minutes ago
Yes Richard, these guys are real creeps. However Richard, they are your creeps. When you support your HCDCC type politicos and all the proggie issues you have little right to complain about these outcomes. Now its your paycheck so it ain't cool. If you send fools like CheeseeBro to Sac you get what you deserve.
Keep in mind you'll have the State Air Resources Board to deal with, too, assuming the mill ever opens again. This isn't the old Air Resources Board, either. They've been given near dictatorial powers, some are saying.
The future doesn't look good for Evergreen or anybody else in this state.
That in a nutshell is why there is only one pulp mill in Calif. and it is shut down. Water Quality in their own report says that no impact on receiving waters is generated by the outfall.
I agree with Anon 7:52PM..When you
continue to support HCDCC and all
the others like them, this is what
you get...WAKE UP, Katlin and all
those like her just want to shut
you down and sooner or later they
will....just like the rail road, logging, Humboldt bay...
Richard, I think you've completely misunderstood the purpose and effect of this action.
These fines are intended put pressure on the owner to sell and to reduce the value of the mill. That makes it cheaper for the buyer.
After a sale, the buyer will "negotiate" with the board and the fines will be waived, reduced, or deferred until the mill makes profits. So, the buyer gets a $1M price reduction thanks to the water board.
Bob Simpson was quoted in the TS to say this doesn't change the deal. Clearly, the owners haven't accepted his offer for the plant. The water board action helps make his offer look better.
That assumes you can trust anything BS says.
I wouldn't trust EVERYTHING anyone says, including Simpson. But in this situation Simpson has no interest in lying to the TS. His primary interest is getting the plant at the lowest price while making Lee and Man look good.
Whether Simpson is a "serious" buyer, I don't really know. His business plan might be so totally off the wall and unrealistic that he has no chance of closing.
Behind it all is the fundamental state of the pulp markets, which is bleak. Demand for pulp is declining as recycling increases. Of course, recycling is a good thing but it makes new investment here very risky.
I dunno, maybe Simpson has a idea to convert the plant to be able to use recycled paper as a feedstock.
NAN, I hope you are right and I am wrong.
7:52pm & 8:10am-Are you saying that all Democrats are evil environmentalists with no-growth on their agenda? I will disagree. The Railroad went bankrupt, Clear cut Logging was done by greedy corporate interests and the bay is healthy, with aqua farms doing well and the potential of a port terminal in the horizon.
Today Obama signed some executive orders reversing some of Dubya's labor policies. By itself that won't cause prosperity. But it will help to more fairly distribute the results of people's labors.
Some Obama Quotes:
"We need to level the playing field for workers and the unions that represent their interests,"
"I do not view the labor movement as part of the problem. To me, it's part of the solution," "You cannot have a strong middle class without a strong labor movement."
"We're not forgetting the poor. They are going to be front and center, because they, too, share our American Dream."
He said his administration wants to make sure low-income people "get a piece" of the American pie "if they're willing to work for it."
NAN I wish you were AN, then you'd know a little more about BS and less likely to BS about what his intentions might be.Do your homework on this guy and don't be too quick to think that he won't loot the pulp mill and locals yet again.
Well Richard,it's a good storyas you spin it. Neither you or NAN have every done anything to employee a work force,make payrolls ,pay vendors,or feel the burden when it all goes south. Yes all the dems who support HCDCC folly are to blame. That's you Richard. Just look in the mirror when you want to shout at the cause of regulator roadblocks to your paycheck. As long as it's someone elses paycheck you libs don't give a damn. You voted now own it.
To set the record strait here. All of the fines are based on the Clean Water Act and the Porter Cologne Act signed into law by Nixon and Reagan respectively.
Most, if not all, of the siting Water Quality Control Board was appointed by Schwarzenegger.
The Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee has nothing to do with this.
YES! Thank you 9:32!
It is all the fault of the predatory Baykeeper.
Wrong 9:32, it's the fault of all the progs. Especially the culls sitting on the water and air boards. Some good reasonable attempts to do the right thing has been soiled by you nuts.
So when boards appointed by Republicans enforce laws enacted by Republicans it is somehow the "progs" fault? I'm confused.
Whats confusing is your thought process. It isn't at all the way you spin it. Repubs tried to do a good thing.It is then taken to extreme by radicals in the staff and boards of water,air,etc. All paid way to much,with way to much power,with little to no practical ability and way to little accountability. Bottom line---- Cal. is in the crapper and you libs are to blame.
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