I was travelling through Eureka between meetings last week and stopped by KFC on Broadway for a quick bite to eat. I went to the back off by myself. I noticed someone walking over to me and sitting down. "Hey can I have a couple of pieces of chicken?" I looked over at the guy, who was stoned, dirty and obviously homeless. I told him there was chicken up front and asked why he was approaching me. "I can't go up there unless I have a ticket." I then told him, with no patience, to go up and talk to someone up front. So he did.
There was crowd of people in KFC who just listened and observed the commotion going on up front. I got up and went to the front and offered to pay for guys meal. The manager would not let him eat there, so I bought him a couple of thighs and told the cashier to give the guy the change for the $10 I put up. Why didn't I just do that in the first place instead of browbeating the guy first? Made me evaluate myself that day, and I did not like what I saw. Usually I am an easy touch and give my change pretty freely. I figure if God has blessed me this abundantly, I should pass it on to less fortunate than myself. But lately I have been falling short of my own expectations. I hope I can stop this flaw and have more mercy on my fellow man.
I’ve lost track of Trump’s court losses, but this is a big one
District Court Judge just ruled that DOGE is subject to the FOIA. “U.S.
District Judge Christopher Cooper said the DOGE office has so much power
and “unusu...
3 hours ago
Well done! Now do it more. We are
very blessed.
Rich, I too will give change easy. But lately, more often then not I will give food items or buy a meal. But there does come a point it becomes intrusive. Like while you are eating a meal or up here while you are walking out of the door of safeway. On the MAX, Portlands lights rail. I have had persons demand I giive them my lunch or money because it is obvious I can afford to get more when I get to work.I had a box of granola bars oone time I had picked up at costco to keep in my office and figgured, what the hell I will go get more, so I gave them to the guy. Later at work someone tells me there is some guy selling granola bars on the MAX for 50cents each. makes me think I just help buy his dime bag for the day
Give a man a fish and he eats for a day.... teach a man to fish and he eats for a lifetime.
Which part of this statement enslaves and which part makes them free?
It's funny how helping someone out can be so complicated. When I suggest giving a couple bucks to the homeless people on the corners, my wife says "Don't encourage them, give money to organizations that work with the needy, like Betty Chinn.". So I guess it goes to show there are many ways to help.Big kudos to you Richard for getting the guy some food, it's a wonderful gesture.
Richard, while I applaud you for buying him a meal, what do you think he did with the change? I will give food or clothes to the less fortunate, but not money, because it usually goes towards drugs or alcohol.
8:36-Rambo: You live in a whole different world up there in Portland. I was pan handled the first time I stopped there within seconds. Down town Portland is crazy that way.
10:16am-If I gave that speech to him, do you really think it would have made a difference? Or if I took him down to the pier and taught him to catch Perch that he would have done that? Great quote. But does it apply here? I am speaking real life reference, not an allegory.
Lodgepole: I agree that donating to Betty Chin is a better way to donate, but you still have these off the cuff circumstances. You are right, there are many ways to contribute to your fellow man.
1:05pm-I sure hope he went to a fellow homeless person and went back and bought them a few thighs! Maybe he put the six dollars and change in his pocket for the next day. He did not ask for the money, I just told the cashier to give it to him. That is a good gesture on your part to give food and clothes.
God will reward each and everyone of us according to our actions.
I share your impatience for those begging for money, Richard, because way too often it's not going for food. However, I try to bend over backward for food.
And here's where to donate to Betty Chinn's terrific effort to feed the local homeless:
You are right Richard. People like the one you encountered in KFC do not want to learn how to fish, they don't have to. They know that someone will give them what they ask for, just to make them feel better about themselves. No demand for personal responsibility. Maybe if instead of creating this "hand it to me" class of people we actually said something like, we will give you food, but you have to clean litter from the streets for it, would actually be better for that man than just giving, to make ourselves feel less guilty.
10:16 AM
You are right about PDX Rich, the pan handling here is almost like a job to some. I rarely have spare change to give when asked for money, I use plastic 99% of the time. But, when asked for food or told they are hungery I will always buy a meal for them.
phil 4:13 I can do all things through Christ, who strengthens me.
If you dont want the script on your blog Rich, won't offend me if you delete that part
"...but not money, because it usually goes towards drugs or alcohol."
Apparently, drugs and alcohol should only be enjoyed by the affluent.
Ask Esquan and Carson about their buddy Rob Amermans war on the homeless. Oh and read my blog post!
Well ballboy,your money is your own and you should do what you damn well want with it. maybe karma will urge someone to help you with your COBRA payments.
Chris Crawford: Thanks for the Link for Betty. We all agree we need to help, but maybe at our own levels. I am encouraged that all out there are thinking about it!
Carson Park Ranger said...
"...but not money, because it usually goes towards drugs or alcohol."
Apparently, drugs and alcohol should only be enjoyed by the affluent.
8:43 PM
Is that what the chronically homeless people do with the money they get? Enjoy alcohol and drugs?
I thought they used the money to further their descent into madness and death by the abuse of drugs and alcohol.
Carson once again show the flaw in his thinking! The flaw being that everyone is equal. People are not equal and never will be ? The problem with many homeless is that their spirit has been broken and they lack the character to take responsibility for their lives. Thus, we as society need to teach them character. Hell, we need to start teaching character in the schools, workplace, and especially the government.
Anonymous, I'm not sure character can be taught to adults--learned? YES! Taught? only by example.
Richard, I read this yesterday and your decision to feed or not feed the man is one we all face in our different ways but I was most moved by your "why didn't I just do that in the first place instead of browbeating the guy first? Made me evaluate myself that day, and I did not like what I saw."
People who ask those sort of questions of themselves impress me.
Nick said"Ask Esquan and Carson about their buddy Rob Amermans war on the homeless."
I don't communicate with either of them,so what would asking me accomplish?
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