Republican Mike Huckabee has been relentlessly attacked by a well funded Mitt Romney campaign on political stands. Huckabee's campaign or Mike himself has all the sudden today decided to take the high road and not attack Mitt anymore. Why? Because your opponent can bury you money wise in negative ads or are you really being moralistic?
It seems Ron Paul has fallen off the earth as far as momentum. What happened to the multi million dollars he raised? He should have spent some of it to become higher profile.
Please tell me Giuliani has no chance. Only McCain scares me more.
I am still optimistic and support Edwards. Obama over Hillary.
Mike Bloomberg running as an independent might change the whole scenario Ala Perot. Bloomberg for President? -- New York Magazine
Happy New Year!
The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of
Police issued a joint statement an hour ago on the recent presidential
The International Association of Chiefs of Police and Fraternal Order of
Police issued a joint statement an hour ago on the recent presidential
4 hours ago