Looks like Evergreen is not done yet. The Daily World Don't know how that would affect our plant. Wait and see I guess.
The peeing bandit has been identified and unfortunately fired from one of the local trucking outfits after relieving his self at the Evergreen Chip Dump. Not sure if it is the same one that had taking a #2 and pee peed on the controls of the truckers safety shack and peed all over the B & B and employee restroom.
It seems to be an epidemic with truck drivers to relieve themselves immediately when they stop for work. Must be all that bouncing up and down causing their kidneys to wear down. Those local truck drivers out there are over worked and underpaid.
This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
Richard writes:
Not sure if it is the same one that had taking a #2 and pee peed on the controls of the truckers safety shack and peed all over the B & B and employee restroom.
Nope! Hahahahahha!!! Check out the BROWN SLUG I left in your raincoat!!!! Next time I catch you taking a nap I might just Pee Peed on you!
Coworker X
The potty bandit strikes again. I will check my raincoat when I get to work now.
Thanks for the update. Now I will go wash my hands.
how much do truck drivers make an hour?
7.00$ an hour less than Richard
There is an ongoing controversy in Washington state about a practice of truck drivers to pee in bottles, seal them, and then throw them on the side of the road (to save time). Naturally, the transportation department workers, ungrateful about the boon to commerce the truckers provide, are complaining about having to clean up after them.
How much is that Pulp Mill in the window?
eric-We have the same problem at the pulp mill. Drivers from the bay area bring containers to be loaded and then taken to the Port of Oakland. Sometimes they come and park in the middle of the night waiting for the shipping crew to arrive at our mill at 7am. Sometimes there are upward of 30 trucks in a small parking lot. And many times they leave their bottles or jugs of urine. And our laborers have to treat it as hazardous waste. Time consuming and just not right.
8:25 & 9:08pm- Local drivers make between $11 and $15 an hour. I make over $20 an hour because I am a union worker. The truck drivers would too if they organized.
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