Greg and Carol Ann Conners, the #8 ranked Humboldt County Power Couple, have stepped down from the Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee HCDCC due to personal reasons. Ouch! Carol was on the executive board and Greg was a past executive board member. There are now two 1st District seats available on the HCDCC. If your County Supervisor in Jimmy Smith, we have two positions in need of help!
They will be greatly missed. I am bummed out about this.
I’ve lost track of Trump’s court losses, but this is a big one
District Court Judge just ruled that DOGE is subject to the FOIA. “U.S.
District Judge Christopher Cooper said the DOGE office has so much power
and “unusu...
2 hours ago
It is slanderous comments such as yours, anonymous, that is the reason for our leaving the committee.
Gosh dear, I take the boil on the butt comment as sort of a compliment. Don't worry, anon, we will continue to be boils on certain butts.
Thanks for the kind words, Richard. Onwards!
uh, don't you mean libelous?
As always Carol. When they talk crap they have to do it under a mask of anom
Curtain call, exit stage left. Just follow Estelle.
Yes, libelous is the correct word, thank you, and I have emails for proof. Are you a lawyer?
We are not going away. We are just leaving the central committee.
I have informed our elected representatives that they can count on our support and help. I estimated that I donated around 2o hours/month for my volunteer job as secretary. My family will enjoy having that time spent on them rather than politics. I can cook more and do more for them.
BTW, Estelle hasn't left the stage. Remember? She got a job.
Power couple?
They probably have seen the light
and dont want to be part of the
new Socialist party..
Well, if spending time with your family and cooking for them was so important why were you not doing it already? Someone comments about their own feelings, like the fact that they are not sad to see them go, and some bitter, angry liberal calls it slander. Who will you socialists blame all your problems on now that Bush is gone?
"Socialist" is a worn-out Orwellian label used by Republicans to smear Democrats. Party activists do tend to have strong opinions, so their organizations tend to the extreme. HCDCC is no exception, but the Republican party has gone over the edge. Is it socialist to provide roads, clean water, law enforcement and sewage disposal? According to some, yes.
9:14, you pretty much prove Carol's point. Bitter and angry, though? No, but we have other things to do with our lives than to take the continual grief we had both been receiving from one particular member of HCDCC. This member has run for and lost some party elections and is running amok. We put up with it until Dubya was gone, but our main job is done for the moment.
Infighting amongst party activists is nothing new. We just have better things to do, like run a business, help our kids with college and cut firewood.
Best to all.
Greg & Carol, ideologically we are probably 180 degrees apart, but you both are to be commended for your passion and efforts on behalf of the causes you believe in.
BTW Greg,
""Socialist" is a worn-out Orwellian label used by Republicans to smear Democrats"
just like when you use "Rovian" to smear Republicans. Not quite sure it's as worn out as Orwellian though.
I hope both of you return soon, well rested and ready. Civil discourse and the free exchange of ideas is always a good thing.
Thank you for your kind words, 10:27. I think I know who you are, and I appreciate your kindness.
Who do you think I am? :-)
Nice work you two, enjoy the extra time.
Also, thanks for the delicious pizza at the picnic. It was nice to meet you guys.
It is so hard to replace people who are "doer's" and not just "talkers". I just hope we can find two Democrats who are as willing to put themselves out to the public and share their core values. And who will put the chairs away and help clean up. And chair political functions. And take hold of leadership responsibilities. Greg and Carol are going to be hard to replace indeed.
"I just hope we can find two Democrats who are as willing to put themselves out to the public and share their core values. And who will put the chairs away and help clean up. And chair political functions. And take hold of leadership responsibilities."
Two Democrats?? Hell Rich, how about just two people. That list it may take forever and a day to find that.
It's a shame the HCDCC is losing two such dedicated, educated members. It's the HCDCC's loss.
However, Greg and Carol will have more time to give in the effort to elect a progressive majority to the Eureka City Council in 2010. Yes!
If they are "doing' what the democratic party has been "doing' to this are for a long time, I will pass. What have these "doers' in local democratic politics done to create manufacturing jobs, or any other decent jobs? The standard of living in Humboldt County has deteriorated for decades and continues to do so under the leadership of these "doers'.
A lot of the stuff we "do-ed" was fun, not work. Though I was never *cough* a Bill Clinton fan, volunteering to help out on zero notice brought us face to face with him for his speech at Redwood Acres. Clinton is one of only 45 presidents ever, and we don't see many so to me it was a big deal. We heard all of the candidates at a convention, including a spine-tingling speech from Obama. We met Howard Dean. And thanks for the eulogies, but we're not gone, just off the HCDCC.
2:56, HCDCC is the local Democratic Party, the primary function of which is to elect Democratic Party candidates to public office, where they then try to govern. Their ability to govern depends largely on the success of private enterprise, not the other way around. I remember Humboldt County's boom-town fifties. We are due for good times, but don't hold your breath. Over time maybe Humboldt will evolve. We'll always have remnants of traditional economies, but maybe we can add rich telecommuters to the mix or something. We have 128,000 people living in a remote area the size of Delaware. Humboldt County's economy has always been seasonal and cyclical. We typically handle recessions more stoically than some because we're used to it. People here know it will probably get better.
But go ahead, blame us for the economy. The nice comments feel good, but hey, we're not dead yet.
Anonymous,10:27, I think you could be Mike Harvey.
Thank you, Richard Marks, for your kind words. I enjoy participating in activities with you and Robin. I really enjoyed holding my big tyed-died PEACE banner with Robin at a Courthouse peace rally.
Congressman Thompson asked Greg and myself to co-convene the Eureka Hilary Clinton for President Caucus and our own local retired Eureka High teacher, Pam Cahill went to the Democratic National Convention! And now we have Hillary Clinton for Secretary of State.
At my last HCDCC meeting I urged the committee to support our democratically elected leaders. I encourage everyone of all poilitical persuasions to check out President Barack Obama's Website, The White House. There are civics lessons, history, and even a Presidential Blog. I thought the President's Speech was strong and eloquent.
My New York accent is coming out in my writing. Political not Poilitical. Whatever. Let's all meet for a beer in Eureka sometime, Okay?
Nope, I'm not Mike H. Good guy, though...
Mike always posts with his name.
Perhaps you are Rose?
Or Ross Rowley?
We should supporrt our elected leaders? Did that include Bush? Reagan? ROFLMAO.
Bush wasn't elected. He was gifted the White House by the Supreme Court that his father stacked.
"However, Greg and Carol will have more time to give in the effort to elect a progressive majority to the Eureka City Council in 2010. Yes!"
Doesn't this power couple reside in Loleta and work in Fortuna? Why would they want to insinuate their way into Eureka politics?
5:13, I guess the laugh is on you. I actually did support Reagan, even serving on his county committee in 1982. We all make mistakes, and I saw this particular light well before Dubya came along.
6:21, the last thing I want to do is get involved in Eureka politics, but if I know a good candidate and want to support them I will. If you have a favorite for the Loleta School Board, feel free to let us know.
I am the poster from 1027. Actually, Greg, I in all honesty would love to see you and your wife more involved down here in Fortuna. You should come to council meetings, as business owners down here, you have a vested interest in what is going on.
Though I am a Republican, and as I said before our ideologies are probably about 180 degrees apart, local governmant is (or should be anyway) above partisan politics, and intelligent, reasonable voices are needed from all sides of the aisle.
It irks me sometimes that Fortuna gets such a bad rap, (redneck, bigoted etc) becuase in all honesty, I've found many more close minded people up in Arcata, where my work sometimes takes me.
Fortuna is very open minded, tolerant, and yes, friendly.
Thanks, 1027. Our office has been in Fortuna for a dozen or so years and I like it very much. We are members of the C of C but our business takes us up and down the road. We'll be around.
Lodgepole, we all had a good time at the blogger's picnic.
:) No, Carol, I also use my name.
And I second what anon 10:27 said, above: ...local governmant is (or should be anyway) above partisan politics, and intelligent, reasonable voices are needed from all sides of the aisle.
Rose is still a Republican.
Greg wrote, "...but if I know a good candidate and want to support them I will.".
Eel River Ernie? Is that you?
I am very well aware that Rose is a republican and I agree that intelligent and reasonable voices are needed from both sides of the isles.
Thank you, for inviting us to the FCC meetings. Would I be welcome if I were to address that Fortuna City Hall does not recognize Martin Luther Kings Birthday as a National Holiday? That is probably the biggest thorn in my paw at this time. I was around when the city changed their charter.
I was formerly a resident of Fortuna and gave public input prior to the building of the community center on Riverwalk Drive. My comments were regarding insuring that the building was built with good acoustics and it was! The FCC had listened to me.
Thanks, we are still here in the community.
Oh more thing....for those of you that continue to perpetrate the lie that the "Bush" tax cuts were only for the super rich, I would like to point out that the Bush tax cuts were not targeted to "the wealthiest few." Everyone who paid federal income taxes received a tax cut, with the largest percentage of reductions going to those at the bottom. Last year, a family of four making $40,000 saved an average of $2,053 because of the Bush tax cuts. The tax code became more progressive as the share paid by the top 10% increased to 46.4% from 46% -- and the nation experienced 52 straight months of job growth after the cuts took effect. These are the facts....not the lies and propoganda put out by the "progressive" elites in power. How sad that our political discourse is so littered with falsehoods and so light on facts.
I just thought that I would throw out a quote from the Treasury Secretary of FDR. It sums up what we will get from the Obama plan.
"We are spending more money than we have ever spent before and it does not work......we have just as much unemployment as when we started and an enormous debt to boot."
-- Henry Morgenthau, Jr., FDR Treasury Secretary, May 1939
Anon 6:40, Rose isn't alone. Greg and Carol are also Republicans, in their thinking.
It's just better for their business in Humboldt, meet and greet with the Dems. Of course Carol is also self absorbed, smug and pretentious, but that's not a result of being a conservative.
Hey, Carol is smart and pretty, not smug and pretentious.
Republican in our thinking? No. But some of the nastiest voices in local politics come from the far left. I guess I'm an extreme moderate, but I feel like a radical lib compared to a lot of people.
Good for business? We try to keep the two apart when possible.
Actually, Carol is a very nice person. She shows the sheepish attitude because the HCDCC nuts and her abusive husband have brow beat her into a compliant comrade.
Not me as stated earlier. Like Rose said I post with my name. I do have some bitterness to state party politics albeit my is the CA GOP. With that said I enjoyed introducing our Republican of the Year Joy Finley down at the River Lodge last week. I particularly enjoyed seeing Johanna and Margaret Campbell. They had a tough year and are awesome ladies.
In addition I enjoyed having coffee with Bob Ornelas, Mike Wilson, Richard Salzman, and the 8:05 club in Arcata yesterday morning. I did remind Richard he is two degrees from Chavez.
Mike Harvey
You have a stronger stomach than I do Mike.
Underneath Carol's polite exterior is a highly intelligent, usually right-on, fiery dedication to truth and rights. Sheepish? Not.
As for me, "abusive"? I don't hear too well anymore, especially in crowds, and I do have a loud voice, especially in crowds. If I have mis-underheard anyone or hurt their ears with my loud voice, I apologize.
Our troll sounds familiar. Politics seems to breed sore losers. Have a nice weekend.
6:54,now that we are off the HCDCC, comments such as your are libelous. Calling my husband and my best friend, "abusive", will never be tolerated by me, my friends, and family. You need to get help NOW!!!
Hi Mike -
Thank you for commenting. The 8:05 club sounds very interesting.
The best email that I received after I sent an email to friends announcing that Greg and I were leaving the HCDCC for good was from the previous secretary, Elaine Gray. It was short and sweet, "Congratulations", she wrote.
It is a great relief.
6:54 is like having dog shit on your shoe.
Let's play Who's the Troll?!
My stomach???...I want to loose weight. This is my solution! LOL
Just cannot get in a "down and dirty personal level". The two times I have been there in the last three months, they have treated me with respect and I have done the same although we occasionally get a light political jab in once in a while.
Sometimes it is good to hear directly what the local socialists(LOL)think.
Mike Harvey
I hate it when my blog is "trolled."
I don't like to monitor these posts. I try to have a low maintenance blog.
Oh, come on - a disagreement - or a dissenting voice does not a troll make.
It's no secret that there has been trouble in the HCDCC. Hasn't there been since time immemorial?
It goes with the territory - but the best thing to do is daylight it. Don't speak in generalities and hints. Say what it is.
My opinion is that the HCDCC has lost its way, deciding to play kingmaker rather than act as support for any and all DEMOCRATS who run for office - they should be offering help, advice and support to all, NOT choosing as a PAC would. When it becomes a social PAC that only rewards those who bring cookies to the bake sale it ceases to become service, and becomes pay for play.
How disappointing.
Here I was ready to read about Carol testing positive for Steroids, or other performance enhancing drugs on the Committee's Banned Substance List. This, resigning her post.
Instead we get thread that is so unoriginal, and pretty much sums up just how petty some readers can be.
Here's to Greg and Carol, and may they never be a boil on my butt.
You miss the point old boy. We all like Gracie,I mean Carol. It's the festering boil we admonish.
Pop! I squeezed your boil, 2:43. Now go away.
To quote fellow blogger, humboldtherald, who wrote the following on our blog, "Political infighting is more destructive to the potential of a group than any mud the other side can throw. But putting your head down keeping quiet doesn't solve the problem. It just enables bad behavior."
It feels really good to have given up the HCDCC.
While it's true that the world is run by those who show up, and Carol and Greg showed up a lot, charity begins at home and you earned your **you** time.
Enjoy !!
"...he world is run by those who show up."
Mr. Crawford knows this, because he shows up.
Good luck to Greg and Carol.
They'll be on some committee or other soon enough.
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