This is how other countries’ media are covering our situation
Our own media is becoming even more passive, allowing their AP colleagues
to be banned because they insist on referring to the Gulf of Mexico by its
name (...
1 hour ago
I'm so glad to see that Robin is running. I've seen her sings pop up in the last few days - good job. She and Dan Collen seem to have the most signs. Haven't seen any Gregory Young signs. Only saw one for Ross Miller.
Tried to send you a direct email but it keeps bouncing back as no such . . .
Are you still with aol??
I met Robin last night at the Democrat of the Year dinner and I thought she seem like a likable, smart and informed candidate. I wish her good luck.
Stay away LARRY, robin is honest and needs not be tainted by the likes of you.
Tainted by Larry?
Robin and I have a vested interest in the Works as customers. We have shopped the Works since 76'. And our children also.
Good service locally.
One service provided by the Works that is sometimes a hassle and not a great profit is the selling of tickets for events.
I bought tickets to see The Greg Kihn Band after I was listening to them at the Works.
Enough Old school Humboldt County stuff.
Never shopped there, Never will. Non Union sweat shop,no benefits , minimum wage,all thats wrong with Retail in Humboldt.Home Depot will be a better place to work. Lets go Marina Center!
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