This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
It's an orchestrated effort to disenfranchise the Sand Dwellers.
Same thing - and same thing previous years. It's ok this time since there were only three elections on the ballot, and I knew who I was going to vote for, but it really can mess you up when there are alot of ballot measures.
You're right they should fix that - there are alot of permanent absentees now.
Myself being one of those absentee types.
I got my sample ballot after my real ballot, as well. Like Rose said, no big deal as there's only two elections in my district this time around.
I took "fixing" the situation one step further: Seems to me, at least this time, the sample ballot wasn't anything but a copy of the mail- in ballot. Only two races with no candidate statements or additional information.
Why bother even sending out a sample ballot to absentee voters in such situations? No information is added to the mix. They could save some money by not sending out absentee ballots if no candidate statements are included (assuming there's no initiatives on the ballot).
All I had was a school board race, so I googled it up and read about the candidates on
I voted for Robin Marks because I heard she has a hungry mouth to feed.
Hmmm, let's not forget that there was a change in leadership at the elections office. A long-time guru received, well, if it were me, I'd consider it a demotion, and then he took a great job out-of-county. I enjoy setting people who are treated poorly getting fed up, quitting and then going onto great acclaim.
7:10, last time I checked SmartVoter it was mighty sparse on candidate information. It's a great idea, but requires candidates to get involved.
er, setting = seeing. I need more coffee.
7:10 lol
I'll mention the concerns here at our Election Advisory Committee meeting tonight.It is odd,both of mine came together.
I live in Cutten and got both ballots within a day of each other.
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