No left turns on Third street off of Highway 255! I fully support this move. I have witnessed and participated in way too many close calls!
Leave Richardson's grove as it is and extend the exemption to the few cattle trucks. Been doing this for years. What else would we need the longer trucks for? What product? The weight limit on the trucks is always going to be 80,000lbs. Larger trucks without larger weight capacities are not needed.
This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
What else would we need the longer trucks for?
Wal-Mart. Home Depot. Arkleyville.
the link to the article doesnt me crazy, but where does the 299 intersect 3rd St? did you mean hwy 255?
Sorry! I am human. With the flu and less of a clue!
Heraldo: These people: (Wal Mart/Home Depot/K Mart/Target/Starbucks/Arkleyville) do not need another 3 feet to bring their product here. They are limited by the 80,000 lb limit! They do not need the longer trucks! So stop the mis-information!
Well I dont think they are going to go out and buy new and longer trailers. To go up up US 101. Its probably more that they want to stretch there axles. I think you can only have 30 ft kingpin to axle length now. And probably have to have permits for the chip and cattle trucks now.
But i have seen alot of outlaws running 48s and 53s my last few trips up there.
And Does Walmart have any DCs in Califorina?
that corner store Costco seems to get product just fine and it is the largest volume store in the county and will still outsell everyone when home depot opens. Red Bluff has a DC but I here it is moving to Nevada , Oregon (workmans Comp) the longer trailers are especially important for California Redwood to get wood farther south
7:01 wrote, "Wal-Mart. Home Depot. Arkleyville.".
Piersons. Sears. Rite Aid. Longs. Target. Murphys. Winco....
The longer trucks are primarily needed for cattle transportation I believe.
Livestock trucks dont follow the normal DOT rules and regulations.
Livestock and Chip trucks have run the same way for decades. And was never a thought for rail or barge service.
STAA rated trucks are standard sized in the trucking industry, and this size truck is barred from passing the Richardson Grove because of the turns.
We pay more for goods and sending stuff out of the area up here because smaller trucks are less available, shippers have to off-and-reload onto smaller trucks to get past Richardson Grove, and fewer of the smaller trucks are even being manufactured any more.
The bigger trucks are more modern and therefore more fuel efficient and discharge less emissions.
The proposed Richardson Grove fix is not invasive, is much needed for many good reasons and has little, if anything, to do with Arkley, Home Depot, big box or **fill-in-your-conspiracy-here.**
Oh Mr. Crawford, anything for the sake of more business. Go back to SoCal.
Since they stopped making COE trucks (that's Cab over Engine for you people) there is no way to get the longer, and more used trailers into the area. '53 foot long trailers are more than welcome into Humboldt County, you see them all the time, Full sized tractors are also allowed, but in order to have them both come into Humboldt County, it isn't allwoed, you'll have to use a day-cab tractor with a '53 foot trailer, or a smaller, more pricey trailer with a tractor with a sleeper.
Chris is also correct about the engines in the newer trucks, they are alot cleaner than the old engines in the COE units. Wanna guess how many PPM a 12v71 Detroit puts out at full song?
This whole subject is full of people who don't understand the first thing about how they get food and other items on their shelves.
Also this isn't going to change the bridge law, which is 40 foot here in California, the tightest bridge law in the nation, but you people don't seem about to figure out how a bridge law is different than a total length.
Califorina law is no combination over 75ft.
A 53ft trailers can be ran in Califorina so as long as it has a 40 ft king pin to axle length also know as KPRA (kingpin to rear axle)
The length of the power unit has nothing to do with the law.
And as far as the COE power units most drivers wont drive them. And they would only help with overall length. Not KPRA
Most won't drive them, also they aren't being made anymore FYI. STAA isn't about bridge law, STAA is about total length. Samoasoftball though/thinks that the cattletruck's '43 KPRA was the same as a STAA truck (only three feet longer comment) not understanding it is different. The rule you are quoting is for doubles, not a single tractor/trailer combo, which is limited to 65 feet.
Which is way you see the shorter, but bigger of a bitch to turn spread-axle trailers, which is another way to get around the 40 foot bridge law.
Freightliner Argosy in for the long haul
May 17, 2006
Despite speculation, the Freightliner Argosy will continue to be sold in Australia for many years to come say DaimlerChrysler.
The truck was recently removed from sales in North America, but will continue to be produced at Freightliner’s North Carolina plant for Australia, New Zealand and South Africa.
The Argosy is unique among US-built trucks as the majority was built for right-hand drive markets including Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, where cab-over-engine trucks are favoured over bonneted trucks for some configurations.
The Freightliner Argosy is a favourite in Australia say DaimlerChrysler — with 516 sold in 2005. Argosy is also one of the top selling B-Double prime movers.
"Argosy will remain the flagship model of the Freightliner brand in Australia," says Ken Matthews, head of Commercial Vehicles for DaimlerChrysler in Australia.
"There has been some speculation about the future of the truck, given the US decision, but because the majority of production heads our way, Argosy has a secure future," he says.
The Freightliner Argosy truck range is well suited to Australian conditions, having undergone an extensive program designed to "Australianise" the truck for local conditions.
The latest cabover Argosy sets high standards for driver comfort, ease of access, driver satisfaction and reliability.
Matthews says that the Argosy will continue to be developed to meet diesel engine emissions standards coming into force in 2008 (ADR 80-01) and 2010 (ADR 80-02).
"The focus for Argosy will now clearly be on export to countries such as Australia, which gives us greater ability to influence development of the truck for Australian conditions.
"In fact, the Argosy will continue to be a major player in the cabover market in Australia, as the most modern American cabover available," says Matthews.
Last year Freightliner delivered 516 Argosy trucks in Australia, up 10 percent from the previous year (468 units). The Argosy accounted for 56 percent of total Freightliner sales last year (922 units).
In the last six years, around 2,000 Argosy trucks have been delivered to Australian customers.
We are, currently, living on borrowed time to have '53 foot trailers, with tractors with sleeper units, come into Humboldt County. In computer terms, we need to upgrade, or be left without an upgrade path.
Your wrong on this one bud. The longer trucks are actually far more effecient means of trasportation and will reduce the number of trucks on the highway. It will also save the few manufactures we have left lots of money including the cattlemen and wood product industries. Keep in mind much of todays packaging is designed to fit a nationwide shipping industry. I promise you these trucks will be packed to the gills as diesel prices increase.
Lets see - No redwood trees cut and reduced speed zone thru the grove area = less trucks, less emissions, less noise through the parks, less transportation costs to local and national retailers and manufactures (including Evergreen), cattlemen happy!, reduction of green house gases, etc. etc.
Why on earth wouldn't anyone support this. Heraldo, once again can't see the forest because she is in the trees!
12:59pm-More variables than I obviously brought forth. More debate for the future. I learned from this thread.
Just a point, I learn more from others on my blog than I actually give I am sure.
Some pictures for you.
anon.r.mous-Great posts!
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