I watched the CNN YouTube Republican debate last night. What a disorganized fiasco. There was no flow and questions were thrown around with no rhyme or reason. No questions on health care? But they talk about the Yankees and Red Sox? Give me a break. And Hillary obviously has already won the Democratic nomination, because her name was invoked constantly. Baptist minister Huckabee did decent job and may have won some support. Mitt was very polished. He believes in the Holy Bible he said. Didn't the Mormon leader Joseph Smith have a revelation to add the Book of Mormon to the incomplete scripture? (After he convinced his wife Emma that God said he could have multiple wives? I tried pulling this one on Robin and she didn't bite. Then she she retracted her opinion if I could find one that cooks and cleans! Joking!) Rudy is playing the moderate. Enough New York mayor rhetoric already. McCain is turning into a whinny old coot. Fred Thompson didn't have to go pee in the middle of this debate. Yeah. Who is Duncan Hunter? Tom Tancredo the same thing. Still don't know them after this Rudy and Mittathon.
If I was a Republican, I would definitely be voting for Ron Paul. The only person to not waffle and stay with his convictions. He said he would not entertain an independent run. Kucinich has already brought up the possibility. Kucinich/Ron Paul
I felt violated watching this crap and listening to Robin yell at the TV. (Her commentary was worth the listen. I should have recorded her. Mitt is the champion waffle man.) Anyone else waste their time and energy on this debate?
4-21 in the District Courts. 0-1 in the Circuit Courts.
Just keeping tabs and wondering how many Trump executive order cases SCOTUS
will hear and reverse. The latest – where there were written contracts as
2 hours ago
Duncan Hunter is a San Diego Republican Representative. Best Friends with Randy "Duke" Cunningham, he's a pro-war Christian, and his big issue is "illegal aliens."
Hunter is pretty bad, but they're all so bad that he's probably my second favorite Republican, after Ron Paul of course. This is why. Other than that he's terrible.
Shane: Wow! Great post. Sobering. Check his out. Hunter has some good points.
Don't miss his "core principles." He's almost as divorced from reality as George W. Bush.
Hunter is/was the Navy's man in San Diego. Forget the debate- did anyone see Olberman last night? The Village Voice caught Giuliani good: his security firm has a huge contract in Qatar with Bin Laden asociates. I can't believe it didn't make the papers today. He should be toast soon. Good riddance.
only one worse-- clinton
12:49, that doesn't fly anymore.
Clinton is pretty bad, but not as bad as most of the Republicans. This is how I'm feeling about the candidates right now (ranked from best potential prez to worst).
1. Dennis Kucinich
2. John Edwards
3. Bill Richardson
4. Barack Obama
5. Mike Gravel
6. Chris Dodd
7. Ron Paul
8. Joe Biden
9. Hillary Clinton
10. Duncan Hunter
I guess maybe John McCain would be my 11th pick, but at this point they pretty much stop having redeeming qualities...
I think Clinton might well be the worst candidate of all.
I'm giving money to Edwards but I'll settle for Clinton.
It flies 24/7
CPR this is a person who sat on the board of directors for Walmart during a time when their profits began to shoot through the roof due to...well, I don't need to detail every unfortunate activity that has made the Walton clan and cohorts so wealthy.
So the fact that Hillary bullshits about universal health care,workers rights,or our reputation in other countries,the last thing she wants people to know is that she spent some time receiving checks from one of the most corrupt and exploitive corporations in U.S.history.
Like I need to be convinced that she's awful?
Please read more carefully. I didn't say that I support her.
My top five:
1. Edwards
2. Obama
3. Kucinich
4. Dodd
5. Richardson
Ron Paul?
Ron Paul wants to roll spending back to 2000 levels. Who do you think he will hurt doing that? He is opposed to government, basically, and anti-choice. I would rank both Biden and Clinton above Ron Paul.
I am for Edwards in the primary and will be for the Democratic nominee, even if it is Hillary or Kucinich. Robin Marks for President!
The real thing to watch in Iowa is the collapse of Mitt the Mormon. President Huckabee? I don't think so. Huckabee may end up being the Republican nominee, however. Just further proof, if you required any, that the so-called political experts from inside the Beltway are almost as out-of-touch as the incumbent Beltway politicians.
LOL. I love how Ron Paul's supporters - all of whom are White, as far as I can tell - totally overlook Ron Paul's virulent racism. How do you think he was elected to the Congress from the state of Texas?
8:13am could you please further explain your comment.I'd like to see some evidence to support it,as I know of some unwhite folks who indeed are Ron Paul supporters.
Find the archive online of Stephanie Miller's interview with Ron Paul. Even Stephanie was shocked at how racist Ron Paul is.
Racists should fit in plenty well here in Humboldt County, the same place where the local Democrat Central Committee intimidated a Latina woman out of running for Eureka City Council because she wasn't handpicked by these creeps.
Mrsequan, I'm confused. If you and Hillary were both on the board of Walmart, doesn't that mean that BOTH of you were "receiving checks from one of the most corrupt and exploitative etc etc" ???
"Racists should fit in plenty well here in Humboldt County, the same place where the local Democrat Central Committee intimidated a Latina woman out of running for Eureka City Council because she wasn't handpicked by these creeps."
When was this and who are you talking about? I don't remember anything like this coming before the committee. Please explain.
Her name was Maria Hershey, and she even took her story to the local papers, who naturally wouldn't cover it. She was set to run for 1st Ward and Pat Riggs called her at home making various vaguely threatening statements.
7:45pm-Are you sure Pat Riggs did that? I know he has not wanted me to run for office in the past but he never told me not to run or discouraged me. He just let me know I would be in a battle, and he supported my opponent. He did not threat. I respect him for that. I did not agree and whinned about it, but I no longer question Patrick's leadership ability. He is a good man to have in your corner.
Of course the silence from Shane "Commie sell-out" Brinton is deafening in this case, since he not only fails to object to Dem Central Committee bully tactics, he agrees with them and makes use of them himself...and if Richard wants to find out the truth, just talk to Maria or Xandy, that is if his Dem CentCom weasel buddies won't expel him for that crime!
I don't feel like I know enough about this case to contribute anything other than deafening silence. Sorry to disappoint.
That's the attitude, Shane. Keep your little mouth shut until your damaged brain comes up with something useful. It may be awhile, little one.
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