Republican Mike Huckabee has been relentlessly attacked by a well funded Mitt Romney campaign on political stands. Huckabee's campaign or Mike himself has all the sudden today decided to take the high road and not attack Mitt anymore. Why? Because your opponent can bury you money wise in negative ads or are you really being moralistic?
It seems Ron Paul has fallen off the earth as far as momentum. What happened to the multi million dollars he raised? He should have spent some of it to become higher profile.
Please tell me Giuliani has no chance. Only McCain scares me more.
I am still optimistic and support Edwards. Obama over Hillary.
Mike Bloomberg running as an independent might change the whole scenario Ala Perot. Bloomberg for President? -- New York Magazine
Happy New Year!
This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
Edwards is a shark in sheeps wool.If you really like him we can see why you take all the abuse from HCDCC and just keep licking their behinds. Edwards is everything you hate in Arkley but its OK because Edwards is on your side,you think.
All of the Democratic and Republican candidates are already bought and paid for by the large corporations that run the world. In other words, they all suck.
If Richard takes abuse from HCDCC, it is self-abuse. I'm with you on Edwards, Richard - and even (agh) Clinton will get my vote in the general if she wins the primary. At LEAST we only have one more year of the worst president in American history. Happy NEW Year!!
Huckabee apparently use to be huge, but then he got that gastro-bypass surgery and lost a lot of weight.
Ron Paul has not hasn't fallen off of the earth.He doesn't toe the line so your not going to hear about his successes on the news shows which you may rely on.He's doing quite well actually,and I know I know of a few liberals who very recently joined the republican party to vote for him.I'll be doing the same.
Giuliani is toast and there will not, barring some catacysmic event, be a Republican victory in '08. Edwards is my number one, and calling a trial lawyer a "shark" is a compliment, anon 8.28. The working people of this country could USE a few more sharks on their side. I don't find McCain scary at all. At least SOME of his brain cells are still working which can't be said about the incumbent. Happy New Year!.
I think worst in history is a big streach. As a native person Polk is much worse and although well like nationally Jackson is far ahead of Bush too. Your issues pale in my world.
babushka you seem to embrace the dark side. I'll pray for you.
Is the HCDCC abusing me? I don't think so. We have different opinions at times (argue even) but we share the basic core values. Come by some time. We are open to the public. Transparent even.
Been there,do that,HCDCC still sucks and you have a walnut for a brain if you can't or won't remember the shit they laid on you. They act like fascists at worst and babies at best. Do you share that? You seem to be willing for what ever they dish out. You are better than that and better than them.
Huckabee said he wasn't going to go negative. Then he held a press conference where he unveiled the ad. Then he withdrew it again.
So he was against it before he was for it before he was against it again.
I'm thinking that McCain might actually get the nomination.
Whoever's praying for me , keep it up 24/7. It'll occupy your mind.
Mayme, do you have a source for the Huckabee bypass story and did Huckabee admit to having it.? The Newsweek article as I recall made it sound like he did it the hard way.
"..Edwards is a shark in sheeps wool..."
Anonymous mixes his metaphors as freely as he confuses his political figures.
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