Lots of great arguments and respectful dialogue and when the dust settled, the Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee endorses Props 1A, 1B, 1C and 1F. We took no position on 1D and 1E even though they were supported by majority, but not the 2/3 needed.
Just a note, it has been determined that Eureka Mayor Virginia Bass actually lives in the 4th Supervisor District and not in the 1st. She is eligible to run against Bonnie Neely in 2010. This race could have a large field.
I’ve lost track of Trump’s court losses, but this is a big one
District Court Judge just ruled that DOGE is subject to the FOIA. “U.S.
District Judge Christopher Cooper said the DOGE office has so much power
and “unusu...
3 hours ago
Very interesting. I wonder if there've been any First District or Fourth District races close enough where this error made the difference.
I will be voting no on all but F but I understand the thinking behind voting yes. I just don't think any of this is any more than a stopgap set of measures at best. None of them do a thing to fix the revenue/spending ratio.
Rank and file Democrats are even more split than party activists and insiders. It's foolish to endorse these measures, especially since most of them probably won't pass.
For the sake of party unity and public perception, it would be best if the party was neutral on everything. We really shouldn't be in the business of alienating Democratic voters.
"We really shouldn't be in the business of alienating Democratic voters."
I wish that the Democrats in the Congress and the White House could think like that.
Run Virginia Run. A totally new approach to county government, consensus building and moderation. What will we do without the back room manipulations.
Richard, we need to convince Virginia to switch to Dem. She really is more alligned with the mainstream anyway. It would be a great move for both her and the party.
Just a note. The HCDCC had great conversation at the meeting that was cordial and respectful. Say what you will, but the HCDCC is doing a good job at what they do.
Agree with you about HCDCC ballboy/what they do is BS and they are great at it.
Talk about BS (Bob Simpson)
Did Virginia Bass have a public opinion on the 30% pay increase that Bonnie gave herself during this term? Would she have voted for the massive raise too?
Richard, How do you see a large field for the 4th district race? I see two maybe three.
Bonnie, Myself, Virginia and Jeff. That would the biggest field in 20 years. This may drastically change in the next few weeks.
In that field of four, Virginia would be the only Republican. You get my drift, Richard? Check it out.
You know you aren't going to run for Supervisor anyway, Richard.
Jeff seems like a nice enough guy but would be so totally out of his league in a race with Bonnie and Virginia. He would have no chance whatsoever and could end up a spoiler. He is smart enough to see this and is unlikely to run. He could focus his efforts on a winnable race if he wants to win at something. Richard, unfortunately you are in kind of a similar situation. Good guy, reasonable positions, you would probably do a pretty good job and would at least listen to people, but do you really think you could win?
What are the other "drastic" changes you see happening?
Correction for Anonymous 9:46 - Bonnie Neely is a Republican.
You are of course correct 4:40.
Interestingly, Virginia never votes a republican line, pretty consistantly like a moderate Democrat. Kind of pragmatic and centrist.
Just as interesting, Bonnie never votes like a republican either, she goes whichever way gives her the biggest political advantage. Kind of conniving and sneaky.
Me thinks Virgina's campaign is already working the blogs.
"Me thinks Virgina's campaign is already working the blogs." Campaign, hardly, there isn't one....yet. Hopefully there will be. Supporters, yup, the're working, thousands of them...
4:40 p.m, 9:46 a.m. here.
...here's a correction for you: "was"
Look, no matter how likable V.B. is she is totally wrong for the job! Watch a city council meeting and you will see what I mean. She is sweet but inarticulate and she is not the meeting leader that the mayor should be. She lets council members insult the staff and run the show every meeting. She had the opportunity to appoint better representatives for many committees and stuck with the status quo so as not to have to make the hard call.
She IS pretty and sweet and nice to everybody but not the ball breaker we need to represent the city's interests on the B.O.S.
Where is the consensus building beyond getting Polly a seat? If sweetness is "moderation" then...yeah, I can see it.
Four extremely lame choices.
Just watch, Virginia's campaign manager from Shelter Cove will be trolling the blogs for her soon enough.
7:45am-Is there anybody out in the 4th District you would like to see run?
I understand Bonnie just switched and became a Democrat. How does that shape the race, Richard?
8:10am-If she does that, I am out. Jeff, Virginia and Bonnie. I would predict Bonnie in a runaway.
If it's a run off between Virginia Bass and Bonnie Neely, you're right, it's a runaway -- except that Virignia would win BIG.
Once Bonnie does her own polling she will realize that she is in a huge hole.
With Bonnie it's all about politics. Why do you think she voted herself a 30% pay raise over the past three years in the middle of the worst economic downturn since the great depression.
With Virginia it's all about people.
A three way democratic race. A no lose for the HCDCC. Richard, You are way wrong about Bonnie though. The raise, the economy and having done nothing for 24 years will drive Virginia to a landslide.
Are you high???
Virginia a landslide???
Seriously deluded.
Former Eureka mayor Nancy Flemming ran against Bonnie last race and despite being articulate, well versed on the issues, experienced and well funded she lost. Virginia may be well funded, that remains to be seen, but she is, um, um, um, not very articulate, not well versed on the issues and while sitting in council chambers for several years in a couple different seats,has accomplished little that is note worthy other than missed opportunities to make positive changes.
Oh, wait, she is now a Democrat, that should make all the difference.
Sorry Bonnie, your the one whose high, from snorting off the supes desk no less. 24 years and nothing to show for it except being one of the highest paid supervisors in the world and a bonus simply for existing. Her day has come and gone, it's over. Go Richard, Go Jeff, Go Virginia, one of you will win, course this time my dog could beat Bonnie, course my dog is in better shape.
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