This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
First comment on the Times- Standard web site claims the poll was a push- poll. Something I would of suspected.
Salzman,Lovelace,Cobb , etc. you never see them mentioned helping with our local nonprofits unless they control it. and I cant find anything that shows any involvement in our community till the last 6 years, the effort they go thruogh amazes me attacking good people and discouraging others from running is disgraceful and scary for a lot of citizens.
Yea your right. All those "new commers" should not be allowed to vote either.
Perfect example why you are not a Supervisor right now, Richard. Your politic analysis is so off the map. If Roger is knocked off, it will have nothing to do with LS and their involvement. Anyway, what ever happened to Steve Harris running?
Richard, time for you to move to Rio Hell and make a run at Rodoni's spot. Any sand dweller would fit right in in Rio Hell.
Local Solution has decided to stay out of that particular race for the most part,so I was told.Although I'd expect them to provide some assistance.
LS has stated they are offering their assistance in the Second District race. They are NOT staying out of the race. The question, is any SoHum candidate stupid enough to take them up on their offer? You would be handing Roger the winning edge.
Well. Clif Clendenen's organizing committee was headed up by Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, one of LS' wheels...
Well. Clif Clendenen's organizing committee was headed up by Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, one of LS' wheels...
I think it is going to be a tight race if Clendenen aligns himself with the right people and organizations. I know Roger is taking it very serious as he should.
wow, deja vu
I'm from Fortuna and was intersted in Clendendon. I will never vote for anyone aligned with LS, Kaitlin Sopoci-Belknap, Cobb, Salzman or anything close.
Sorry Cliff - you bring in those lunatics and you not only lose my vote, I will help they guy the other side. To me this choice in pulling these people into the campaign is a "judgment" thing.
Wheres Rex Bohn when you need him???????
probably doing an auction or out working at redwood fields
9:00am-You must have forgot that LS helped Bonnie Neely make sure I did not win. LS is good at what they do. Whether you agree with them or not.
So when are you moving to Rio Dell, Richard? I here PL has some rentals available down that way.
Is Local solutions going to Recall Larry Glass?
9:00 am, Harris got promoted and is probably not long for Humboldt county.
Clif and some personal friends and family will run his campaign with Local Solutions offering to help with some more menial tasks.
LS did not help Bonnie win. Big bucks and the wrong opponent won for her. As for you Richard, you had no money so therefore not a chance.
9:48-Point well taken. But she still had help from LS and would not have won without it.
Hey, Bonnie is awesome when she is on a campaign trail. Smart, witty, friendly and let me tell you from experience....relentless. She wanted that job enough to go the extra mile and work for it.
How would you like it if you were on a job for 20 years and some upstart says you are not performing well and you want to take their position.
Public office is a cruel job sometimes and you have to have fortitude. My Hat is off to Bonnie in that department.
Now on the subject of Falor........
What cross hairs? Look at who they endorsed in November and who got elected. If I were running, I wouldn't want their endorsement. Bad luck.
You vastly over-estimate LS. Bonnie would have won anyway because she secured votes from both parties. She is a well-liked republican who votes liberal. You can't compete with that.
Local Solutions is just a name, a faceless name with scant following. Here's a tip... phone banks don't work; people put them together out of hope they can convince previously-voting members of their party to show up at the polls. No research supports the effectiveness of phone banks. They run on pure hope.
Endorsements only work from well-liked authority figures (LS is not that). The only thing that might help is money for signs and advertisements, and those only secure votes from uninformed people who are at the ballot box to vote for a bigger race (president, governor, senator). Guess what... there are no big tickets on this ballot. Disinterested voters swayed by signs won't be voting this time around.
So what really matters? Media coverage and gossip. Period.
Can anyone tell me what Rodoni's career was prior to being a supe ? And was it legit?
Well its the day after the big event.Waiting for your report on the dinner last night. Please do so as soon your done pooping out the democrat of the year. (not worth capitalizing)
"Here's a tip... phone banks don't work"
Please list the "research" that you say supports this. It's not that I dont believe you, I am just skeptical, as it seems that I receive a boatload of calls from phonebanks during the election season.
Local Solutions is much more effective with organizing the door to door stuff,and the get out to vote drives.
9:31, learn to read. I said "No research supports the effectiveness of phone banks."
Don't ask me to prove a negative. I'm also not going to prove to you that God doesn't exist. It's up to you to provide the evidence that this costly enterprise does a lick of good.
619, it was YOUR quote i used. You should be prepared to back up your assertions when you make statements like that - it's not an unreasonable request.
7:11 AM that's a good question I know he ranches but I would like to know what he did previous to being supervisor also.
8:48 doesn't understand logic. You can't prove a negative. How do you propose I prove that no research exists that phone banks are effective? You accept on faith that phone banks work. Until you (or anyone) provides a single piece of evidence that such research exists, it will remain true (as "true" as anything can be in this universe) that no research exists. Sigh. Logic 101 is over. Class dismissed.
"How do you propose I prove that no research exists that phone banks are effective"
What I propose is that you back up your statement that
"Here's a tip... phone banks don't work;"
I didnt ask you to back up your OTHER statement, that NO research exists. I asked you to back up THIS statement.
So, back it up. Show me studies that show that phone banks are innefective. See, shouldnt be too terribly difficult. I am not asking you to show me that there is NO research showing that phone banks are effective.
I AM asking you to cite the studies that show phone banks are INEFFECTIVE.
You are right in one sense - class was dismissed, long ago. You flunked.
Gosh you must feel woefully inadequate. I ask a simple question based on a QUOTE of YOURS and you tell me "learn to read"
LOL, methinks you obviously need to learn to read what you type.
You attack a valid question(my question as originally posed):
"Here's a tip... phone banks don't work"
Second, my question (which references your above sentence, in my post, to not avoid any question)
"Please list the "research" that you say supports this. It's not that I dont believe you, I am just skeptical, as it seems that I receive a boatload of calls from phonebanks during the election season.
9:31 AM"
Still waiting for an apology.
"ouy" of my ass?
Recall Larry Glass? For what reason? If you dont like the residency laws, work to change them. Anything else is sour grapes.
Hey - its has nothing to do with disliking the residency laws. I just dislike whiners.
Rodoni is a loser.
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