I was at the HCDCC headquarters a little while ago to get my assignment for the Clinton bonanza. The phone was ringing off the hook. Looks like the venue will be at Redwood Acres between 4-5pm if the Secret Service gives it their blessing. If not, then maybe the Wharfinger Building. Chair Milt Boyd was buried in media that people had never heard of. Lots of excitement and phone calls going out to get a good crowd. The Clinton people want at least 400. I expect over 1,000. Not every day an ex-president comes to Humboldt County.
Update: The Redwood Acres venue will only hold around 400, so you better get there early. Word going around is that 3,500 were turned away at Davis.
Rob Bonta files lawsuit against Southern California real estate agent for
price gouging Eaton Fire victims
California Attorney General Rob Bonta has filed charges. In addition, 500
price gouging warning letters have been sent to hotels and landlords. If
you wa...
2 hours ago
So true, Richard. BTW, for those either uninterested in the crowds or unable to get off work, both 104.7/104.3 KHUM and 94.1 KSLG will be running live coverage of Clinton's appearance.
Can't pick up a radio signal? www.kslg.com and www.khum.com should take care of you, via the live radio stream.
While details are still sort of up in the air, tune into the stations throughout the day and we'll have updates as we get them, with not only a more specific time, but also the definite location.
I'm pretty excited that a major Democratic political figure is coming to Humboldt. I'll certainly be there. However, I'm a little concerned that HCDCC is doing this much to promote what I understand to be a Clinton campaign event. Remember, we don't endorse in the primaries. And if we did, Hillary would be my last choice.
I just realized my work schedule will conflict with his most updated time to speak.
Anyway, being as my job will not allow me to just toss my people aside for a chance to go see a President, I must work.
Just another day in my hectic work week. However, today I had a client pass his Inspection from the Housing Authority. I have spent the last two months negotiating with his landlord to fix the deficiencies. I ended up doing the painting. He will start getting his voucher next month, which means a reduction in the amount of rent he pays. So, I feel better that I will be working, doing something positive, while Bill Clinton talks to the people.
why would bill clinton come to humboldt county to campaign for hillary? is there any doubt that humboldt county will not vote democratic in 2008? for that matter, is there any doubt that the democrats will win california in 2008?
talk about a waste of campaign funds...
or maybe bill is coming here to pick up some local product...ill bet bill's bags leave the county ten pounds heavier and ALOT skunkier!!
I sure as hell you dedicate nut jobs get out the vote for old Hill. She's the only way the democrat party will not win. Blue dresses for all you humboldt honnies. Who knows Bill might just leave a little DNA.
(HOPE) was the missing word.
My wife is very excited, she just picked up a box of cigars!
theotherme-It seems a waste. He never inhaled the stuff. If he did our Humboldt stuff.........he would probably still be going to Humboldt and majoring in...uh...uh..what were we talking about? I got to go. I am hungry.
Keep the Sand Dwellers away. That way it looks like the people of this county have a full set of teeth, know proper English, are color coordinated and have catalytic converters on their mobility devices.
We have to look good for this man!
Bill's going to think he entered the twilight zone...
Clinton is coming!Clinton is coming!
Oh, sorry he's just breathing hard.
so.....why is he coming HERE? the democrats have the state and the county wrapped up already...
He is scheduled to be in Napa doing a town hall at 3:00 pm, and before that, it's a a lunch with rich donors. Thats a pretty tight schedule.
Anyone wonders why Bill & Hillary’s team (whom I support right after Edwards) is ‘doing’ Humboldt County. Gosh a 120K little nowhere area that NO other candidate is visiting and no pres. has ever visited, other then to dedicate a state park in their own honor. Now lets see – any where one goes in the world, and says they are from California, not much happens. I’m from Hollywood (some 30+ years ago) and I know if I used to say “I’m from Hollywood” back when I was ANYWHERE in the world, people would go “do you know any movie stars?” – silly but its what everyone would ask as I traveled around back then. If I said “California” I’d not get much of a reaction …
For the last 30 years when I travel and I say I’m from Humboldt – I get a totally different reaction …
That said ...
Sen. Clinton has publicly promised to end the federal raids on state medical marijuana patients and their caregivers. Sen. Clinton also voted against an amendment in the U.S. Senate that was intended to undermine state medical marijuana laws.
While meeting with members of the audience at a July 13 campaign rally held at Victory Park in Manchester, a GSMM volunteer told Sen. Clinton, "Twelve states allow medical marijuana but the Bush administration continues to raids patients," to which she responded, "Yes, I know, it's terrible." When the volunteer asked, "Would you stop the federal raids?" Sen. Clinton responded, "Yes, I will."
During a major policy address in Manchester, New Hampshire, on May 29, 2007, Sen. Clinton was asked if she would continue President Bush's policy of arresting sick and dying medical marijuana patients and their caregivers. Sen. Clinton responded: "Well, I will certainly look into it, I certainly will. There are a number of [medical marijuana] states, right?" When GSMM staff explained to her that 12 states currently have laws that protect medical marijuana patients and their caregivers, she responded, "I think that's excessive, I agree."
... Republicans are the problem -
So PLEASE PLAY NICE PEOPLE, LETS win this one! Thank you!
Whether you like Clinton or not it is exciting he is coming to Eureka and the HCDCC should do everything possible to support him here. Likewise if a big supporter of Obama and Edwards come the same should be done.
If it were Bush 1 or anyone else supporting a Republican candidate the troops should rally to support.
Frankly, I would like to go and hear him but I have meetings, basketball practice, (Rich: we are 4-0 now just defeated Zane) and a Cub scout Pack meeting tonight in Arcata.
With all that said...GO MITT!
Mike Harvey
I watched a little of the democratic presidential debate on TV last night. Just enough to notice that Hillary never actually answers any of the questions posed to her. She sidesteps the question, and then goes on a rehearsed speech about things that don't have anything to do with the question that was asked. Basically, everytime she speaks she blows smoke out her ass. Just another slimy lying politician controlled by special interests.
Bill's in Oakland right now. 11,000 showed up in Davis last night. it will be a minor miracle if he gets out of two stops in the bay area in time to show up in Humboldt.
We'll wait patiently.
Regardless of how you feel, it will be of great interest. I am supporting Edwards but I will be there to see Bill. (May see some intern groupies too!)
how could one of Humboldts power couples and political leaders not show up
Unfortunately the whole thing was quite the charlie foxtrot. Oh well...
Although a complete cluster f--k,worthy of a typical HCDCC event,this one owes most of the mess to the Clinton team. God forbid her being elected as this will be buisness as usual.Screw the little people. We only need them to vote. This could have been good instead of simply piss-poor.
Why when there are at least a DOZEN other venues in the Eureka area actually able to accommodate most if not all of the crowd, was that rinky dink building chosen??? It isn't even the biggest building at redwood acres.
Blogger mresquan said...
"why would bill clinton come to humboldt county to campaign for hillary? is there any doubt that humboldt county will not vote democratic in 2008? for that matter, is there any doubt that the democrats will win california in 2008?"
Take a gander over to Heraldo's blog.Neocons stick together.
Please check my new post on this subject.
"Whether you like Clinton or not it is exciting he is coming to Eureka and the HCDCC should do everything possible to support him here. Likewise if a big supporter of Obama and Edwards come the same should be done."
Mike- I think you're more of a party-oriented guy than I am. I was certainly excited that he was coming and I did go to see him, but seeing a bunch of HCDCC people walking around wearing "Hillary volunteer" tags kind of made me want to gag.
Would you volunteer for the Ron Paul campaign if he came here? I'm guessing that many local Republicans would scoff at the idea, because his views and values are so different from modern mainstream conservative views and values.
That's how I feel about the Clintons. I come from a family of populists. That matters more to us than partisanship or even the Right/Left split. My grandparents left the Republican party to support Perot. My mother has flip-flopped between the Democratic Party and the Green Party.
I'm a Democrat because it's the party I best fit in, but I can't, in good conscience, follow the party line in all situations. The Clintons are elitists that sold our country out to undemocratic international financial institutions.
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